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Here we go again. Time for another edition of the Grantville Gazette, our sixteenth volume. Who'd a thunk it, to quote Harry Lefferts.
This issue has another story of the Dreaded Velma, "Wedding Daze," by Virginia DeMarce. Don't know about you, but I kind of feel sorry for that new husband of Velma's. Boy, is he in for a surprise.
We've got trains; we've got lottery wins, we've got E. coli . . . er, well, not really the E. coli. We've got war, music, food and the population exploding all over the place . . . really, what more could you ask for It's all here, right now. Grantville Gazette, Volume 16 is now on sale!
Oh, wow!
You have to wonder just what Eric Flint is planning over there in Bohemia with Wallenstein and that crowd. Is Morris Roth planning to be a bit more than just "Wallenstein's Court Jew" And is it strictly voluntary on his part
Find out in Grantville Gazette 14.
There's a new publishing craze sweeping Germany and the hero is a what You've got to be kidding! This, and Romeo and Juliet in Cologne
Grantville Gazette 14 also ventures to Scotland; read about what's going on with Julie Mackay and her ever-loving husband. Plus some bad guys, of course.
The New World is playing part in the search for rubber, someone has built an airship, and the Baptist church has—good grief—flying mammals.
Jump in. Find out the latest about Grantville. We promise a good time.
Our January 2007 issue has lots of good stuff. Eric Flint's "The Anaconda Project, Episode 4" leads off with what's going on in Bohemia. And what's going on is plotting the revolution, pure and simple.
There's lots more. Events in England, shown in "Letters of Trade," happenings in the Caribbean—with pirates, not less. Russia and Czar Mikhail are having their own problems, while certain folks in Grantville are just ticked off. The USE capitol in Magdeburg is a hopping town and we'll be happy to share the news with you.
Gustav Adolph may have won the Baltic War, but what happened to the individual soldiers They didn't all come out on top, did they Just how hard is it to navigate the troubled waters of the 1632 Universe No picnic, for sure.
Chocolate, steam, railroads and tennis. Revolution, mayhem, ships and planes. What have they got in common It's all happening in seventeenth century Europe.
Can you really resist reading about it
So, just what is going on in Grantville, USE these days
Way back in Grantville Gazette Volume 8, we ran Douglas Jones' story, "Joseph Hanauer: Into the Very Pit of Hell." The follow-up to that story is "Joseph Hanauer: These Things Have No Fixed Measure" which appears in this volume (number 13 in the ongoing soap opera that is Eric Flint's 1632 Universe).
But wait! There's more!
Well, of course there is.
Grantville Gazette Volume 13 has everything. Skullduggery, spies, genealogy. Genealogy, you ask Come on in and see what we mean.
What's going on in Russia in 1632 You'll find the answer here. Is the 1632 universe ever going to develop internal combustion engines Read all about it. What effect does Grantville's library have on other countries technology Find the answer for one technology right here in Grantville Gazette, Volume 13.
Jump on in and read all about it.
It's a bird! It's a plane!
Birds ! What do birds have to do with anything in Grantville
Take a look at Grantville Gazette Volume 12 and we'll tell you about it.
As for the plane . . . That's there, too. Along with adventures in the new world and old. Everything from murder to mayhem is in this issue of the Grantville Gazette.
Drama! Comedy! Cowpox!
Well . . . you'll see.
Welcome back to the Grantville Gazette,
the ongoing stories of . . . well, just about everything that's happening in 1632 Europe.
Grantville Gazette, Volume—count 'em—11. For an experiment, it sure has worked out well. Volume 11 is our first professional issue, meaning that it's the first time we've paid professional rates to our authors, something Eric Flint intended from the beginning. We're pretty proud to have reached this point.
We've got a bit of everything in this issue, from perceived betrayal to the reaction to perceived charity, an almost epidemic to the search for treasure, what's going on it Russia to what's going on in Greenland. Fiction, non-fiction, you name it, we've got it.
Come on in and take a look. Then go write us a story. After all, that's what every author in this issue did. Turns out that's a bit addictive . . . but we don't mind.
Fight for Freedom in a Dark and Bloody Age!
After a cosmic accident sets the modern West Virginia town of Grantsville down in war-torn seventeenth century Europe, the United States of Europe is forged in the fire of battle. The Baltic War reaches a climax as France, Spain, England, and Denmark besiege the U.S.E. in the Prussian stronghold of Lubeck. The invention of ironclads, the introduction of special force tactics during a spectacular rescue operation at the Tower of London – the up-timers plan to use every trick in the time traveler's book to avoid a defeat that will send Europe back to a new Dark Age!
Multiple New York Times best-seller and creator of the legendary "Honorverse" series David Weber teams with New York Times best-selling alternate history master Eric Flint to tell the tale of the little town that remade a continent and rang in freedom for a battle-ravaged land in the latest blockbuster addition to Flint's "Grantsville" saga!
"This is a thoughtful and exciting look at just how powerful are the ideals we sometimes take for granted, and is highly recommended[.]"
— Publishers Weekly on Flint and Weber's 1633.
"[R]eads like a Tom Clancy techno-thriller set in the age of the Medicis…"
— Publishers Weekly on New York Times best-seller, 1634: The Galileo Affair.
SKU: 141652102X
ISBN: 141652102X
US Price: $26.00
ISBN: 1416555889
US Price: $7.99
Two classic novels by Andre Norton Sea Seige and Star Gate
Publisher's Note: From the Sea to the Stars was originally published in parts as Sea Siege and Star Gate. This is the first time both novels have appeared together.
Sea Siege: The nuclear war had come at last and the research team on an island in the West Indies thought they had been lucky to survive. But survival was going to require more than luck, when they found themselves under attack by sea creatures out of darkest legend, directed by a malevolent intelligence from the depths of the sea.
Star Gate: Long ago, the Star Lords had come from a dying Earth to Gorth, where they helped the inhabitants build a civilization. Now some of the Lords have resumed wandering among the stars, but others have decided to travel through an interdimensional gate to another Gorth in a parallel universe. And when they find that in this universe the Star Lords from Earth conquered and enslaved the people of Gorth, their course is clear. They must battle their counterparts to free Gorth--even if it means their own destruction.
SKU: 1416521224
ISBN: 1416521224
US Price: $14.00
ISBN: 1416591451
US Price: $7.99
Sir Francis Walsingham, Queen Elizabeth's Secretary of State, was the greatest spymaster the world had ever seen. But when he asked Dr. Dee to summon a demon the result was unexpected, especially for his orphaned niece Lucy. Sir Francis' duty as her guardian was to find Lucy a suitably aristocratic husband, not to let her fight demons and witchcraft for the Queen's Secret Service. But his—and Lucy's—duty to protect Queen and country from enemies both natural and supernatural kept getting in the way. And so did all those demons . . .
About the Author
Dr. John Lambshead is senior research scientist in marine biodiversity at the Natural History Museum, London. He is also the Visiting Chair at Southampton University, Oceanography, and Regent's Lecturer, University of California. He has authored almost a hundred academic/scientific publications. In their special 2000 millennium edition, London's Evening Standard newspaper nominated him as one of London's top 100 "unknown thinkers" for his scientific research. He has kept sane by writing military history books and designing computer and fantasy games, and designed the world's first icon-driven game, based on Frederick Forsyth's movie, The Fourth Protocol. He is married, lives in Kent in southern England, and is putting two daughters through university, so he really needs you to go out and buy his books.
SKU: 1416521216
ISBN: 1416521216
US Price: $24.00
ISBN: 1416555773
US Price: $7.99
Behold the Vorpal Blade: humanity's first FTL ship, cobbled together with alien technology and the kind of engineering intuition, grit and ingenuity that only humans can provide. Crewed by the best and brightest . . . warrior nerds. Commanded by smart-mouthing, gun-toting, swashbuckling . . . scientists. Given teeth with a special ops contingent that can simultaneously obliterate alien monstrosities and save extraterrestrial civilizations precisely because they can tell the difference between a fermion and a boson.
You love modern SF, but admit it: you've missed the Great Stuff. Well, here it is. Science fiction that totally lives up to its promise. Non-stop action! Cutting edge particle physics! Alien demons! Strange new worlds with even stranger species living upon them!
John Ringo, creator of the "Posleen War" series, U.S. Army veteran and multiple New York Times and USA Today best-seller, teams with NASA and DOD consultant "Doc" Travis S. Taylor for the sequel to Ringo's wildly imaginative, hugely popular Into the Looking Glass. Look ye on in contentment and satisfaction, O Heinlein, Clarke and Andre Norton—the latest additions to the Great SF Constellation of Adventure have arrived!
The Thirty Years War continues to ravage 17th century Europe, but a new force is gathering power and influence: the United States of Europe, forged from an alliance between Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, and the West Virginians from the 20th century, led by Mike Stearns, who were hurled centuries into the past by a mysterious cosmic accident.
This troubled century was full of revolutions and plans for more revolutions before the Americans arrived, and gave every would-be revolutionary an example of a revolution that succeeded. Europe is a pot coming to a boil, and Mike Stearns finds himself walking the fine line between keeping the pot boiling while keeping it from boiling over and destroying the USE in the process.
The USE has the know-how of 20th century technology, but needs iron and steel to make the machines. The iron mines of the upper Palatinate were rendered inoperable by wartime damage, and American ingenuity is needed on the spot to pump them out and get the metal flowing again—a mission that will prove more complicated than anyone expects. First, because the expedition sent to revitalize the mining industry in the upper Palatinate walks into the middle of a ferocious battle between the USE and the Duke of Bavaria. Second, because in the maelstrom that is Europe, even a 20th century copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica can precipitate a crisis from the most unexpected quarters. The young and beautiful daughter of the Austrian emperor, sent to marry the Duke of Bavaria for reasons of state, comes to an unforeseen conclusion based on her study of up-time history. The decision she makes as a result transforms the Bavarian war into a crisis for all of Europe.
Eric Flint is a popular star of SF and fantasy. 1634: The Baltic War, a collaboration with David Weber, was the latest New York Times best seller in the Ring of Fire series. His first novel for Baen, Mother of Demons, was picked by Science Fiction Chronicle as a best novel of the year. His novel 1632, which launched the Ring of Fire series, won widespread critical praise, as from Publishers Weekly, which called him "an SF author of particular note, one who can entertain and edify in equal, and major, measure." A longtime machinist, and labor union activist with a master's degree in history, he currently resides in northwest Indiana with his wife Lucille.
Virginia DeMarce, after jobs as peculiar as counting raisins for the Calif. Dept. of Agriculture, received her Ph.D. in Early Modern European History from Stanford University. She has published a book on German military settlers in Canada after the American Revolution and has served as president of the National Genealogical Society. She taught at Northwest Missouri State University and at George Mason University. She has had stories in the Ring of Fire anthology and Grantville Gazette (#1), and more stories in the online Grantville Gazettes. She has three grown children and five grandchildren, and lives in Arlington, VA, with her husband.
SKU: 1416542531
ISBN: 1416542531
US Price: $26.00
ISBN: 1439132763
US Price: $7.99
This bundle is no longer available for purchase
W200710 October 2007 Monthly Baen Bundle
by Eric Flint and Virginia DeMarce
by Travis S. Taylor
by Andre Norton
by David Weber
by John Ringo
Destiny's Forge: A Man-Kzin Wars Novel
by Paul Chafe
by Dave Grossman and Bob Hudson
A nonstop futuristic thrill-ride, through the critical events which were the breaking point for the underclass of Martian citizens and precipitated a revolution to break the Martian colonists free from the formidable Sol System government. The formerly red planet—now in danger of again becoming red, blood red—would never be the same, nor would the human race.
It was one day that changed the course of history for the Solar System, raging from hand-to-hand combat to piloted armored mecha suits clashing to an enormous space battle, with dedicated heroes on both sides of the conflict wondering if they were doing the right thing—and if they would live to see another day. And wondering, as well, if the spark of this new war, that would eventually reach across whole star systems, would bring them peace.
Travis S. Taylor—"Doc" Taylor to his friends—has earned his soubriquet the hard way: He has a doctorate in optical science and engineering, a master's degree in physics, a master's degree in aerospace engineering, all from the University of Alabama in Huntsville; a master's degree in astronomy, and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Auburn University. Dr. Taylor has worked on various programs for the Department of Defense and NASA for the past sixteen years. He's currently working on several advanced propulsion concepts, very large space telescopes, space-based beamed energy systems, and next generation space launch concepts. In his copious spare time, Doc Travis is also a black belt martial artist, a private pilot, a SCUBA diver, has raced mountain bikes, competed in triathlons, and has been the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of several hard rock bands. He currently lives in Alabama with his wife Karen, and their daughter.
SKU: 1416555056
ISBN: 1416555056
US Price: $23.00
ISBN: 1416591575
US Price: $7.99
The Stars are Ours: Dard Nordis is a hunted man. His brother was murdered for covert activities as a scientist in a world in which scientists and engineers are blamed for the global war that smashed civilization. The global dictatorship of Pax has ordered their execution. Now he is on the run, trying to find the secret stronghold of his brother's friends and colleagues—a hidden place where the few remaining scientists are desperately building a spaceship to escape to the stars.
Star Born. Centuries after the desperate flight from Earth, Pax has been overthrown and humanity again reaches for the stars. Rof Kurbi's spaceship reaches the planet Astra, but he and the crew do not know that the planet already has a colony established centuries ago by the fugitive humans from Earth. Nor do they know that the apparently friendly natives of the planet are actually the malevolent remnants of a corrupt civilization that all but destroyed itself millennia ago—and that they are plot-ting to eliminate all humans from Astra, both the recent arrivals and the star born colonists.
Publisher's Note: Star Flight has been previously published in parts as The Stars are Ours and Star Born. This is their first combined publication.
SKU: 1416555064
ISBN: 1416555064
US Price: $24.00
ISBN: 1439132720
US Price: $7.99
Sequel to Two-Space War
A fragile wooden Ship, complete with canvas sails, was sailing between the stars. This was patently, embarrassingly impossible, of course, but fortunately the Ship didn't know that, and neither did her crew.
Actually, it was more like two, old-fashioned three-masted sailing ships, cut off at the waterline and joined together like some bizarre 'siamese twin' of a Ship. And if you happened to be out in interstellar space as the Ship whizzed by, you couldn't actually see it, because it was in another dimension and it was going far, far faster than the speed of light. But it was there, take our word for it.
It is six hundred years in the future and mankind has learned to move between the stars . . . by going into Two-Space, the vast realm where sentient wooden ships travel beneath canvas sails in a universe that is corrosive to technology.
As they charged headlong into the galaxy, humans discovered others who were already there: The elven Sylvans who live in the vast forests of low-gravity worlds, the dwarven Dwarrowdelf who thrive deep in the mines of high-gravity worlds, and other, far more alien races. The ancient Sylvan race is enchanted by the human culture, embracing Tolkien as prophecy and taking classic human science fiction as a guide.
SKU: 1011250036
Who was Kindrie's father
What triggered the massacre of the Knorth women
What happened the night Jame got driven out by Ganth
Jamethiel Priest's-Bane first entered our lives when she walked out of the Haunted Lands on the opening page of God Stalk in 1982 with the haunts on her trail, searching for her ten-year older twin brother Tori to give him their father's sword and ring. But what was she doing in the Haunted Lands in the first place What happened that caused her to leave her home
For the past 20 years, this has been one of the biggest mysteries of Jame's background. The answers to those questions—and others—are found in the pages of this collection.
Blood & Ivory: A Tapestry presents eight original stories by P. C. Hodgell, three of them written especially for this collection. These stories explore different facets of Jame's life and background and weave a lush and complex picture of this enigmatic figure. Also included are new introductions to the stories, as well as maps and drawings by P. C. Hodgell.
SKU: 189206572X
by P. C. Hodgell
- God Stalk
- Dark of the Moon
- Seeker's Mask
- To Ride A Rathorn
- Blood and Ivory: A Tapastry
Richly-alluring High Fantasy from a Master Fantasist Ripe for Rediscovery!
Have you been looking for a fantasy world-builder on the level of Patricia McKillip, Guy Gavriel Kay, Fritz Leiber or—dare we say it Yes, we dare!—J.R.R.Tolkien himself P.C. Hodgell is nigh.
Welcome to the world of the Kencyrath, where ivory-armored, carnivorous horses travel in herds called "rages," pretty butterflies might very well suck your life's blood, and tree leaves migrate south for the winter. It's a dangerous and beautiful place where it's easy to get yourself killed. And resurrected. And possibly become bound to somebody else's soul in the process.
Not your ordinary high fantasy landscape. And Jamethiel Priest's-bane is far from your average high fantasy heroine. This is one fantasy character who never does the expected.
First of all, Jame's youth was spent in a desert wasteland in the shadow of Perimal Darkling, infested with haunts, where life and death, animate and inanimate, often overlapped. As for food, think in terms of screaming carrots and reproachful potato eyes following you around the kitchen. As for the cabbage heads and what was in them, we won't even discuss that. She hates the Highborn, whom she sees as manipulative and power-mad. She'd rather be a thief (albeit a curiously honorable one), and she'd much rather spend time with her soul-bound snow leopard than in the Kencyrath Ladies House. Unfortunately, Jame discovers that not only is she one of the despised Highborn, she happens to be the long lost daughter of the mad Highlord Ganth and the well-nigh mythic Jamethiel Dream-weaver. As such, she possesses the power to call souls out of their bodies and slay the occasional god or two (as well as resurrect them!).
To say the least, Jame leads a complicated life, not helped by the current Highlord, Torisen, her twin brother who fears her darkling blood and is (somehow) ten years her senior. But one thing is for certain: even though destruction often follows in Jame's wake, she is never, ever passive. This is one heroine whose curiosity and competence (she survived two years in the world of the darkling damned, after all) are always at the forefront. She has two mottos: "Some things need to be broken," and "If I knew what I was doing, I probably wouldn't be doing it." Sometimes cities fall as a result (ask the inhabitants of Tai-tastigon). But, more often than not, Jame finds a way to move one step closer to her ultimate destiny: a confrontation with the unthinkably alien being called Perimal Darkling that threatens existence itself.
Darkly droll, as intricate as many a Medieval tapestry, the Kencyr books are a controlled explosion of carefully-crafted creativity—which is exactly what one would expect from an author who is a) a master stain-glass artist and art knitter; b) an experienced horsewoman (who, nonetheless, holds the stable's record for falling off); and, last but not least, c) an accomplished scholar specializing in the 19th century novel, notably those of Dickens and Sir Walter Scott.
So here they are. The God Stalker Chronicles. Every Kencyrath book and short story ever published, collected in one e-volume and available from Baen Books' WebScriptions ( This volume contains: God Stalk, Dark of the Moon, Seeker's Mask, Blood and Ivory (the highly-sought-after "Jamethiel" short story collection), and To Ride the Rathorn.
The megavolume will be released April 15, 2007, and will be available in the reader-friendly, unencrypted formats WebScriptions is known for. No need to track each volume down on a dead tree (and, in the Kencyr universe, the smarter trees run away from would-be harvesters, anyway!) For the next three months, the complete works will go for $20. As always, we'll let the math do the selling on this one. Try not to faint when you factor in the shipping costs. AFTER the three months is up, this special collection will no longer be available for sale at this price and we'll offer each individual God Stalker Chronicles ebook title for $5 each. (Still a great deal, of course!)
by P. C. Hodgell
by P. C. Hodgell
by P. C. Hodgell
by P. C. Hodgell
by P. C. Hodgell
SKU: 1011254002
To Ride a Rathorn
P. C. Hodgell,'s latest high fantasy novel, is the sequel Seeker's Mask, which in turn follows "God Stalk and Dark of the Moon (collected in the Meisha Merlin omnibus, Dark of the Gods).
These are the chronicles of Jamethiel Priest's-bane, otherwise known as Jame, as she struggles to find a place in a universe full of danger, intrigue, and more than a bit of downright lunacy. The current novel's title To Ride a Rathron, comes from the Kencyr phrase that refers to someone attempting something insane, but it is too dangerous for them to stop. The reference is also to a certain young rathorn (think of an armor-plated, carnivorous unicorn with a nasty temper) who is after Jame for killing his mother and about to catch up with her.
At Tentir, Jame faces cut-throat competition and finds even more buried, poisonous family secrets. Not only is the Caineron heir sent to humiliate her, but a charming Ardeth Highborn arrives hell-bent on seducing her. Then too, what is she to make of the mysterious White Lady who haunts her dreams, or of the growling monster that prowls Tentir's hallways and is said to eat young cadets for breakfast For she is learning Tentir has secrets of its own, and it is fighting for its soul. Under political pressure that threatens to compromise its independence, it looks to its Commandant, an honorable man; but also a Caineron. As the college tests Jame, so she tests it. "Some things need to be broken."
SKU: 1592221025
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