Walt Boyes

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7 books, $18
by Wil McCarthy
edited by Jason Cordova
by James L. Cambias
by Charles E. Gannon, Griffin Barber, Chris Kennedy, and Mike Massa
by David Weber, Timothy Zahn, & Thomas Pope
Edited by Eric Flint, Walt Boyes, and Joy Ward
edited by Sean Patrick Hazlett
The most popular alternate history series of all continues. When a cosmic disturbance hurls your town from twentieth-century West Virginia back to seventeenth-century Europe—and into the middle of the Thirty Years War—you have to adapt to survive. And the natives of that time period, faced with American technology and politics, need to be equally adaptable. Here’s a generous helping of more stories of Grantville, the American town lost in time, and its impact on the people and societies of a tumultuous age.
Featuring stories by Eric Flint, Tim Sayeau, Robert Noxon, Griffin Barber, Bjorn Hasseler, Clair Kiernan, Margo Ryor, Mark Huston, Robert Waters, Phillip Riviezzo, Jack Carroll, Terry Howard, Tim Roesch, Sarah Hays, Mike Watson, Iver P. Cooper, Kerryn Offord, Rick Boatright, Brad Banner, Anne Keener, Jackie Britton Lopatin, Bjorn Hasseler, and David Carrico.
SKU: 9781982125455
ISBN: 9781982125455
US Price: $25.00
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by David Drake
Edited by Eric Flint, Walt Boyes, and Joy Ward
by Mike Kupari
by Larry Correia
by Charles E. Gannon
by Wil McCarthy
edited by Gardner Dozois and Jack Dann
The most popular alternate history series of all continues. When a cosmic disturbance hurls your town from twentieth-century West Virginia back to seventeenth-century Europe—and into the middle of the Thirty
Years War—you have to adapt to survive. And the natives of that time period, faced with American technology and politics, need to be equally adaptable. Here’s a generous helping of more stories of Grantville, the American town lost in time, and its impact on the people and societies of a tumultuous age.
Featuring stories by Eric Flint, Tim Sayeau, Robert Noxon, Griffin Barber, Bjorn Hasseler, Clair Kiernan, Margo Ryor, Mark Huston, Robert Waters, Phillip Riviezzo, Jack Carroll, Terry Howard, Tim Roesch, Sarah Hays, Mike Watson, Iver P. Cooper, Kerryn Offord, Rick Boatright, Brad Banner, Anne Keener, Jackie Britton Lopatin, Bjorn Hasseler, David Carrico, and Tim Sayeau.
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by Tom Kratman
by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
by Ben Bova and Gordon R. Dickson
Target Rich Environment, Volume 2
by Larry Correia
Edited by Eric Flint and Walt Boyes
Edited by Michael Z. Williamson
NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING SERIES. The eighth anthology of tales set in Eric Flint’s phenomenal Ring of Fire universe—all selected and edited by Flint.
The most popular alternate history series of all continues. When an inexplicable cosmic disturbance hurls your town from twentieth century West Virginia back to seventeenth century Europe—and into the middle of the Thirty Years War—you'd better be adaptable to survive. And the natives of that time period, faced with American technology and politics, need to be equally adaptable. Here’s a generous helping of more stories of Grantville, the American town lost in time, and its impact on the people and societies of a tumultuous age.
Edited by Eric Flint and Walt Boyes, the editor of the Grantville Gazette magazine from which the best selections are made, these are stories that fill in the pieces of the Ring of Fire series begun with Flint’s novel 1632. The setting has become a political, economic, social and cultural puzzle as supporting characters we meet in the novels get their own lives, loves and life-changing stories. The future and democracy have arrived with a bang—an historical explosion with a multitude of unforeseen consequences.
NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING SERIES. The eighth anthology of tales set in Eric Flint’s phenomenal Ring of Fire universe—all selected and edited by Flint.
The most popular alternate history series of all continues. When an inexplicable cosmic disturbance hurls your town from twentieth century West Virginia back to seventeenth century Europe—and into the middle of the Thirty Years War—you'd better be adaptable to survive. And the natives of that time period, faced with American technology and politics, need to be equally adaptable. Here’s a generous helping of more stories of Grantville, the American town lost in time, and its impact on the people and societies of a tumultuous age.
Edited by Eric Flint and Walt Boyes, the editor of the Grantville Gazette magazine from which the best selections are made, these are stories that fill in the pieces of the Ring of Fire series begun with Flint’s novel 1632. The setting has become a political, economic, social and cultural puzzle as supporting characters we meet in the novels get their own lives, loves and life-changing stories. The future and democracy have arrived with a bang—an historical explosion with a multitude of unforeseen consequences.
SKU: 9781481483292
ISBN: 9781481483292
US Price: $25.00
ISBN: 9781982124250
US Price: $7.99
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by Susan R. Matthews
Edited by Eric Flint and Walt Boyes
The Year's Best Military and Adventure SF, Volume 4
Edited by David Afsharirad
by S.M. Stirling and Larry Niven
by Tim Powers
by Wen Spencer
by Lois McMaster Bujold
Grantville Gazette Bundle Volumes 65, 66, 67
created by Eric Flint
edited by Walt Boyes and Bjorn Hasseler
created by Eric Flint
edited by Walt Boyes and Bjorn Hasseler
created by Eric Flint
edited by Walt Boyes and Bjorn Hasseler
Grantville Gazette Bundle Volumes 65 to 70
created by Eric Flint
edited by Walt Boyes and Bjorn Hasseler
created by Eric Flint
edited by Walt Boyes and Bjorn Hasseler
created by Eric Flint
edited by Walt Boyes and Bjorn Hasseler
created by Eric Flint
edited by Walt Boyes and Bjorn Hasseler
created by Eric Flint
edited by Walt Boyes and Bjorn Hasseler
created by Eric Flint
edited by Walt Boyes and Bjorn Hasseler
Our story continues in Volume 70 of the Grantville Gazette.
As war-torn Germany sometimes resembles the Wild West, Mike Watson gives us "The Marshal Comes to Suhl" based on what was remembered of the U.S. Marshals Service. Eric S. Brown and Anna G. Carpenter give us another chapter of the Monster Society, "Even Monsters Die," which brings the LARPers down to earth and back to reality. In "A Little Help from His Friends," Nick Lorance provides another look at Sergeant Richard Hartmann—Sergeant Whatsisname. Tim Roesch gives us an only partly hysterical look at schizophrenia in "The Monster Under the Bed."
In continuing serials, Bjorn Hasseler graces with another NESS (Neustatter's European Security Service) called "Kristallnacht on the Schwarza Express." David Carrico gives us the beginning of a new serial, "Letters from Gronow, Episode 1," while Gábor Szántai finishes his series on Hungary and Transylvania with a look at key players in those areas, and Chuck Gannon concludes his outtakes from "Papal Stakes: Faces from the Cutting Room Floor." Kristine Katherine Rusch talks about "Escapist Fiction" in her Notes from the Buffer Zone column.
Volume 69 of the Grantville Gazette begins with David Carrico's "Drumline," a story submitted to a down-time magazine. Next we have "Dr. Phil Rules the Waves" by Kerryn Offord and Rick Boatright. Tim Roesch gives us "Good German Axes." And Szántai Gábor introduces some Hungarian characters in "A Szekler in a Kilt."
Our serials are "Etude, Part 3" by David Carrico, featuring Johann Bach, and "The Long Road Home, Part 2" by Nick Lorance, featuring Sergeant Hartmann.
We have the seventh set of outtakes from 1635: The Papal Stakes in Chuck Gannon's "About the Faces on the Cutting Room Floor, Number Seven: The Exception That Makes the Rule: Cutting a Chase Scene." We also have Szántai Gábor's "Hungary and Transylvania, Part 3: Cities and Castles." It's loaded with information on key locations. Kristine Kathryn Rusch gives us an excellent "Notes from The Buffer Zone: History and Its Alternates."
In this issue of the Grantville Gazette, Kerryn Offord, tells the story of a government investigation in “Your Tax Dollars at Work.”
Mike Watson gives us a western, “Greetings,” while Eric S. Brown and Anna Carpenter have the next installment in the story of LARPers in Grantville with “The Lost Monster.”
This issue's serials feature David Carrico's Johann Bach in “Etude, Part 2” and Nick Lorance's Sergeant Richard Hartmann in “The Long Road Home, Part 1.”
In Nonfiction, Chuck Gannon focuses on pirates in “About the Faces on the Cutting Room Floor” and Szántai Gábor brings forth another installment of his social history, "Hungary and Transylvania, Part 2." And Kristine Kathryn Rusch gives us another “Notes from the Buffer Zone.”
We have both a Time Spike story, Garrett Vance's "First Cavalry of the Cretaceous, Part 3," and a Univers story, Debi Carroll's "Spitting Image."
The Grantville Gazette brings you a varied slice of lives this month. In “Death by Makeup,” Terry Howard and Martin Katchen show how even understanding the dangers of using lead-based makeup can change lives—while making the Hair Club 250 some serious money. And in “Overflow,” Terry shows another side of Club 250 as the Thuringian Gardens hires the Club for an overflow event.
In “It’s the Little Things,” Nick Lorance gives us the love affair between Sergeant Hartmann and Marta Karcher.
In Eric S. Brown and Anna Carpenter.s story, the Monster Society runs up against something big and white and living in a cave.
In “The Winter Canvas,” Meriah Crawford and Robert Waters give us the further tribulations of Daniel Block. Will the artist’s stubborn temper get the better of him again?
In our serials, we bring you “Etude, Part One” by David Carrico and in our nonfiction section, we have another look behind the curtain at Chuck Gannon’s novel writing for Papal Stakes, and our column by Kristine Katherine Rusch. We also bring you part three of “Life at Sea” by Iver Cooper.
Last, but certainly not least, we bring you “Hungary and Transylvania, Part One” by Szántai Gábor. Gábor (his first name) is a new author in the 1632 Universe and is from Hungary. He thought we should know about Eastern Europe in the time of the Ring of Fire, so he gave us a great nonfiction article.
Terry Howard opens Volume 66 with “Hair Club 250,” showing what happens when the Club 250 is remade as a hair salon and then in “Becket’s Blood” shows us a brave man courting martyrdom in the England of Charles I.
In “The Ghosts of the Blauschloss,” Margo Ryor involves her young girl detective writing circle in a real case of murder. New writer Anne Keener gives us “Stolen Reputations” about the Elsevier printing house. Nick Lorance provides “Transplanted Seed,” the prequel to his stories of Sergeant Whatsisname, Iver Cooper gives us a look at what a universal language might be like, in “The Tower of Babel.”
Kevin and Karen Evans conclude their “Engines of Change” saga with “For a Few Kroner More.” Eric S. Brown and new collaborator Anna G. Carpenter continue the story of the Grantville Monster Society in “An Army of Scarecrows.”
Virginia DeMarce looks at the court of Burgundy and the ubiquitous Rohans in “Les Futuriens, Part Two.”
Charles E. Gannon continues his behind-the-scenes look at what didn’t make it into 1636: The Papal Stakes with “About the Faces on the Cutting Room Floor, Part 4.” Jack Carroll shares a non-fiction piece, “1636: Marine Radio in the Mediterranean.”
In “Notes from the Buffer Zone: The Past Is Another Country,” Kristine Kathryn Rusch talks about the past being very far past and how the field of science fiction writing has radically changed.
“16 tons and what do you get. . . ?” In the new universe created by the cosmic accident that sent the West Virginia town of Grantville back in time and across continents to Europe in 1631, what you get is a steam engine powering a gantry crane, doing work that would have needed a dozen men and many more days in time. That’s from Kevin and Karen Evans’ “Engines of Change: Niels the Builder” in this issue of the Grantville Gazette.
Grantville’s existence has had many effects, both large and small. In Andy Rogers’ “A Pirate Made,” a young Dutch woman has the opportunity to become much more—or much less, and she takes it.
Meanwhile, in “The People You Know,” by Georgios Iconomou, a ne’er-do-well up-timer finally finds his niche in a coffee urn. Not all up-timers are heroes, you know.
Nick Lorance continues his stories of Sergeant Whatsisname in “Birthday Blues.”
Terry Howard and Jack Carroll tell the story of a self-important customs agent who interrupts what he thinks is a pagan sacrifice. Oops.
Eric S. Brown and Robert Waters continue the story of the Grantville Monster Society in “The Thing in the Up-time Attic.”
Virginia DeMarce gives us a look at the inside of the court of Burgundy, and the ubiquitous Rohans in “Les Futuriens, Part One.” And Charles E. Gannon continues his behind-the-scenes look at what didn’t make it into the book in “Papal Stakes: Faces from the Cutting Room Floor, Part 3.”
Iver Cooper continues his article on “Life at Sea, Part Two,” and Garrett Vance adds another chapter to the Time Spike serial, “First Cavalry of the Cretaceous 2: Lovebirds.”
In her column, “Notes from the Buffer Zone,” Kristine Katherine Rusch talks about collections and collectibles. One of the things that appears to be true of science fiction and fantasy is that fans collect books . . . and other things.
In "Matters of State: The Escape" Mitchell Townshend shows what happens when amateurs try to capture a professional espionage agent, who is bent on escaping the tyranny that England has become.
Bjorn Hasseler’s "Reed and Kathy Sue" is a love story told in letters between Reed, at the front lines, and Kathy Sue, at home with the kids and all the daily strife. Their letters are enlivened by their unapologetic and truly living faith in God.
"The Night Soil King" by Joy Ward and Walt Boyes tells the story of a survivor of the Great Drowning of Men, and his forbidden love affair with a burgher’s daughter—and what that love will make them do. Civil Engineering and revolution await.
Rainer Prem continues his serial, "Ein Feste Burg" with its 23rd episode. Moritz von Hessen saves the day for his aunt Amelie.
In nonfiction, we have part two of Charles E. Gannon’s outtakes "From the Cutting Room Floor." This is an extremely interesting look at what doesn’t make it into a novel, that novelists don’t usually show.
Iver Cooper gives us a look at "Life at Sea," which may be different than what you think it was like. This is part one of a multi-part series.
Kristine Katherine Rusch gives us her column, "Notes from the Buffer Zone." This issue, she reminisces about the future, from the vantage point of a USB stick shaped like Snoopy Beagle.
And in the Universe Annex, we give you "A Green Tongue," by Frank Dutkiewicz, in which a diplomat must find a way to communicate with a vegetable.
In "Ultimate Airport Magdeburg: Blacktop" Kerryn Offord shows us what happens when a couple of cut-ups find themselves in the middle of an emergency. In "Engines of Change: Digging Deeper" Kevin and Karen Evans continue their stories about steam engines. "In That Place," by Tim Roesch, is a hard-edged story about what happens when Blaise Pascal’s father has finally had enough of the "Greatest Mathematician in the World" and gives him a dressing-down that he’s deserved ever since the young man arrived in Grantville. Eric S. Brown and Robert E. Waters show us what happens when LARPers don’t think things through in "The Wampus of Grantville." And don’t worry, the dog doesn’t die.
Tim Sayeau shows his versatility as a writer with two stories this month. In the first, "The Bad Seed," he poignantly shows the dangers of knowing the future as a father and mother come to terms with the fact that in the Original Time Line, their three-year-old daughter became an adulteress and a murderer. In Sayeau’s second story, "You’ve Got to Be Kidding!" he shows us what really happens backstage when Gustav II Adolf names Thorsten Engler the "Count of Narnia." We continue mining the humorous vein with Jackie Britton Lopatin’s "The Invisible Dogs of Grantville" which starts out innocently enough as a young man finds a gag stiff leash with collar attached.
Our serial "Ein Feste Burg" continues, as Rainer Prem details what happens when a family squabble leads to attempted murder. In her essay this month, Kristine Katherine Rusch talks about the effect of Star Wars on herself and society. And in an excellent non-fiction piece, Sean Little discusses the effect of a single set of books from the future on the design and construction of warships in the 1632 Universe. Finally, but certainly not least, we present a look into the process of building a novel as Charles E. Gannon shows us some "Faces from the Cutting Room Floor" that didn’t make it into his collaboration with Eric Flint, 1635: The Papal Stakes.
It is now quite a few years on, in the New Time Line. The effect of the people from the future, the "Americans," has been huge. In this edition’s stories, our authors explore that effect from many different angles.
In our serial, "Painted into a Corner, Part 3" by Robert Waters and Meriah Crawford, we see what happens when a famous and accomplished painter tries to come to terms with the fact that his career in the Original Time Line is not even mentioned in the up-timers’ books. How do you change your life so that you avoid obscurity?
In "Engines of Change: The Miller’s Tale" by Karen and Kevin Evans, a young man thinks enough sideways to realize that up-timer technology can be used to save the family business, a windmill, when the windmill’s access to wind is interrupted by the building of a big house.
In Nick Lorance’s "Sergeant Whatsisname" we find a man dedicated to upholding the true military virtues, honor, dignity, self-sacrifice, in the face of the shenanigans of a group of troublesome recruits from the Committees of Correspondence—who see themselves as revolutionaries, but without the ethics.
"The Grantville Two-Step" by David Dove reveals a man who is slowly coming out of his shell after his wife was left up-time and is as much as dead to him as if she had been shot.
In "The Monster Among Us" Eric S. Brown gives us LARPing, 1632 style!
"The Doom of Sallee" gives us a look into another society than Western European—the Sallee Rovers and their corsair republic founded by Muslims expelled from Spain. Andy Rogers tells the tale of a young woman on a mission and the Moroccan chieftain who gets in her way. Once again, this is a story where up-time history books play an enormous role.
In the "The Ice Queen" a few well-spoken words change the future of two people—and those words are in Klingon.
"Penitence and Redemption" has a young English man running up against Grantville’s 20th-century justice, and learning and growing as a person because of it.
We also feature "Sexuality in the Seventeenth Century," by Virgina DeMarce, whose personal motto is "Time Passed in the Past." Kristine Katherine Rusch provides the wisdom of early adopters in her column, "Notes from the Buffer Zone: Adopting."
In the Time Spike Universe (another Ring of Fire split off from our own universe) Garrett Vance gives us "First Cavalry of the Cretaceous, Part One: A Conspiracy of Ravens" which is just as weird a scene as you can imagine from the title. Spaniards, cowboys and Indians, oh, my!
Finally, in the Universe Annex, we have a fine science fiction story, "The Flood" by Jose Iriarte.
Welcome to the world of 1632!
The Grantville Gazette has a new Editor-in-Chief, Walt Boyes, who introduces himself in an editorial. After fifty-eight issues, Paula Goodlett becomes Editor Emeritus, welcoming more time to write.
Issue 61 of The Grantville Gazette begins with an unusual story. "The Taxman Cometh" is a story in letters with contributions from ten authors, edited by David Carrico. It also inspired this issue's cover by Garrett W. Vance. New author Bret Hooper brings us "Letters of Thanks". In "Three Stooges", Brad Banner reaches back to 1632 to show us what the veterinarians were doing. Eric S. Brown brings us "The Monster Society", about a secret organization. In Margo Ryor's "Pen Pals", Johanna and Mikayla begin work on their book. Danish sailors attempt to build a better tugboat in Kevin and Karen Evans' "Engines of Change: The Three Erics". And Bjorn Hasseler explores an urban legend in "The Slasher".
Meriah Crawford and Robert Waters bring us the next stage of the painting competition in "Painted Into a Corner, Episode Two". Rainer Prem's "Ein Feste Burg, Episode Twenty-One" features a police investigation in Kassel.
This issue's non-fiction article is Iver Cooper's "Airship Failures, Mishaps, Accidents, and Disasters: Part 2, Fiery Deaths and Hydrogen Embrittlement".
Sadly, we say goodbye to Don Hodge.
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