Sarah A. Hoyt

Sarah A. Hoyt, under various names, is the author of over 30 books—she gets tangled up when she tries to count them and always misses a couple—in science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, and historical fiction.
Her first published novel, Ill Met by Moonlight, was a finalist for the Mythopoeic Award. Darkship Thieves, the first novel of her popular Darkship Thieves series is a Prometheus Award Winner.
She’s published over 100 short stories in magazines such as Analog, Asimov’s, and Weird Tales (and others, some no longer in existence), as well as an array of science fiction, fantasy, and mystery anthologies.
Sarah was born and raised in Portugal and now lives in Colorado, near her two grown sons, with her husband and a varying clowder of cats. English is her third language, but she can swear fluently in seven. When not laying down words on the latest manuscript, she can be found refinishing furniture, walking, or studying history.
Ebook/Print Books
When Owen Pitt and the rest of the Monster Hunter International crew are called away to mount a month’s-long rescue mission in a monster-infested nightmare dimension, Julie Shackleford—Owen’s wife and descendant of MHI founder Bubba Shackelford—is left behind. Her task: hold down the fort and take care of her new baby son Ray. Julie’s devoted to the little guy, but the slow pace of office work and maternity leave are starting to get to her. But when a routine field call brings her face-to-face with an unspeakable evil calling itself Brother Death, she’ll get more excitement than she ever hoped for.
Julie is the Guardian of a powerful ancient artifact known as the Kamaresh Yar, and Brother Death wants it. In the wrong hands, it could destroy reality as we know it. Julie would die before giving it up.
Then Ray goes missing, taken by Brother Death. The price for his safe return: the Kamaresh Yar. If Julie doesn’t hand over the artifact it means death—or worse—for baby Ray. With no other choice left to her, Julie agrees to Brother Death’s demands. But when you’re dealing with an ancient evil, the devil is in the details.
To reclaim her son, Julie Shackleford will have to fight her way through necromantic death cults, child-stealing monsters, and worse. And she’ll have to do it all before Brother Death can unleash the Kamaresh Yar.
It’s one woman against an army of monsters. But Julie Shackelford is no ordinary woman—she’s one tough mother!
The Monster Hunter series:
Monster Hunter International
Monster Hunter Vendetta
Monster Hunter Alpha
Monster Hunter Legion
Monster Hunter Nemesis
Monster Hunter Siege
Monster Hunter Guardian
The Monster Hunter Memoirs series by Larry Correia and John Ringo:
Monster Hunter Memoirs: Grunge
Monster Hunter Memoirs: Sinners
Monster Hunter Memoirs: Saints
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Terra Nova: The Wars of Liberation
by Tom Kratman
by Michael Z. Williamson
by Larry Correia and Sarah A. Hoyt
by Gordon R. Dickson
by Eric Flint
by D.J. Butler
by Kevin J. Anderson and Sarah A. Hoyt
When Owen Pitt and the rest of the Monster Hunter International crew are called away to mount a month’s-long rescue mission in a monster-infested nightmare dimension, Julie Shackleford—Owen’s wife and descendant of MHI founder Bubba Shackelford—is left behind. Her task: hold down the fort and take care of her new baby son Ray. Julie’s devoted to the little guy, but the slow pace of office work and maternity leave are starting to get to her. But when a routine field call brings her face-to-face with an unspeakable evil calling itself Brother Death, she’ll get more excitement than she ever hoped for.
Julie is the Guardian of a powerful ancient artifact known as the Kamaresh Yar, and Brother Death wants it. In the wrong hands, it could destroy reality as we know it. Julie would die before giving it up.
Then Ray goes missing, taken by Brother Death. The price for his safe return: the Kamaresh Yar. If Julie doesn’t hand over the artifact it means death—or worse—for baby Ray. With no other choice left to her, Julie agrees to Brother Death’s demands. But when you’re dealing with an ancient evil, the devil is in the details.
To reclaim her son, Julie Shackleford will have to fight her way through necromantic death cults, child-stealing monsters, and worse. And she’ll have to do it all before Brother Death can unleash the Kamaresh Yar.
It’s one woman against an army of monsters. But Julie Shackelford is no ordinary woman—she’s one tough mother!
The Monster Hunter series:
Monster Hunter International
Monster Hunter Vendetta
Monster Hunter Alpha
Monster Hunter Legion
Monster Hunter Nemesis
Monster Hunter Siege
Monster Hunter Guardian
The Monster Hunter Memoirs series by Larry Correia and John Ringo:
Monster Hunter Memoirs: Grunge
Monster Hunter Memoirs: Sinners
Monster Hunter Memoirs: Saints
SKU: 9781481484145
ISBN: 9781481484145
US Price: $25.00
ISBN: 9781668072561
US Price: $18.00
ISBN: 9781982125042
US Price: $8.99
In January of 2011 we started posting free short stories we thought might be of interest to Baen readers. The first stories were "Space Hero" by Patrick Lundrigan, the winner of the 2010 Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Contest, and "Tanya, Princess of Elves," by Larry Correia, author of Monster Hunter International and set in that universe. As new stories are made available, they will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of short stories for 2018.
As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books.
Pain is the Fuelby Travis S. Taylor An Eagle's Flight
by Brendan DuBois The Midshipman
by David Drake Father Avenir and the Fire Demons of Yellowstone
by Kevin J. Anderson and Sarah A. Hoyt Ghost Flotilla U-boats: Embarkation
by Susan R. Matthews Homunculus
by Stephen Lawson By Echo Light
by Tim Powers Dark Fall
by David Weber Love in the Time of Interstellar War
by Brendan DuBois See of Darkness
by Mike Massa Axabrast
by Brad R. Torgersen Chancellor Witt
by Susan R. Matthews
Arcane America
A new world. New magic. New history.
After Halley’s Comet was destroyed in a magical battle in 1759, the backlash separated the entire New World from the Old in an event known as The Sundering. Now isolated from the rest of the globe, America has become a very different place, where magic works and history has been changed forever.
It is 1803—a new 1803. Young Meriwether Lewis, footloose and intrigued, goes to hear a lecture in St. Louis by the venerated old wizard Benjamin Franklin. Franklin’s talk is disrupted by the attack of a winged fire-breathing beast, much like legends from Lewis’s own Welsh heritage. In the aftermath, Franklin tells the young man that he knows of a great, growing evil that lurks in the uncharted Arcane Territories west of the Mississippi.
Using his own vast fortune, Franklin commissions Lewis and his own talented partner William Clark to embark on a remarkable voyage of exploration, to meet and document the indigenous tribes, to find a route all the way to the Pacific Ocean—and perhaps beyond the magical veil to Europe again—and to stop the growing evil that is filling the American West. For while the Sundering separated the rest of the world and granted the original colonists unexpected magical gifts, sorcery inspired by native legends has also been ignited. And the Arcane Territories may hold unparalleled dangers for the expedition, both natural and magical.
Accompanied by the brilliant shape-shifting sorceress Sacajawea, Lewis and Clark set off on an unparalleled adventure across a landscape that no European has ever seen.
Arcane America
A new world. New magic. New history.
After Halley’s Comet was destroyed in a magical battle in 1759, the backlash separated the entire New World from the Old in an event known as The Sundering. Now isolated from the rest of the globe, America has become a very different place, where magic works and history has been changed forever.
It is 1803—a new 1803. Young Meriwether Lewis, footloose and intrigued, goes to hear a lecture in St. Louis by the venerated old wizard Benjamin Franklin. Franklin’s talk is disrupted by the attack of a winged fire-breathing beast, much like legends from Lewis’s own Welsh heritage. In the aftermath, Franklin tells the young man that he knows of a great, growing evil that lurks in the uncharted Arcane Territories west of the Mississippi.
Using his own vast fortune, Franklin commissions Lewis and his own talented partner William Clark to embark on a remarkable voyage of exploration, to meet and document the indigenous tribes, to find a route all the way to the Pacific Ocean—and perhaps beyond the magical veil to Europe again—and to stop the growing evil that is filling the American West. For while the Sundering separated the rest of the world and granted the original colonists unexpected magical gifts, sorcery inspired by native legends has also been ignited. And the Arcane Territories may hold unparalleled dangers for the expedition, both natural and magical.
Accompanied by the brilliant shape-shifting sorceress Sacajawea, Lewis and Clark set off on an unparalleled adventure across a landscape that no European has ever seen.
SKU: 9781481483230
ISBN: 9781481483230
US Price: $25.00
ISBN: 9781481484183
US Price: $7.99
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Combat Command: The Omega Rebellion
by Troy Denning
by Steve White and Charles E. Gannon
by Anette Pedersen
by Kevin J. Anderson and Sarah A. Hoyt
A Hymn Before Battle, Second Edition
by John Ringo
Combat Command: Lord of Lances
by Mark Acres
by David Weber
by Larry Correia
by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
Seven Miles
by T.C. McCarthy
To Spec
by Charles E. Gannon
by Ryk E. Spoor
The Krumhorn and Misericorde
by Dave Freer
Pittsburgh Backyard and Garden
by Wen Spencer
Haunts of Guilty Minds
by John Lambshead
The Lamplighter Legacy
by Patrick O'Sullivan
Dog's Body
by Sarah A. Hoyt
The Sorcerer of Daigawa
by Jon F. Merz
Sweothi City
by Larry Correia
Out of True
by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
Mars Farts
by Ben Bova
The Virgin of Hertogenbosch
by David Drake
Murder on the Hochflieger Ost
by Frank Chadwick
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