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Robert Buettner

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More information about Robert Buettner

Robert Buettner has been general counsel of a unit of one of the United States’ largest private multinational companies, served as a US Army intelligence officer, prospected for minerals in Alaska and the Sonoran desert, and was a National Science Foundation Fellow in paleontology. A Quill Award nominee for Best New Writer of 2005, his best-selling debut novel, Orphanage, was a Quill nominee for Best SF/Fantasy/Horror novel of 2004 and has been called a classic of modern military science fiction. He lives in Georgia with his family and more bicycles than a grownup needs.

Author's Homepage

Ebook/Print Books

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Bundle Contents

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Bundle Contents

My Enemy's Enemy

by Robert Buettner



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W201711 November 2017 Monthly Baen Bundle

W201711 November 2017 Monthly Baen Bundle


Bundle Contents

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W201701 January 2017 Monthly Baen Bundle

W201701 January 2017 Monthly Baen Bundle


Bundle Contents

The Golden Gate

by Robert Buettner



Free Stories 2016


Free Stories 2015


Balance Point

by Robert Buettner



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Bundle Contents

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Bundle Contents


by Robert Buettner



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Bundle Contents


by Robert Buettner

