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Margaret Ball

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More information about Margaret Ball

Margaret Ball is author of such popular fantasy novels as The Shadow Gate, No Earthly Sunne, and Lost in Translation, and in the science fiction field has collaborated with New York Times best-selling author Anne McCaffrey on the national best sellers PartnerShip (Baen), recently reprinted in the Baen MegaBook Brain Ships, and Acorna: The Unicorn Girl and Acorna's Quest (both Harper Prism/Eos). She has also written historical novels and romances under her own name, as well as pseudonyms (for example, Catherine Lyndell). Ball has degrees in mathematics and linguistics, and was a Fulbright Scholar, spending two years in Africa studying Swahili. She has two daughters and does quilting in her spare time.

Author's Homepage

Transcript interview (September 2006)
Transcript interview (September 2004)

Ebook/Print Books

The Shadow Gate

By Margaret Ball



By Margaret Ball


This bundle is no longer available for purchase

W200610 October 2006 Monthly Baen Bundle

1635: The Cannon Law
Mission to Minerva
Disappearing Act
The Bavarian Gate


Bundle Contents

This bundle is no longer available for purchase

W200410 October 2004 Monthly Baen Bundle

Cally's War
Disappearing Act
Siege Perilous
Berserker Man
Legions of Space
Mountain Magic


Bundle Contents

Disappearing Act

by Margaret Ball



Brain Ships

by Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey and Margaret Ball

