Ten soldiers on convoy in Afghanistan suddenly find themselves lost in time. Somehow, they arrived in Earth's Paleolithic Asia. With no idea how they arrived or how to get back, the shock of the event is severe. They discover groups of the similarly displaced: Imperial Romans, Neolithic Europeans, and a small cadre of East Indian peasants. Despite their technological advantage, the soldiers only have ten people, and know no way home. Then two more time travelers arrive from a future far beyond the present. These time travelers may have the means to get back, but they aren't giving it up. In fact, they may have a treacherous agenda of their own, one that may very well lead to the death of the displaced in a harsh and dangerous era.
Listen to the author discuss the book here on the Baen Free Radio Hour.
A Long Time Until Now
SKU: 9781476780337
ISBN: 9781476780337
US Price: $25.00
ISBN: 9781476781723
US Price: $7.99

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Ten soldiers on convoy in Afghanistan suddenly find themselves lost in time. Somehow, they arrived in Earth's Paleolithic Asia. With no idea how they arrived or how to get back, the shock of the event is severe. They discover groups of the similarly displaced: Imperial Romans, Neolithic Europeans, and a small cadre of East Indian peasants. Despite their technological advantage, the soldiers only have ten people, and know no way home. Then two more time travelers arrive from a future far beyond the present. These time travelers may have the means to get back, but they aren't giving it up. In fact, they may have a treacherous agenda of their own, one that may very well lead to the death of the displaced in a harsh and dangerous era.
Listen to the author discuss the book here on the Baen Free Radio Hour.
Published: 5/5/2015
A Long Time Until Now
Michael Z. Williamson
Ebook: $6.99
Hardcover: $25.00
Paperback: $7.99
Ten soldiers on convoy in Afghanistan suddenly find themselves lost in time. Somehow, they arrived in Earth's Paleolithic Asia. With no idea how they arrived or how to get back, the shock of the event is severe. They discover groups of the similarly displaced: Imperial Romans, Neolithic Europeans, and a small cadre of East Indian peasants. Despite their technological advantage, the soldiers only have ten people, and know no way home. Then two more time travelers arrive from a future far beyond the present. These time travelers may have the means to get back, but they aren't giving it up. In fact, they may have a treacherous agenda of their own, one that may very well lead to the death of the displaced in a harsh and dangerous era.
Listen to the author discuss the book here on the Baen Free Radio Hour.
Published: 5/5/2015
More books by Michael Z. Williamson (24)

THE FREEHOLDERS RETURN in Book 7 of the nationally best‑selling Freehold Universe series. A return to the libertarian world of Grainne and its battle against an Earth government that will not let the Freeholders remain free! Angie Kaneshiro never planned to be a spy. She was a veteran of the Freehold Forces of Grainne, and was now a tramp freighter crew‑woman who hadn’t set foot on the dirt of a world in ten years. Angie was free, and that was the way she liked it. Then the war with Earth started. One thing Angie knew was human space. She knew where the UN troops garrisoned, the methods they used to scan and chip their own to control them. Even better, she had a mental map of the access conduits, the dive bars, and the make‑out cubbies people used to get around restrictions. The UN forces may hold most of the stations, the docks, and the jump points, but now the Freehold of Grainne has its own lethal weapon: Angie Kaneshiro. The Intelligence branch sends a freighter crewed with Blazers, special forces troops. All Angie has to do is lead them through the holes. Responsibility for the explosions and wreckage will be theirs. But war is complicated, and heroes can be forged in its crucible—even if the hero turns out to be a tramp freighter crew‑woman determined to fight for the freedom she loves.

THE FREEHOLDERS RETURN in Book 7 of the nationally best‑selling Freehold Universe series. A return to the libertarian world of Grainne and its battle against an Earth government that will not let the Freeholders remain free!
Angie Kaneshiro never planned to be a spy. She was a veteran of the Freehold Forces of Grainne, and was now a tramp freighter crew‑woman who hadn’t set foot on the dirt of a world in ten years. Angie was free, and that was the way she liked it.
Then the war with Earth started. One thing Angie knew was human space. She knew where the UN troops garrisoned, the methods they used to scan and chip their own to control them. Even better, she had a mental map of the access conduits, the dive bars, and the make‑out cubbies people used to get around restrictions.
The UN forces may hold most of the stations, the docks, and the jump points, but now the Freehold of Grainne has its own lethal weapon: Angie Kaneshiro. The Intelligence branch sends a freighter crewed with Blazers, special forces troops. All Angie has to do is lead them through the holes. Responsibility for the explosions and wreckage will be theirs. But war is complicated, and heroes can be forged in its crucible—even if the hero turns out to be a tramp freighter crew‑woman determined to fight for the freedom she loves.

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Battle Luna
AN EPIC FIGHT FOR INDEPENDENCE ON OUR MOON Something has been uncovered on the Moon that might have great scientific and economic importance. The Lunar colony is a mining colony with only internal security capabilities. Nobody had even considered that there might someday arise a need to defend the colony from the Earth! But that day has come. The Lunar colonists made this great discovery and perceive it as their own. Finders keepers and possession being nine tenths of the law is how things are seen on the Moon. But the governments of the Earth don’t quite see eye-to-eye with the Lunarian’s philosophy. As far as the Earth is concerned, they paid for everything on the Moon, so it belongs to them. There is only one solution: Battle Luna!
Something has been uncovered on the Moon that might have great scientific and economic importance. The Lunar colony is a mining colony with only internal security capabilities. Nobody had even considered that there might someday arise a need to defend the colony from the Earth! But that day has come.
The Lunar colonists made this great discovery and perceive it as their own. Finders keepers and possession being nine tenths of the law is how things are seen on the Moon. But the governments of the Earth don’t quite see eye-to-eye with the Lunarian’s philosophy. As far as the Earth is concerned, they paid for everything on the Moon, so it belongs to them.
There is only one solution: Battle Luna!

SKU: 9781982124687

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Better to Beg Forgiveness
THEY WERE THE TOUGHEST, DEADLIEST MERCENARIES IN THAT PART OF THE GALAXY... AND THEY'D BEEN DOUBLE-CROSSED! Celadon, a poor nation on a poor planet, engaged in civil war and a haven for every type of villainy in space, is ripe for cleanup. The military could pacify it handily, but it would take a statesman to fix it. But statesmen have ethics, which politicians and megacorps find inconvenient. Celadon's President Bishwanath compounded the sin by being astute, ambitious and capable. Something had to be done, because a working nation isn't much use for pork and graft. When the word comes down to replace him, the politicians move on with a new plan, reallocating resources, and finding a more pliable president to put in place. There are three problems with this solution. Bishwanath does not want to be replaced. His mercenary bodyguards are more loyal than the politicians. And if they're not on contract—there are no rules.

Celadon, a poor nation on a poor planet, engaged in civil war and a haven for every type of villainy in space, is ripe for cleanup. The military could pacify it handily, but it would take a statesman to fix it.
But statesmen have ethics, which politicians and megacorps find inconvenient. Celadon's President Bishwanath compounded the sin by being astute, ambitious and capable. Something had to be done, because a working nation isn't much use for pork and graft.
When the word comes down to replace him, the politicians move on with a new plan, reallocating resources, and finding a more pliable president to put in place.
There are three problems with this solution. Bishwanath does not want to be replaced. His mercenary bodyguards are more loyal than the politicians. And if they're not on contract—there are no rules.

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Contact with Chaos
The Galactic Rumble Is On! First contact with an alien species—and, surprise, the human race is far from united. The Freeholders want trade. The U.N. wants to manage. The eco-warriors want "purity" at all costs. Humans—you gotta love ‘em! Once again, a historic meeting between potential friends is about to turn into a free-fire zone! A stand-out entry in the "Freehold" saga by Michael Z. Williamson, co-author with New York Times best-seller John Ringo of "Posleen War" hit, Hero. "Williamson's military expertise is impressive."—SF Reviews

The Galactic Rumble Is On!
First contact with an alien species—and, surprise, the human race is far from united. The Freeholders want trade. The U.N. wants to manage. The eco-warriors want "purity" at all costs. Humans—you gotta love ‘em! Once again, a historic meeting between potential friends is about to turn into a free-fire zone! A stand-out entry in the "Freehold" saga by Michael Z. Williamson, co-author with New York Times best-seller John Ringo of "Posleen War" hit, Hero.
"Williamson's military expertise is impressive."
—SF Reviews

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Do Unto Others
The Prescot family were miners. At one time, they were contracted to develop technology for a mineral rich but uninhabitable system. Gradually, all the investors shied away. Then the Prescots broke through with the technology needed to exploit entire planets, and incidentally develop domed playgrounds for the perversely rich, including indoor ski slopes and cable cars over megavolcanos, casinos and rides. This created the economic problem of being the richest people in the universe, having more money than most governments and effectively unlimited resources. Money is a small blessing when enemies are quite willing to spend billions for the chance at trillions. Bryan Prescot and his daughter might as well have targets painted on their backs for the thugs, kidnappers and assassins their cmpetitors would throw at them. Bodyguards were necessary—Highly trained bodyguards who could be bought once and be utterly loyal no matter the circumstances. The altercation comes to a head inside the domes and mines of Govannon, with their enemy desperate to do anything to save their own lives, now that the gloves are off. Caron Prescot has only six bodyguards against an army, but she has two aces in the hole: The miners are on her side, and Elke, Ripple Creek's psychotic demolition expert, has a nuke. The problem with Elke having a nuke is that Elke WILL use it.

The Prescot family were miners. At one time, they were contracted to develop technology for a mineral rich but uninhabitable system. Gradually, all the investors shied away. Then the Prescots broke through with the technology needed to exploit entire planets, and incidentally develop domed playgrounds for the perversely rich, including indoor ski slopes and cable cars over megavolcanos, casinos and rides. This created the economic problem of being the richest people in the universe, having more money than most governments and effectively unlimited resources.
Money is a small blessing when enemies are quite willing to spend billions for the chance at trillions. Bryan Prescot and his daughter might as well have targets painted on their backs for the thugs, kidnappers and assassins their cmpetitors would throw at them. Bodyguards were necessary—Highly trained bodyguards who could be bought once and be utterly loyal no matter the circumstances.
The altercation comes to a head inside the domes and mines of Govannon, with their enemy desperate to do anything to save their own lives, now that the gloves are off. Caron Prescot has only six bodyguards against an army, but she has two aces in the hole: The miners are on her side, and Elke, Ripple Creek's psychotic demolition expert, has a nuke.
The problem with Elke having a nuke is that Elke WILL use it.

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Exiled: Clan of the Claw
First entry in a new series with three big all new linked novellas from multiple best-sellers S.M. Stirling, John Ringo & Jody Lynn Nye, and Harry Turtledove! After the extinction asteroid DOESN'T strike Earth, the dinosaurs keep evolving—but so do the mammals. We mammals have achieved human-like shapes, but now it's cold-blooded, magic-using reptiles against the hot-blooded, hot-tempered descendants of cats. In a heroic, bronze-age world similar to 300, the Mrem Clan of the Claw and its sister warbands are expanding their rough-and-tumble territory, but now they face the Lishkash, masters of a cold-blooded empire of slave armies and magic. It's mammalian courage and adaptation against reptile cunning in a clash of steel and will that will determine which line shall inherit the Earth.

First entry in a new series with three big all new linked novellas from multiple best-sellers S.M. Stirling, John Ringo & Jody Lynn Nye, and Harry Turtledove! After the extinction asteroid DOESN'T strike Earth, the dinosaurs keep evolving—but so do the mammals. We mammals have achieved human-like shapes, but now it's cold-blooded, magic-using reptiles against the hot-blooded, hot-tempered descendants of cats.
In a heroic, bronze-age world similar to 300, the Mrem Clan of the Claw and its sister warbands are expanding their rough-and-tumble territory, but now they face the Lishkash, masters of a cold-blooded empire of slave armies and magic. It's mammalian courage and adaptation against reptile cunning in a clash of steel and will that will determine which line shall inherit the Earth.
Exiled: Clan of the Claw

SKU: 9781439134412

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Forged in Blood
WARRIORS AND SOLDIERS TIED TOGETHER THROUGHOUT TIME AND SPACE. From the distant past to the far future, those who carry the sword rack up commendations for bravery. They are men and women who, like the swords they carry, have been forged in blood. These are their stories. In medieval Japan, a surly ronin is called upon to defend a village against a thieving tax collector who soon finds out it's not wise to anger an old, tired man. In the ugliest fighting in the Pacific Theater, an American sergeant and a Japanese lieutenant must face each other, and themselves. A former US Marine chooses sides with outnumbered Indonesian refugees against an invading army from Java. When her lover is stolen by death, a sergeant fighting on a far-flung world vows vengeance that will become legendary. And, when a planet fragments in violent chaos, seven Freeholders volunteer to help protect another nation's embassy against a horde. Featuring all-new stories by Michael Z. Williamson, Larry Correia, Tom Kratman, Tony Daniel, Micahel Massa, Peter Grant, John F. Holmes, and many more. Contributors: Zachary Hill Larry Correia Michael Massa John F. Holmes Rob Reed Dale Flowers Tom Kratman Leo Champion Peter Grant Christopher L. Smith Jason Cordova Tony Daniel Kacey Ezell Michael Z. Williamson

From the distant past to the far future, those who carry the sword rack up commendations for bravery. They are men and women who, like the swords they carry, have been forged in blood. These are their stories.
In medieval Japan, a surly ronin is called upon to defend a village against a thieving tax collector who soon finds out it's not wise to anger an old, tired man. In the ugliest fighting in the Pacific Theater, an American sergeant and a Japanese lieutenant must face each other, and themselves. A former US Marine chooses sides with outnumbered Indonesian refugees against an invading army from Java. When her lover is stolen by death, a sergeant fighting on a far-flung world vows vengeance that will become legendary. And, when a planet fragments in violent chaos, seven Freeholders volunteer to help protect another nation's embassy against a horde.
Featuring all-new stories by Michael Z. Williamson, Larry Correia, Tom Kratman, Tony Daniel, Micahel Massa, Peter Grant, John F. Holmes, and many more.
Zachary Hill
Larry Correia
Michael Massa
John F. Holmes
Rob Reed
Dale Flowers
Tom Kratman
Leo Champion
Peter Grant
Christopher L. Smith
Jason Cordova
Tony Daniel
Kacey Ezell
Michael Z. Williamson

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Free Nonfiction 2012
The Drugs of War by J.R. Dunn Putting the Science in Science Fiction by Tedd Roberts The Roads to the RCN Series by David Drake The Menace from Lydia: The Social Spider as Alien Invader by Robert E. Furey Rediscovering the Solar System by Les Johnson The Conquest of Planet Baen by Bob Kruger Indirectly Mistaken Decision Cycles by Tom Kratman Do Tanks Have a Future? by J.R. Dunn Getting Guns Right by Michael Z. Williamson Rediscovering the Universe by Les Johnson The Neuroscience of Darkships by Tedd Roberts Stars That Wander, Are You Bright: Are Stars Conscious? by Dr. Greg Matloff
The Drugs of War
by J.R. Dunn
Putting the Science in Science Fiction
by Tedd Roberts
The Roads to the RCN Series
by David Drake
The Menace from Lydia: The Social Spider as Alien Invader
by Robert E. Furey
Rediscovering the Solar System
by Les Johnson
The Conquest of Planet Baen
by Bob Kruger
Indirectly Mistaken Decision Cycles
by Tom Kratman
Do Tanks Have a Future?
by J.R. Dunn
Getting Guns Right
by Michael Z. Williamson
Rediscovering the Universe
by Les Johnson
The Neuroscience of Darkships
by Tedd Roberts
Stars That Wander, Are You Bright: Are Stars Conscious?
by Dr. Greg Matloff

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Free Nonfiction 2015
In February of 2011 we started posting free nonfiction we at Baen thought might be of interest to our readers. The first article was "The Size of it All" by Les Johnson, a Baen author and space scientist. As new nonfiction is made available, it will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of nonfiction for 2015. As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books. Our Worldship Broke! by Jim Beall A Translunar Laboratory . . . Hurrah! by Tedd Roberts The Incredibly Small Exploring the Cosmically Huge: Nanotechnology to Enable Future Space Probes by Joseph E. Meany The Distant Past: A Setting for Science Fiction by Michael Z. Williamson Using Missile Defense Against Terrorist Attack Israel’s Iron Dome and the Future of Rocket Shields by Alan Isom Remember to Remind Me. . . The Changing Science of Memory by Tedd Roberts Slaughtering Early Humans for Fun and (a Slight) Profit by Dave Drake Space Tethers and Elevators by Les Johnson Case Studies in Handwavium by Jim Beall Tomorrow's Math by Robert Dawson Will Hollywood Ever Get It Right? by Tedd Roberts The CubeSat Revolution by Les Johnson
In February of 2011 we started posting free nonfiction we at Baen thought might be of interest to our readers. The first article was "The Size of it All" by Les Johnson, a Baen author and space scientist. As new nonfiction is made available, it will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of nonfiction for 2015.
As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books.
Our Worldship Broke!by Jim Beall A Translunar Laboratory . . . Hurrah!
by Tedd Roberts The Incredibly Small Exploring the Cosmically Huge: Nanotechnology to Enable Future Space Probes
by Joseph E. Meany The Distant Past: A Setting for Science Fiction
by Michael Z. Williamson Using Missile Defense Against Terrorist Attack Israel’s Iron Dome and the Future of Rocket Shields
by Alan Isom Remember to Remind Me. . . The Changing Science of Memory
by Tedd Roberts Slaughtering Early Humans for Fun and (a Slight) Profit
by Dave Drake Space Tethers and Elevators
by Les Johnson Case Studies in Handwavium
by Jim Beall Tomorrow's Math
by Robert Dawson Will Hollywood Ever Get It Right?
by Tedd Roberts The CubeSat Revolution
by Les Johnson

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Free Nonfiction 2019
In February of 2011 we started posting free nonfiction we at Baen thought might be of interest to our readers. The first article was "The Size of it All" by Les Johnson, a Baen author and space scientist. As new nonfiction is made available, it will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of nonfiction for 2019. As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books. Swords of Lok: A Historical Approach to the Edged Weapons of Larry Correia's High Fantasy World by Whit Williams Principles of Organization for War and Organizing for War in the Carreraverse: Part Four: Military Organization of Carrera's Legions by Tom Kratman Genetics Advice for Generation Starships by Dan Koboldt The Evolution of Body Armor by Michael Z. Williamson Warships of Sea and Space: Form Follows Function Follows Technology by Jim Beall Warships of Sea and Space: Form Follows Function Follows Technology, Part II by Jim Beall Do You Believe in the Singularity? by Dr. Robert E. Hampson As Big as Space Itself: Building Our Own Space Megastructures—and Searching for Them as Galactic Signatures of Alien Civilizations by Les Johnson The Universe Beyond the Plasma Frequency by Kerry Hensley Man Caves: Humanity's Next Home by Ken Roy
In February of 2011 we started posting free nonfiction we at Baen thought might be of interest to our readers. The first article was "The Size of it All" by Les Johnson, a Baen author and space scientist. As new nonfiction is made available, it will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of nonfiction for 2019.
As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books.
Swords of Lok: A Historical Approach to the Edged Weapons of Larry Correia's High Fantasy World by Whit Williams
Principles of Organization for War and Organizing for War in the Carreraverse: Part Four: Military Organization of Carrera's Legions by Tom Kratman
Genetics Advice for Generation Starships by Dan Koboldt
The Evolution of Body Armor by Michael Z. Williamson
Warships of Sea and Space: Form Follows Function Follows Technology by Jim Beall
Warships of Sea and Space: Form Follows Function Follows Technology, Part II by Jim Beall
Do You Believe in the Singularity? by Dr. Robert E. Hampson
As Big as Space Itself: Building Our Own Space Megastructures—and Searching for Them as Galactic Signatures of Alien Civilizations by Les Johnson
The Universe Beyond the Plasma Frequency by Kerry Hensley
Man Caves: Humanity's Next Home by Ken Roy

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Free Nonfiction 2021
In February of 2011 we started posting free nonfiction we at Baen thought might be of interest to our readers. The first article was "The Size of it All" by Les Johnson, a Baen author and space scientist. As new nonfiction is made available, it will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of nonfiction for 2020. As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books. When Is An Hypothesis Not An Hypothesis? When it's the Solutrean Hypothesis. by Michael Z. Williamson Recycling—From Stars to Starships by Jim Beall

In February of 2011 we started posting free nonfiction we at Baen thought might be of interest to our readers. The first article was "The Size of it All" by Les Johnson, a Baen author and space scientist. As new nonfiction is made available, it will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of nonfiction for 2020.
As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books.
When Is An Hypothesis Not An Hypothesis? When it's the Solutrean Hypothesis. by Michael Z. Williamson
Recycling—From Stars to Starships by Jim Beall
Free Nonfiction 2021

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Free Short Stories 2014
The Gift of Music by Sharon Lee The Aristocrat and the Free Man by Robert Conroy Stealing Arturo by William Ledbetter Magic and Other Honest Lies by Robert Buettner Soft Casualty by Michael Z. Williamson Songs of Waste and Wood by P.C. Hodgell The Last Secret of Mary Bowser by Steve White Low Arc by Sean Monaghan Balance by Marina J. Lostetter A Thing of Beauty by Charles E. Gannon An Imperium Pursuitby Jody Lynn Nye Picket Shipby Brad R. Torgersen The Golden Knightby K. D. Julicher Bare Snow Falling on Fairywoodby Wen Spencer Bait and Switchby Ryk E. Spoor The night don't seem so lonelyby Sharon Lee Long Nights Moonby David B. Coe

The Gift of Music
by Sharon Lee
The Aristocrat and the Free Man
by Robert Conroy
Stealing Arturo
by William Ledbetter
Magic and Other Honest Lies
by Robert Buettner
Soft Casualty
by Michael Z. Williamson
Songs of Waste and Wood
by P.C. Hodgell
The Last Secret of Mary Bowser
by Steve White
Low Arc
by Sean Monaghan
by Marina J. Lostetter
A Thing of Beauty
by Charles E. Gannon
An Imperium Pursuit
by Jody Lynn Nye
Picket Ship
by Brad R. Torgersen
The Golden Knight
by K. D. Julicher
Bare Snow Falling on Fairywood
by Wen Spencer
Bait and Switch
by Ryk E. Spoor
The night don't seem so lonely
by Sharon Lee
Long Nights Moon
by David B. Coe
Free Short Stories 2014

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Free Stories 2016
In January of 2011 we started posting free short stories we thought might be of interest to Baen readers. The first stories were "Space Hero" by Patrick Lundrigan, the winner of the 2010 Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Contest, and "Tanya, Princess of Elves," by Larry Correia, author of Monster Hunter International and set in that universe. As new stories are made available, they will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of short stories for 2016. As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books. Adrift by Terry Burlison Training and Truth by Ryk E. Spoor Touchstone by Sonia Orin Lyris Trouble: The Changeling and the Phooka by Dave Freer Moonlet Sonata by William Ledbetter Cadet Cruise by David Drake 71 by David Brin Wise Child by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller Dear Ammi by Aimee Ogden Bringer of Fire by David Carrico Rock, Meet Hard Place (Part 1) by Peter Nealen Rock, Meet Hard Place (Part 2) by Mike Kupari The Lavender Paladin by Shawn Snider Starhome by Michael Z. Williamson Tethers by William Ledbetter The Trouble with Millennials by Robert Buettner

In January of 2011 we started posting free short stories we thought might be of interest to Baen readers. The first stories were "Space Hero" by Patrick Lundrigan, the winner of the 2010 Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Contest, and "Tanya, Princess of Elves," by Larry Correia, author of Monster Hunter International and set in that universe. As new stories are made available, they will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of short stories for 2016.
As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books.
by Terry Burlison Training and Truth
by Ryk E. Spoor Touchstone
by Sonia Orin Lyris Trouble: The Changeling and the Phooka
by Dave Freer Moonlet Sonata
by William Ledbetter Cadet Cruise
by David Drake 71
by David Brin Wise Child
by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller Dear Ammi
by Aimee Ogden Bringer of Fire
by David Carrico Rock, Meet Hard Place (Part 1)
by Peter Nealen Rock, Meet Hard Place (Part 2)
by Mike Kupari The Lavender Paladin
by Shawn Snider Starhome
by Michael Z. Williamson Tethers
by William Ledbetter The Trouble with Millennials
by Robert Buettner

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Freehold, Second Edition
Sergeant Kendra Pacelli is innocent, but that doesn't matter to the repressive government pursuing her. Mistakes might be made, but they are never acknowledged, especially when billions of embezzled dollars earned from illegal weapons sales are at stake. But where does one run when all Earth and most settled planets are under the aegis of one government? Answer: The Freehold of Grainne. There, one may seek asylum and build a new life in a society that doesn't track its residents every move, which is just what Pacelli has done. But now things are about to go royally to hell. Because Earth's government has found out where she is, and they want her back. Or dead.This all-new offering contains Michael Z. Williamson’s brilliant novel Freehold plus three new stories along with a complete new novella—each set within the legendary Freehold series universe. Contains these additional stories: "Humans Call It Duty," "The Price,” "Soft Casualty," and novella “The Brute Force Approach." Listen to the author discuss the book here on the Baen Free Radio Hour.

Sergeant Kendra Pacelli is innocent, but that doesn't matter to the repressive government pursuing her. Mistakes might be made, but they are never acknowledged, especially when billions of embezzled dollars earned from illegal weapons sales are at stake. But where does one run when all Earth and most settled planets are under the aegis of one government? Answer: The Freehold of Grainne. There, one may seek asylum and build a new life in a society that doesn't track its residents every move, which is just what Pacelli has done. But now things are about to go royally to hell. Because Earth's government has found out where she is, and they want her back. Or dead.
This all-new offering contains Michael Z. Williamson’s brilliant novel Freehold plus three new stories along with a complete new novella—each set within the legendary Freehold series universe. Contains these additional stories: "Humans Call It Duty," "The Price,” "Soft Casualty," and novella “The Brute Force Approach."
Listen to the author discuss the book here on the Baen Free Radio Hour.

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Freehold: Defiance
Everyone has a different war. For some in the UN Peacekeeping mission to Grainne, the struggle is just to survive. For others, it’s to remain sane, or keep one’s friends and comrades physically and mentally intact. When the rules of engagement are in constant flux, and orders are unclear or based on false information, just getting back inside the fence can be an accomplishment. For the rebels of the Freehold of Grainne, they must form an organized force from the shattered remnants of their military, and from grimly determined, but underequipped and outnumbered insurgents. Their war is for their very way of life. They’ll do everything and anything to stop this invasion, using whatever means are available. They mean to make the enemy suffer. Quod vulnera curare potes. “Because physical wounds heal.”

Everyone has a different war. For some in the UN Peacekeeping mission to Grainne, the struggle is just to survive. For others, it’s to remain sane, or keep one’s friends and comrades physically and mentally intact. When the rules of engagement are in constant flux, and orders are unclear or based on false information, just getting back inside the fence can be an accomplishment.
For the rebels of the Freehold of Grainne, they must form an organized force from the shattered remnants of their military, and from grimly determined, but underequipped and outnumbered insurgents. Their war is for their very way of life. They’ll do everything and anything to stop this invasion, using whatever means are available. They mean to make the enemy suffer. Quod vulnera curare potes. “Because physical wounds heal.”

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Freehold: Resistance
NEW STORIES IN THE BEST-SELLING FREEHOLD SERIES, CREATED BY MICHAEL Z. WILLIAMSON. Featuring all-new stories by Larry Correia, Michael Z. Williamson, Brad R. Torgersen, Mike Massa, Kacey Ezell, and more! When the UN invaded the Freehold of Grainne, the intent was simple: Force a noncompliant star nation back into the collective. What the politicians hadn't accounted for was that the Freehold had spent 200 years as the haven for every independent, rebellious, self-reliant adventurer in human space. Its military are scattered remnants, its bases smoking ruins, its cities occupied. But Grainne and its space habitats have resources beyond measure. Retired intelligence agents, disabled veterans, animal handlers, petty smugglers, half-lame computer specialists, research scientists, planetary engineers, all have one goal in mind: Make the invaders suffer for their presumption. This isn't just resistance. It's vengeance. Stories by: Larry Correia Michael Z. Williamson Brad R. Torgersen Mike Massa Kacey Ezell Robert E. Hampson Aaron Haskins John F. Holmes Marisa Wolf Justin Watson Jason Cordova Jamie Ibson Jessica Schlenker Christopher Dinote Rob Reed Chris Smith Jaime DiNote Philip Wohlrab

NEW STORIES IN THE BEST-SELLING FREEHOLD SERIES, CREATED BY MICHAEL Z. WILLIAMSON. Featuring all-new stories by Larry Correia, Michael Z. Williamson, Brad R. Torgersen, Mike Massa, Kacey Ezell, and more!
When the UN invaded the Freehold of Grainne, the intent was simple: Force a noncompliant star nation back into the collective.
What the politicians hadn't accounted for was that the Freehold had spent 200 years as the haven for every independent, rebellious, self-reliant adventurer in human space.
Its military are scattered remnants, its bases smoking ruins, its cities occupied. But Grainne and its space habitats have resources beyond measure. Retired intelligence agents, disabled veterans, animal handlers, petty smugglers, half-lame computer specialists, research scientists, planetary engineers, all have one goal in mind: Make the invaders suffer for their presumption.
This isn't just resistance. It's vengeance.
Stories by:
Larry Correia
Michael Z. Williamson
Brad R. Torgersen
Mike Massa
Kacey Ezell
Robert E. Hampson
Aaron Haskins
John F. Holmes
Marisa Wolf
Justin Watson
Jason Cordova
Jamie Ibson
Jessica Schlenker
Christopher Dinote
Rob Reed
Chris Smith
Jaime DiNote
Philip Wohlrab

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Kenneth Chinran commanded the elite unit assigned to take out an entire planet in a terrible war. Millions died; billions more perished in the aftermath. One doesn't send a sociopath on such a mission. A sociopath might not stop. Chinran did stop—but in the process nearly lost his sanity and his soul. But one of Chinran's men was a sociopath going in. Now he's a trained sociopath with the knowledge and firepower to take out entire tactical teams, evaporate security cordons and change identity at will. Who do you send after a killer like that? There's only one answer: the man who trained him. The man who made him.

Kenneth Chinran commanded the elite unit assigned to take out an entire planet in a terrible war. Millions died; billions more perished in the aftermath. One doesn't send a sociopath on such a mission. A sociopath might not stop. Chinran did stop—but in the process nearly lost his sanity and his soul.
But one of Chinran's men was a sociopath going in. Now he's a trained sociopath with the knowledge and firepower to take out entire tactical teams, evaporate security cordons and change identity at will. Who do you send after a killer like that? There's only one answer: the man who trained him. The man who made him.

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Target: Terror
Within a military that prides teamwork, strength in numbers, and camaraderie, the sniper is the outlier. The loner. The specialist whose talent can mean the difference between mission success and disaster—and often between life and death. Kyle Monroe is one member of this exclusive fraternity. Wade Curtis is another. From Pakistan to the tunnels beneath the ruins of Vlad the Impaler’s castle in Romania to the jungles of Indonesia, Monroe and Curtis are the best at what they do: eliminating their nation’s enemies from a distance with one well-placed bullet to the head. Includes three complete military thriller novels: The Scope of Justice, Targets of Opportunity, and Confirmed Kill.

Within a military that prides teamwork, strength in numbers, and camaraderie, the sniper is the outlier. The loner. The specialist whose talent can mean the difference between mission success and disaster—and often between life and death. Kyle Monroe is one member of this exclusive fraternity. Wade Curtis is another. From Pakistan to the tunnels beneath the ruins of Vlad the Impaler’s castle in Romania to the jungles of Indonesia, Monroe and Curtis are the best at what they do: eliminating their nation’s enemies from a distance with one well-placed bullet to the head.
Includes three complete military thriller novels: The Scope of Justice, Targets of Opportunity, and Confirmed Kill.

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That was Now, This is Then
IN A FOLLOW-UP TO GROUNDBREAKING A LONG TIME UNTIL NOW, MASTER OF MILITARY SF MICHAEL Z. WILLIAMSON SENDS EPOCH-DISPLACED SOLDIER SEAN ELLIOTT AND HIS CREW ON A RESCUE MISSION WITHIN THE FOLDS OF TIME ITSELF SOLDIERS OUT OF TIME Then: First Lieutenant Sean Elliott and nine other mixed-service U.S. soldiers on a convoy in Afghanistan suddenly found themselves and their MRAP vehicle thrown back to Earth’s Paleolithic Age. And they were not alone. Displaced Romans, Neolithic Europeans, and more showed up as well. Some would be allies. Some became deadly foes. Now: Scientists from an almost unimaginably far future need the survivors’ advice and support to reconnoiter and ultimately recover other groups displaced in time. There's just one problem. Not all of those other groups want to be recovered or even understand where they are. Prehistory is an ugly place, fascinating to visit, but no place for a civilized person to live. But the future, gorgeous as it is, has a darker side that dampens the appeal. In the end, only inventiveness, grit, and a thirst for freedom from the fickle tides of time can keep Sean and the displaced Americans alive and on a path to finally find a place—and a time—to call home.

Then: First Lieutenant Sean Elliott and nine other mixed-service U.S. soldiers on a convoy in Afghanistan suddenly found themselves and their MRAP vehicle thrown back to Earth’s Paleolithic Age. And they were not alone. Displaced Romans, Neolithic Europeans, and more showed up as well. Some would be allies. Some became deadly foes.
Now: Scientists from an almost unimaginably far future need the survivors’ advice and support to reconnoiter and ultimately recover other groups displaced in time. There's just one problem. Not all of those other groups want to be recovered or even understand where they are. Prehistory is an ugly place, fascinating to visit, but no place for a civilized person to live. But the future, gorgeous as it is, has a darker side that dampens the appeal. In the end, only inventiveness, grit, and a thirst for freedom from the fickle tides of time can keep Sean and the displaced Americans alive and on a path to finally find a place—and a time—to call home.

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The Hero
A Deranged Human Who Lives to Deal Death Stalks an Alien Who Cannot Bear to Kill, with the Galaxy's Future in the Balance. Science Fiction Adventure in the Posleen War Universe from a New York Times Best-Selling Author and a New Star of Military Science Fiction. It's a matter of trust. For thousands of years the Darhel, a warrior species conditioned to be incapable of killing, manipulated and controlled the human race. Then the humans threw off their yoke and, as humans tend to do, attempted to exterminate them. Now, for the first time, a Darhel has been assigned to the elite Deep Reconnaissance Team commandos. Trust, in a small unit, is vital. And there was no trust to be had on either side. But when the mission encountered an alien device worth more than a king's ransom, it was the humans who betrayed the trust. Now the despised Darhel must race against the team's sniper to prevent the artifact falling into the wrong hands. The Darhel has empathic powers, superhuman strength and the speed of a cheetah. The sniper has years of experience and enormous ability. The sniper can kill. The Darhel cannot. The fate of the galaxy and the human race for the next thousand years hangs in the balance and that balance rests on the shoulders of a Darhel. The Hero has a thousand faces, but is one of them the face of an elf Praise for the Science Fiction of John Ringo: "If you want military Sf with a difference, read John Ringo . . . You'll get as much action as you could hope for. . . ." —Eric Flint "[Ringo's SF is] peopled with three-dimensional characters and spiced with personal drama as well as tactical finesse." —Library Journal "Ringo has become one of the writers whose work I jump first to when books arrive. . . ." —Philadelphia Weekly Press ". . . Ringo's penchant for describing military action has also grown exponentially . . . a sequel capable of standing on its own." —Starlog ABOUT THE AUTHORS John Ringo is author of the New York Times best-selling Posleen War series which so far includes A Hymn Before Battle, Gust Front, When the Devil Dances (New York Times best seller), and Hell's Faire (New York Times best seller), and is the hottest new science fiction writer since David Weber. A veteran of the 82nd Airborne, Ringo brings first-hand knowledge of military operations to his fiction. He had visited 23 countries and attended 14 schools by the time he graduated high school. Michael Z. Williamson, an 18-year veteran of the US Army and US Air Force, is a state-ranked competitive shooter in combat rifle and combat pistol. As with John Ringo, Williamson's military experience gives him the first-hand knowledge to bring an adventure yarn to vivid life and keep it moving at a breakneck pace. Williamson's first novel for Baen was Freehold (January 2004). He has also written three action-suspense novels in the Target: Terror series for Harper-Collins, which will publish One Shot, One Kill; Scope of Justice; and By the Book in 2004.
A Deranged Human Who Lives to Deal Death
Stalks an Alien Who Cannot Bear to Kill,
with the Galaxy's Future in the Balance.
Science Fiction Adventure in the Posleen War Universe from a New York Times Best-Selling Author and a New Star of Military Science Fiction.
It's a matter of trust.
For thousands of years the Darhel, a warrior species conditioned to be incapable of killing, manipulated and controlled the human race. Then the humans threw off their yoke and, as humans tend to do, attempted to exterminate them.
Now, for the first time, a Darhel has been assigned to the elite Deep Reconnaissance Team commandos.
Trust, in a small unit, is vital. And there was no trust to be had on either side.
But when the mission encountered an alien device worth more than a king's ransom, it was the humans who betrayed the trust.
Now the despised Darhel must race against the team's sniper to prevent the artifact falling into the wrong hands. The Darhel has empathic powers, superhuman strength and the speed of a cheetah. The sniper has years of experience and enormous ability. The sniper can kill. The Darhel cannot.
The fate of the galaxy and the human race for the next thousand years hangs in the balance and that balance rests on the shoulders of a Darhel.
The Hero has a thousand faces, but is one of them the face of an elf
Praise for the Science Fiction of John Ringo:
"If you want military Sf with a difference, read John Ringo . . . You'll get as much action as you could hope for. . . ."
—Eric Flint
"[Ringo's SF is] peopled with three-dimensional characters and spiced with personal drama as well as tactical finesse."
—Library Journal
"Ringo has become one of the writers whose work I jump first to when books arrive. . . ."
—Philadelphia Weekly Press
". . . Ringo's penchant for describing military action has also grown exponentially . . . a sequel capable of standing on its own."
John Ringo is author of the New York Times best-selling Posleen War series which so far includes A Hymn Before Battle, Gust Front, When the Devil Dances (New York Times best seller), and Hell's Faire (New York Times best seller), and is the hottest new science fiction writer since David Weber. A veteran of the 82nd Airborne, Ringo brings first-hand knowledge of military operations to his fiction. He had visited 23 countries and attended 14 schools by the time he graduated high school.
Michael Z. Williamson, an 18-year veteran of the US Army and US Air Force, is a state-ranked competitive shooter in combat rifle and combat pistol. As with John Ringo, Williamson's military experience gives him the first-hand knowledge to bring an adventure yarn to vivid life and keep it moving at a breakneck pace. Williamson's first novel for Baen was Freehold (January 2004). He has also written three action-suspense novels in the Target: Terror series for Harper-Collins, which will publish One Shot, One Kill; Scope of Justice; and By the Book in 2004.

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