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Kicking the Sacred Cow
Table of Contents
Humanistic Religion
The Rush to Embrace Darwinism
Science, Religion, and Logic
Darwinism and the New Order
A Cultural Monopoly
Rocks of Ages—The Fossil Record
Anything, Everything, and Its Opposite: Natural Selection
The Origin of Originality?
Genetics and Mutation
Life as Information Processing
Of Bangs and Braids Cosmology's Mathematical Abstractions
Mathematical Worlds—
and This Other One
Cosmologies as Mirrors
Matters of Gravity: Relativity's Universes
After the Bomb: The Birth of the Bang
The Plasma Universe
Other Ways of Making Light Elements . . .
And of Producing Expansion
Redshift Without Expansion at All
The Ultimate Heresy:
Questioning the Hubble Law
The God of the Modern Creation Myth
Drifting in the Ether
Did Relativity Take A Wrong Turn?
Some Basics
Extending Classical Relativity
The New Relativity
Dissident Viewpoints
The Famous Faster-Than-Light Question
Catastrophe of Ethics
The Case for Taking Velikovsky Seriously
Early Work: The Makings
of an Iconoclast
Worlds in Collision
Science in Convulsion:
The Reactions
Testimony from the Rocks:
Earth in Upheaval
Orthodoxy in Confusion
Slaying the Monster: The AAAS
Velikovsky Symposium, 1974
After the Inquisition:
The Parallel Universe
Environmentalist Fantasies
Politics and Ideology
Masquerading As Science
Garbage In, Gospel Out:
Computer Games and Global Warming
Holes in the Ozone Logic—
But Timely for Some
Saving The Mosquitoes:
The War On DDT
The 1971 EPA Hearings
"Vitamin R": Radiation
Good for Your Health 212
Rip-Out Rip-Off: The Asbestos Racket
AIDS Heresy In The Viricentric Universe
Science by Press Conference
"Side Effects" Just Like AIDS:
The Miracle Drugs
A Virus Fixation
Gothic Cathedrals And The Stars
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