Move over, urban fantasy—here comes suburban fantasy. What self-respecting witch, vampire, or werewolf would be caught dead—or undead—anywhere but the Big City, you may ask Look, let's give the uncanny crew a little credit for intelligence: If they had the smarts to see the advantage in packing up and moving into the cities, why wouldn't they have the smarts to move out of said cities if it looked like they could get a better quality-of-life/death elsewhere (Tough enough going about your otherworldly business and evading the occasional mob wielding halogen torches and designer pitchforks, but have you ever seen city real estate prices )
So let's welcome our first group of supernatural suburbanites, the witches. Their powers are awesome, their methods of coping with the lumps, bumps, and idiosyncrasies of Suburbia are ingenious, and they always bring the loveliest gingerbread to the PTA bake sale. But whatever you do, don't try telling them that life in a non-city setting is bland, banal and boring, or you might get turned into . . . ribbit!
Stories of suburban sorcery by Harry Turtledove, Sarah A. Hoyt, Jan and S.M. Stirling, K. D. Wentworth, and more—including Esther Friesner herself.
Witch Way to the Mall
SKU: 1439132747
ISBN: 1439132747
US Price: $7.99

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Move over, urban fantasy—here comes suburban fantasy. What self-respecting witch, vampire, or werewolf would be caught dead—or undead—anywhere but the Big City, you may ask Look, let's give the uncanny crew a little credit for intelligence: If they had the smarts to see the advantage in packing up and moving into the cities, why wouldn't they have the smarts to move out of said cities if it looked like they could get a better quality-of-life/death elsewhere (Tough enough going about your otherworldly business and evading the occasional mob wielding halogen torches and designer pitchforks, but have you ever seen city real estate prices )
So let's welcome our first group of supernatural suburbanites, the witches. Their powers are awesome, their methods of coping with the lumps, bumps, and idiosyncrasies of Suburbia are ingenious, and they always bring the loveliest gingerbread to the PTA bake sale. But whatever you do, don't try telling them that life in a non-city setting is bland, banal and boring, or you might get turned into . . . ribbit!
Stories of suburban sorcery by Harry Turtledove, Sarah A. Hoyt, Jan and S.M. Stirling, K. D. Wentworth, and more—including Esther Friesner herself.
Published: 6/1/2009
Move over, urban fantasy—here comes suburban fantasy. What self-respecting witch, vampire, or werewolf would be caught dead—or undead—anywhere but the Big City, you may ask Look, let's give the uncanny crew a little credit for intelligence: If they had the smarts to see the advantage in packing up and moving into the cities, why wouldn't they have the smarts to move out of said cities if it looked like they could get a better quality-of-life/death elsewhere (Tough enough going about your otherworldly business and evading the occasional mob wielding halogen torches and designer pitchforks, but have you ever seen city real estate prices )
So let's welcome our first group of supernatural suburbanites, the witches. Their powers are awesome, their methods of coping with the lumps, bumps, and idiosyncrasies of Suburbia are ingenious, and they always bring the loveliest gingerbread to the PTA bake sale. But whatever you do, don't try telling them that life in a non-city setting is bland, banal and boring, or you might get turned into . . . ribbit!
Stories of suburban sorcery by Harry Turtledove, Sarah A. Hoyt, Jan and S.M. Stirling, K. D. Wentworth, and more—including Esther Friesner herself.
Published: 6/1/2009
Other books in the Suburban Fantasy Series by Esther Friesner (2)

Fangs for the Mammaries
Having inflicted the smug homes of suburbia with witches and werewolves. Esther Friesner now unleashes the undead to tap a vein of blood and humor, and drain the suburbs dry of both. Vampires and the suburbs are a match made in heaven, or maybe Levittown. Remember Dracula? He didn't run into any real problems until he took his act on the road and traveled to the Big City. But in the suburbs, everyone is polite and respectful of their neighbors' right to privacy. And if your neighbors happen to have kids selling gift-wrap, magazine subscriptions, cookies, or other school fundraising ploys, and little Emily or Jason happen to come peddling their wares after sundown . . . Who says you have to stay in the city if you want good take-out meals delivered right to your door? There's no one quite like a vampire for saying, “All of you kids get off of my lawn!” and putting some teeth into it. The stories in these pages—by Sarah A. Hoyt, K.D. Wentworth, Dave Freer and more, including Esther Friesner herself—will convince the reader that vampires and suburbs go together like wine and cheese, gin and tonic, desperation and housewives, marriage and pre-nups. Enter freely and of your own will...

Having inflicted the smug homes of suburbia with witches and werewolves. Esther Friesner now unleashes the undead to tap a vein of blood and humor, and drain the suburbs dry of both.
Vampires and the suburbs are a match made in heaven, or maybe Levittown. Remember Dracula? He didn't run into any real problems until he took his act on the road and traveled to the Big City. But in the suburbs, everyone is polite and respectful of their neighbors' right to privacy. And if your neighbors happen to have kids selling gift-wrap, magazine subscriptions, cookies, or other school fundraising ploys, and little Emily or Jason happen to come peddling their wares after sundown . . . Who says you have to stay in the city if you want good take-out meals delivered right to your door? There's no one quite like a vampire for saying, “All of you kids get off of my lawn!” and putting some teeth into it.
The stories in these pages—by Sarah A. Hoyt, K.D. Wentworth, Dave Freer and more, including Esther Friesner herself—will convince the reader that vampires and suburbs go together like wine and cheese, gin and tonic, desperation and housewives, marriage and pre-nups. Enter freely and of your own will...

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Strip Mauled
Werewolves and the suburbs are a natural go-together. Okay, so they’re not the Obligatory/Iconic Suburban Golden Retriever or Chocolate Labrador, but they’ve got a much better chance of taking home the Best in Show ribbon than their Undead rivals, the vampires. In some suburban households, if it brings home a trophy, who cares if it also brings home bloody chunks of the neighbors every time the full moon shines? And let’s not forget one more advantage to the suburban werewolf: If his lupine side does something nasty on your lawn, his human side can come by later with the Pooper Scooper. In your face, Dracula! Therefore, welcome to the fur-sprouting, mall-browsing, moon-howling, latté-sipping world of Strip Mauled. You’ll like what you find. Sit. Stay. Good reader. Stories of suburban lycanthropy by Sarah A. Hoyt, Dave Freer, K. D. Wentworth, and more—including Esther Friesner herself.

Werewolves and the suburbs are a natural go-together. Okay, so they’re not the Obligatory/Iconic Suburban Golden Retriever or Chocolate Labrador, but they’ve got a much better chance of taking home the Best in Show ribbon than their Undead rivals, the vampires. In some suburban households, if it brings home a trophy, who cares if it also brings home bloody chunks of the neighbors every time the full moon shines? And let’s not forget one more advantage to the suburban werewolf: If his lupine side does something nasty on your lawn, his human side can come by later with the Pooper Scooper. In your face, Dracula!
Therefore, welcome to the fur-sprouting, mall-browsing, moon-howling, latté-sipping world of Strip Mauled. You’ll like what you find.
Sit. Stay. Good reader.
Stories of suburban lycanthropy by Sarah A. Hoyt, Dave Freer, K. D. Wentworth, and more—including Esther Friesner herself.

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More books by Esther Friesner not in this series (4)

Chicks 'n Chained Males
AMAZONS 'R US Continuing a great tradition, Chicks 'n Chained Males is not what you think. That place is down the block, on another street, in another city. In fact, if that's what you're looking for one of our Chicks, Helga her name is, will be over shortly to give you a send-off you won't soon forget. (The term Bouncer takes on a whole new meaning....) All we have here is a bunch of perfectly healthy babes in brass bras and chain-link bikinis, bearing broad swords and filled with good intentions. Never would such as they stoop to the exploitation of those poor chained males who have suddenly found themselves under their protection and succor. Never would they force those poor boys to do anything they did not wish to do; perish that thought on the nearest sharp blade! No-no—these chicks are here to rescue these victims of male-abuse from any number of Fates Worse Than Death.... Right here. Right now. Editor's Note: The Editor wishes it known that the title for volume was chosen by the Publisher and not by her. As a card-carrying Thoroughly Modern Liberated Woman, it would simply never occur to her to propose such a title, and she was shocked—shocked—that it did to anyone else, let alone the Publisher, who was formerly known as a sensitive New Age Guy in good standing (subject to change without notice). And besides, if a swordswoman has to chain up a man to keep him in line, she's being lazy and not paying proper attention to obedience training....

Continuing a great tradition, Chicks 'n Chained Males is not what you think. That place is down the block, on another street, in another city. In fact, if that's what you're looking for one of our Chicks, Helga her name is, will be over shortly to give you a send-off you won't soon forget. (The term Bouncer takes on a whole new meaning....)
All we have here is a bunch of perfectly healthy babes in brass bras and chain-link bikinis, bearing broad swords and filled with good intentions. Never would such as they stoop to the exploitation of those poor chained males who have suddenly found themselves under their protection and succor. Never would they force those poor boys to do anything they did not wish to do; perish that thought on the nearest sharp blade!
No-no—these chicks are here to rescue these victims of male-abuse from any number of Fates Worse Than Death.... Right here. Right now.
Editor's Note: The Editor wishes it known that the title for volume was chosen by the Publisher and not by her. As a card-carrying Thoroughly Modern Liberated Woman, it would simply never occur to her to propose such a title, and she was shocked—shocked—that it did to anyone else, let alone the Publisher, who was formerly known as a sensitive New Age Guy in good standing (subject to change without notice). And besides, if a swordswoman has to chain up a man to keep him in line, she's being lazy and not paying proper attention to obedience training....

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Chicks and Balances
ORIGINAL ANTHOLOGY featuring rollicking, tongue-in-cheek tales of women warrior fighting against the stodgy and in the name of freedom of expression, Chicks in Chainmail style! Continuing a great tradition, Chicks and Balances is not what you might think (or it is what you think, depending on which way your mind runs). What we have here is a bunch of perfectly healthy women who happen to be of the brass-bra-wearing and chain-link bikinis sort. Each is fighting in her own way for the freedom to express herself--often by thrusting sword through a censor's black heart! Be glad, the chicks in chainmail are back, and they will not be oppressed, repressed, or depressed! All new adventures of fearless women warriors by Nebula-winning author Harry Turtledove; Jody Lynn Nye, co-author of the national bestseller The Ship Who Won; Campbell Award-winner Wen Spencer, and many more, including the inimitable Esther Friesner herself, as fantasy adventure takes a turn for the lighter side. Listen to the author discuss the book here on the Baen Free Radio Hour.

ORIGINAL ANTHOLOGY featuring rollicking, tongue-in-cheek tales of women warrior fighting against the stodgy and in the name of freedom of expression, Chicks in Chainmail style!
Continuing a great tradition, Chicks and Balances is not what you might think (or it is what you think, depending on which way your mind runs). What we have here is a bunch of perfectly healthy women who happen to be of the brass-bra-wearing and chain-link bikinis sort. Each is fighting in her own way for the freedom to express herself--often by thrusting sword through a censor's black heart! Be glad, the chicks in chainmail are back, and they will not be oppressed, repressed, or depressed!
All new adventures of fearless women warriors by Nebula-winning author Harry Turtledove; Jody Lynn Nye, co-author of the national bestseller The Ship Who Won; Campbell Award-winner Wen Spencer, and many more, including the inimitable Esther Friesner herself, as fantasy adventure takes a turn for the lighter side.
Listen to the author discuss the book here on the Baen Free Radio Hour.

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E. Godz
DOW JONES MEETS DARKEST SORCERY! E.Godz, Inc.'s stock-in-trade was magic. When Edwina Godz inherited the family corporation, she immediately put to work all the sorcery she knew, taking shamans on board as subsidiaries, and raking in the benefits of the material world, including big profits and a high-selling stock. Unfortunately, Edwina's two children hated each other's guts, and if she stepped aside and let them take over the company, it was certain to go down the tubes. So she decided to let them fight it out for dominance using all the tricks of both corporate in-fighting and wizardly warfare that she had taught them. It's no holds (or spells) barred—and may the most evil and ruthless sorcerer win! ABOUT THE AUTHORS Robert Asprin was the New York Times bestselling author of the Phule's Company series of space adventures and the nationally bestselling Myth Adventures series of humorous fantasies. He was the creator and editor of the Thieves' World series, the first shared universe series in fantasy and science fiction. Asprin makes his home in New Orleans. Esther Friesner is a winner twice over of the coveted Nebula Award (for the Year's Best Short Story, 1995 and 1996), and is the author of twenty-nine novels and more than one hundred short stories. She has also edited six anthologies, including the very popular Chicks in Chainmail series for Baen. Her works have been published in the UK, Japan, Germany, Russia, France, and Italy. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, two children, two rambunctious cats, and a fluctuating population of hamsters.
E.Godz, Inc.'s stock-in-trade was magic. When Edwina Godz inherited the family corporation, she immediately put to work all the sorcery she knew, taking shamans on board as subsidiaries, and raking in the benefits of the material world, including big profits and a high-selling stock.
Unfortunately, Edwina's two children hated each other's guts, and if she stepped aside and let them take over the company, it was certain to go down the tubes. So she decided to let them fight it out for dominance using all the tricks of both corporate in-fighting and wizardly warfare that she had taught them.
It's no holds (or spells) barred—and may the most evil and ruthless sorcerer win!
Robert Asprin was the New York Times bestselling author of the Phule's Company series of space adventures and the nationally bestselling Myth Adventures series of humorous fantasies. He was the creator and editor of the Thieves' World series, the first shared universe series in fantasy and science fiction. Asprin makes his home in New Orleans.
Esther Friesner is a winner twice over of the coveted Nebula Award (for the Year's Best Short Story, 1995 and 1996), and is the author of twenty-nine novels and more than one hundred short stories. She has also edited six anthologies, including the very popular Chicks in Chainmail series for Baen. Her works have been published in the UK, Japan, Germany, Russia, France, and Italy. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, two children, two rambunctious cats, and a fluctuating population of hamsters.

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Turn the Other Chick
THOSE RAMBUNCTIOUS CHICKS IN CHAINMAIL ARE BACK—AND BOTH THEIR WIT AND THEIR SWORDS ARE AS SHARP AS EVER! One good turn deserves another and those unpredictable amazons are in action again, swords sharpened, chainmail polished, and makeup in place, ready to fight the good fight on the field of battle. And if you think they're just male wish-fulfillment fantasies, you'd better say it under your breath and out of their earshot, because these barbarian babes were born to battle. All new adventures of fearless women warriors by Eric Flint, author of 1632; Nebula-winning author Harry Turtledove; Jody Lynn Nye, co-author of the national best seller The Ship Who Won; Campbell Award-winner Wen Spencer, and many more, including the inimitable Esther Friesner herself, as fantasy adventure takes a turn for the lighter side. ABOUT THE EDITOR Esther Friesner is a winner twice over of the coveted Nebula Award (for the Year's Best Short Story, 1995 and 1996), and is the author of twenty-nine novels (including the USA Today best seller Warchild) and more than one hundred short stories. She has also having edited six anthologies, including the four previous volumes in the very popular Chicks in Chainmail series for Baen: Chicks in Chainmail, Did You Say Chicks! , Chicks 'n Chained Males, and The Chick is in the Mail. Her works have been published in the UK, Japan, Germany, Russia, France, and Italy. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, two children, and two rambunctious cats.

One good turn deserves another and those unpredictable amazons are in action again, swords sharpened, chainmail polished, and makeup in place, ready to fight the good fight on the field of battle. And if you think they're just male wish-fulfillment fantasies, you'd better say it under your breath and out of their earshot, because these barbarian babes were born to battle.
All new adventures of fearless women warriors by Eric Flint, author of 1632; Nebula-winning author Harry Turtledove; Jody Lynn Nye, co-author of the national best seller The Ship Who Won; Campbell Award-winner Wen Spencer, and many more, including the inimitable Esther Friesner herself, as fantasy adventure takes a turn for the lighter side.
Esther Friesner is a winner twice over of the coveted Nebula Award (for the Year's Best Short Story, 1995 and 1996), and is the author of twenty-nine novels (including the USA Today best seller Warchild) and more than one hundred short stories. She has also having edited six anthologies, including the four previous volumes in the very popular Chicks in Chainmail series for Baen: Chicks in Chainmail, Did You Say Chicks! , Chicks 'n Chained Males, and The Chick is in the Mail. Her works have been published in the UK, Japan, Germany, Russia, France, and Italy. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, two children, and two rambunctious cats.

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