WAR WORLD: JIHAD! is the latest volume in the grand reissue of War World that will bring Haven’s history to life in chronological fashion. The CoDominium is fraying apart at the seams, and to save itself the CoDominium is exporting Earth’s problems to the outer worlds, including exiling millions of Earth’s militant Muslims on Haven. When Dire Lake dries up, famine and pestilence arrive with a vengeance. The Mahdi believes that this is a sign from Allah and that the time has arrived to overthrow the corrupt CoDominium lackeys and their Company sponsors in the Northern Plains. So the Mahdi declares a Jihad and warfare breaks out with only a thin blue line between the jihadists and what remains of civilization on Haven.
In a last-ditch attempt to save the Haven colony, Admiral Lermontov sends in the 42nd CD Marines. Will the Marines arrive in time? And if they do, can they stop the jihadists and save the overwhelmed CoDominium Marine garrison at Fort Camerone? For more information on War World, visit the War World web site at: www.warworldcentral.com.
SKU: 9780937912461
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