Born in rebellions and civil war, life on Haven is a constant struggle against the moon itself and its other occupants—animal and human—all desperate to carve out their own niche. On this desolate moon, the Sauron Soldiers not only have to fight the human inhabitants, but face a mutiny in their own ranks, as the Cyborg Super Soldiers make a bid to rule the last surviving colony of Saurons. The Cyborgs are the ultimate product of Sauron’s millennium-long eugenics program and as such are the end-point in the Race’s military development. To the Cyborgs it is unthinkable that a mere Soldier—no matter how brilliant—should command the new Sauron Homeworld.
Brigadier Gary Cummings has fought the Saurons before and knows that the Saurons have no mercy for human norms; this is a war of total domination. The Saurons want to own Haven and use her population as breeding stock for future Soldiers. To fight back, the Brigadier is starting a guerilla campaign in the outback. Castell City and Lermontovgrad have been bombed back to the stone age, but the humans of War World have been tested before...
The Haveners spirited resistance is no surprise to First Citizen Galen Diettinger, but the one thing the Saurons hadn’t anticipated was a mutiny in their own ranks leading to a three-cornered war.
SKU: 9780937912454
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