W200803 March 2008 Monthly Baen Bundle
by David Drake
Bundle Status:
by Eric Flint and Mike Resnick
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by Andre Norton
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by John Ringo and Travis S. Taylor
Bundle Status:
by Mercedes Lackey and
Roberta Gellis
Bundle Status:
by James P. Hogan
Bundle Status:
by Mercedes Lackey
Bundle Status:
W200803 March 2008 Monthly Baen Bundle

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When the Tide Rises by David Drake
The Dragon Done It by Eric Flint and Mike Resnick
Crosstime by Andre Norton
Von Neumann's War by John Ringo and Travis S. Taylor
By Slanderous Tongues by Mercedes Lackey and
Roberta Gellis
Echoes of an Alien Sky by James P. Hogan
The Robin and the Kestrel by Mercedes Lackey
When the Tide Rises
When The Tide Rises
When the Republic of Cinnabar doesn't have enough battleships to deal with all the crises in its war with the Alliance, it sends the next best thing: Commander Daniel Leary and his friend, the spy Adele Mundy. This time they're off to help the Bagarian cluster in its rebellion against the Alliance, but they'll quickly find that the worst threats to the rebels are the treacherous politicians leading them.
Leary and Mundy use electronic espionage, sub-machine guns, and shipkilling missiles to outwit political rivals, put down mutiny, and capture an Alliance fortress. When all else fails, they'll strike for the heart of the Alliance—and then throw their tiny corvette into a major fleet action in order to turn the tide.
A cascade of non-stop action as only David Drake can write it!
Vietnam veteran, former lawyer, former bus driver, and now famous author, David Drake tells a military story like no other. His readers recognize that he can take them where no one else can, with gut-wrenching description that puts them face-to-face with the enemy, and in the midst of the action right on the battlefield. He helped create the audience for mercenary military science fiction with his bestselling "Hammer's Slammers" books. Drake graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Iowa, majoring in history (with honors) and Latin. His stint at Duke University Law School was interrupted for two years by the U.S. Army, where he served as an enlisted interrogator with the 11th Armored Cavalry in Vietnam and Cambodia. Drake has a wife, a son, and various pets.
In addition to Drake's celebrated novels of Hammer's Slammers, his works for Baen include the previous five novels in the Lt. Leary series—With the Lightnings, Lt. Leary, Commanding, The Far Side of the Stars, The Way to Glory, and Some Golden Harbor—as well as Starliner, Ranks of Bronze, Redliners, the "General" series (with S.M. Stirling) and the "Belisarius" series (with Eric Flint), and many more.
When the Tide Rises:
"David Drake just keeps getting better. When the Tide Rises is a smart, funny, exciting adventure of Leary and Mundy, a wonderful read. Part of the fun is seeing how Drake manages the history into true story, in this case, of course, Lord Cochrane in Chile. Daniel Leary's hobby of botany allows David Drake to devise strange and lovely creatures, imaginary worlds that seem as real as our own."—Cecilia Holland
Some Golden Harbor:
". . . rousing old-fashioned space opera. . . . Drake . . . creates vivid characters you can care about. Patrick O'Brian and Bernard Cornwell fans as well as military SF readers will be well rewarded."—Publishers Weekly
The Way to Glory:
"The fun is in the telling, and Mr. Drake has a strong voice. I want more!"-Philadelphia Weekly Press
". . . this series is getting better as the author goes along . . . character development combined with first-rate action and memorable world-design."—SFReader.com
The Far Side of the Stars:
"Readers who have been entranced by the previous adventures of Daniel Leary and Adele Mundy will sigh with relief to see them again."—Booklist
". . . the best space opera novels in recent years . . . Leary is a great protagonist . . . the outer space John Wayne."— The Midwest Book Review
Lt. Leary, Commanding:
"Please more Lt. Leary soon!" —Andre Norton
"[Drake] couldn't write a bad action scene at gunpoint, and his sense of humor infuses the characters here with agreeable qualities. . . . Grand fun for lovers of action in high space."-Booklist
With the Lightnings:
"Updating clashing Horatio Hornblower tactics and vintage John Wayne heroics . . . . Drake gives . . . a full measure of appealing derring-do."—Publishers Weekly
"Drake's latest novel once again demonstrates the author's talent for arcane politics and vivid battle scenes . . . a pair of clever and resourceful protagonists . . . action-packed space opera. . . ."— Library Journal
". . . vintage Drake, fast paced, heroic, and ending in a rousing climax. Drake remains one of the best of the military SF writers."— Science Fiction Chronicle
The Dragon Done It
The Dragon Done It
Pity the poor plainclothes cop or private eye who has to solve a case which may involve not only femme fatales (who may not be quite human) but also death by black magic, evidence that may have been altered or planted by an itinerant sorcerer, and supernatural entities ranging from ghosts to vampires to dragons. Even when the detective is a master of sorcery himself, the dragon may have an unbreakable alibi.
Best-selling authors Eric Flint and Mike Resnick present a generous selection of stories from the intersection of mystery and magic by popular writers Neil Gaiman, Gene Wolfe, David Drake, Harry Turtledove, Esther M. Friesner, and more, including brand-new novelettes by Flint and Resnick themselves. The Dragon Done It is an exciting cross-genre volume that both mystery fans and fantasy fans will enjoy.
And so will dragons. . . .
Eric Flint is the New York Times best-selling author of the Ring of Fire alternate history series, which began with the novel 1632. His impressive first novel, Mother of Demons (Baen), was selected by Science Fiction Chronicle as one of the best novels of the year. His collaborative novel with David Weber, Crown of Slaves, was a best of the year pick by Publishers Weekly, which had earlier praised Flint as "an SF author of particular note, one who can entertain and edify in equal, and major, measure." A longtime labor union activist with a Master's Degree in history, he currently resides in northwest Indiana with his wife Lucille.
Mike Resnick has won five Hugo Awards and been nominated for twenty-five more. The author of fifty-one novels and nearly two hundred short stories, he has also edited more than forty anthologies. His fiction ranges from the satirical —for example his Lucifer Jones adventures— to incisive explorations of morality and culture—such as his popular Kirinyaga series. He is, according to Locus, the leading short fiction award winner in the history of the science fiction field. He lives in Cincinnati with his wife Carol.
"Eric Flint [drops] his readers into another time and place, where cultures collide, the action is hot and heavy, and we get to experience the best of the human spirit."—David Weber
"Eric Flint has a genius for taking his passion for history and turning it into powerful, action-packed stories that instantly grab the readers and plunge them into a time and place that might have been."
—David Drake
". . . battle scenes depicted with power. . . [Flint is] an SF author of particular note, one who can entertain and edify in equal, and major, measure."—Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)
"Flint has thoroughly mastered storytelling, and his characterization is masterly. His characters. . . are plausible for the time and place, and he makes neither an icon nor a demon of anyone. Irresistible. . . ."
". . . on par with the best of Lois McMaster Bujold's Miles Vorkosigan series. . . . Resnick is simply a consummate storyteller. . . hits all the right notes."—Orson Scott Card
"One of the most daring and prolific writers in SF. . . and he always delivers."—David Brin
"[F]ew writers have Resnick's gift for pace and momentum . . . his talent for producing a fast, smooth, utterly effortless read."
"Resnick is thought-provoking, imaginative . . . and above all galactically grand."—Los Angeles Times
An orphan, Blake Walker has never really known who he was, and his strange flashes of intuition have always set him apart from those who raised him and everyone else he has known. Acting on one of those flashes, he prevented a murder. But neither the assailant nor his intended victim were from the world Walker had always known—he had stumbled onto the greatest secret of the ages.
Our Earth is only one of an infinite number of Earths, each with a slightly different history from the others, each separated from the others in a crosstime dimension. Walker was drafted into a frantic search for a madman from an advanced Earth who desires to be an absolute ruler of men. The would-be tyrant has chosen our Earth as the place where his reign will begin.
And, if the powerful technology he controls does not give him complete control of the planet, he will not hesitate to destroy it utterly. . . .
Called "one of the most popular authors of our time" by Publishers Weekly, Andre Norton is a legend in science fiction, and was one of our greatest storytellers. She wrote science fiction novels for five decades, beginning with the now-classic novel Star Man's Son in 1952 (part of Baen's volume Darkness and Dawn). Many of today's top writers, including David Weber, Eric Flint, C.J. Cherryh and Joan D. Vinge, have cited her as a primary influence on their own work. She was Guest of Honor at the 1989 World Science Fiction Convention, and has received the Grand Master award from the Science Fiction Writers of America and the Lifetime Achievement Award of the World Fantasy Convention. She was astoundingly prolific, with over thirty books in her celebrated Witch World series alone. She introduced three generations of SF readers to SF and fantasy, both through her critically acclaimed YA novels and her adult works, and remains one of the most popular authors in both fields. She died in 2005.
"One of the all-time masters."—Peter Straub
"The sky's no limit to Andre Norton's imagination . . . a superb storyteller."—The New York Times
"Andre Norton is a superb storyteller whose skill draws the reader completely into a fantastic other world. . . ."—Chicago Tribune
"One of the most popular authors of our time."—Publishers Weekly
"Extraordinary!"—Washington Post
"Andre Norton creates an air of mystery and suspense which captivates and holds the reader until the final pages."—San Francisco Chronicle
"Gripping adventure that will keep the reader on the edge of his seat until the final page."—Seattle Times
"Andre Norton tells a sheer adventure story as well as anyone going!"—Fantasy & Science Fiction
Von Neumann's War
Somebody was testing a planet—killing weapon on Mars—and the next target was Earth
Mars is the staging ground. Earth is the target. A storm of invasion gathers as the Red Planet pales and Earth scientists � amateurs and professionals alike � race to discover what it portends. Worse news: the horde of self-replicating probes suspected as the cause � implacable and all-consuming in its own right � may be only the tip of a full-scale assault.
Ideas — the only useful weapon when facing an adversary an order of magnitude more advanced than you are. But against such an enemy, thought without action is as futile as war-making without a plan. Humanity's hope The "straddlers": intelligent soldiers who know their science — and fighting scientists who have no scruples about using their smarts to kick some alien butt. Yet even with the right people finally on the job, the hour is late.
For Mars glows red again. And the swarm is nearly upon us!
Multiple New York Times and USA Today best-seller John Ringo rocks our world as hard as he did with his ground-breaking "Posleen War" series, teaming with NASA and DOD scientist Travis S. Taylor, a specialist in advanced propulsion and space telescopes — and popular author of Warp Speed and The Quantum Connection — to usher in a new saga of invasion, resistance and heroism!
"If Tom Clancy were writing SF, it would read much like John Ringo."
—Philadelphia Weekly Press on New York Times best-seller John Ringo.
"[S]timulating and satisfying speculation."
—Publishers Weekly on Travis S. Taylor's The Quantum Connection.
By Slanderous Tongues
Elvish Conspiracies Afoot! Heroine, Arise!
Trouble, trouble, the plots do bubble! King Henry VIII has finally joined his unmerry wives in the afterlife, and the Unseleighe Sidhe, the Dark Elves, are bent on subverting the English throne and bringing back the sorrow, horror and despair of the Middle Ages. After all, that's what made the bad old days so much fun — for them!
Enlightenment's hope A mere fourteen-year-old girl. A bright and adaptable fourteen-year-old to be sure, but still—what chance has such a young thing against the Unseleighe Sidhe's tangled web of treachery and depravity
A pretty good one. You see, the girl's name is Elizabeth, and that fiery red hair is no lie. Whether immortal lord or malicious mortal, young Elizabeth Tudor's enemies cross her at their peril!
Two hugely-popular master storytellers of historical fantasy brew up an elvish conspiracy for the ages in this exciting sequel to This Sceptr'd Isle and Ill Met By Moonlight.
"[Mercedes] Lackey. . . produces elegant, compelling fantasy."
—Publishers Weekly on best-selling High Priestess of Fantasy, Mercedes Lackey.
"[K]nowledgeable readers. . .will enjoy the interplay between elven intervention and historical fact."
—Publishers Weekly on Mercedes Lackey and Roberta Gellis's This Sceptr'd Isle.
Echoes of an Alien Sky
Eighteen years have passed since the first manned mission to Earth arrived from Venus. With the first colonists already establishing themselves across the bright, sunny world of clear blue skies and wonderlands of towering mountains and ice deserts, Kyal Reen arrives to join the Venusian scientific and archeological teams that are working to reconstruct the story of the mysterious and enigmatic extinct Terran race that once flourished there. Studies of Terran geology, scientific works, and ancient records show that Earth's early peoples witnessed terrifying cataclysmic cosmic events in skies very different from those seen today. In his travels among the Terran ruins, Kyal meets a biologist called Lorili, who is attempting to explain certain baffling similarities between some Terran and Venusian life forms that are irreconcilable with the established fact that Venus is a far younger planet than Earth. Formerly aligned with the "Progressive" activists back on Venus, Lorili admires the qualities of tenacity and determination written through Terran history. She constructs a theory of Venusians being descended from Terran ancestors. However, even allowing for the greatly exaggerated time scales that Terran science assigned to the processes of biological and planetary evolution, further research shows that there could have been no overlap. The Terrans were extinct long before life emerged on Venus. But there is a different, unexpected answer to the riddle. Lorili and Kyal will have to fight for their theory and their lives.
About the Author
James P. Hogan is a science fiction writer in the grand tradition, combining informed and accurate speculation from the cutting edge of science and technology with suspenseful story-telling and living, breathing characters. His first novel was greeted by Isaac Asimov with the rave, "Pure science fiction . . . Arthur Clarke, move over!" and his subsequent work quickly consolidated his reputation as a major SF author. He has written nearly twenty novels including Cradle of Saturn and Bug Park (both Baen), the Giants series (Del Rey), the New York Times bestsellers The Proteus Operation and Endgame Enigma, and the Prometheus Award Winner The Multiplex Man.
The Robin and the Kestrel
Rune, Robin and Nightingale
together they will save us all.
(If we're very lucky)
Rune: She ran away from an abusive home to become the greatest violinist her world had ever known—and when The Ghost of Skull Hill tried to stop her, she played him to sleep!
Robin: No mean musician herself, she must make her own visit to Skull Hill—to recruit the dreadful ghost to their cause.
Nightingale: Alone she could accomplish nothing. So she joined forces with T'fyrr, a strange nonhuman with the face of a raptor and the voice of an angelic choir.
This unlikely set of heroes had the daunting task of saving the King—and through him the Gypsies, Free Bards, and non-humans of the twenty kingdoms. Fortunately, their opponents had no idea how potent a weapon music could be . . . .
" . . . fast and furious. Romance, action, intrigue all blend in a believable fantastic setting. Fans of Lackey and fantasy will be delighted with this addition to her series."
W200803 March 2008 Monthly Baen Bundle
David Drake

When the Tide Rises by David Drake
The Dragon Done It by Eric Flint and Mike Resnick
Crosstime by Andre Norton
Von Neumann's War by John Ringo and Travis S. Taylor
By Slanderous Tongues by Mercedes Lackey and
Roberta Gellis
Echoes of an Alien Sky by James P. Hogan
The Robin and the Kestrel by Mercedes Lackey
Customer Ratings for W200803 March 2008 Monthly Baen Bundle