Startling Innovations.
Cool Space Ships.
Evil Alien Butt Blasted to Smithereens!
Outpost Attack!
Gateway HD 36951 lies in ruins. All survivors slaughtered. A single, truncated message sent back to Earth. Something very bad indeed is afoot, and the A.S.S. Vorpal Blade (read: nuclear submarine converted to warp-drive space ship) is sent to investigate. But the ferocious, voracious enemy Dreen wait for no man (or other carbon-based lifeform), and the Blade and her crew are soon the only hope for an alien species pushed to the brink of extinction. Turn back and abandon a new ally or face a heavily-armed Dreen destroyer head on
For the Blade's rough-and-ready crew, it's no contest. And now, with an infusion of technical know-how from humanity's new ally, chaos itself has become a weapon!
New York Times and USA Today multiple best-seller John Ringo
joins with NASA and DOD consultant
Travis S. Taylor — author of Warp Speed and The Quantum Connectio
"If Tom Clancy were writing SF, it would read much like John Ringo."
— Philadelphia Weekly Press on New York Times multiple best-seller John Ringo.
"[T]his thoroughly enjoyable ride should appeal to techno-thriller fans as well as to military SF buffs."
— Publishers Weekly on John Ringo and Travis S. Taylor's Into the Looking Glass.
"Georgette Heyer has met her match for intrigue and STYLE!" —Anne McCaffrey
Komarr—Miles Vorkosigan is sent to Komarr, a planet that could be a garden with a thousand more years of terraforming; or an uninhabitable wasteland, if the terraforming project fails. The solar mirror vital to the project has been shattered by a ship hurtling off course, and Miles has been sent to find out if it was an accident, or sabotage. But once there, he uncovers a plot that could exile him from Barrayar forever—and discovers an unexpected ally, one with wounds as deep and honor as beleaguered as his own.
A Civil Campaign—OnKomarr, Miles met the beautiful Vor widow Ekaterin Vorsoisson, who has no intention of getting married after the heartbreak and betrayal of her first experience. But Miles has a cunning plan to change her mind. Unfortunately his clone-brother Mark and his cousin Ivan have cunning plans of their own, and the three- way collision of cunning plans threatens to undo Miles's brilliant romantic strategy.
"Winterfair Gifts"—Miles and Ekaterin make elaborate preparations for their wedding. But Miles has an enemy who is plotting to turn the romantic ceremony into a festival of death.
"Bujold continues to prove what marvels genius can create out of basic space operatics."—Booklist
Publisher's Note: Contains two full length novels and a novella, together in one volume for the first time.
Where no man has gone before Hardly. We're all heading there – lock,
stock, and genome! Dispatches from the transhuman frontier by an
exciting bevy of topnotch SF writers!
"Well-aged white lightning."
—John Ringo on Mark L. Van Name's One Jump Ahead.
The tyrannical Alliance continues its war against the Republic of Cinnabar, and Daniel Leary, newly promoted to Commander, and his crew have a new mission: Stop Dunbar's World from falling to an invasion by the planet Pellegrino. Nataniel Arruns, son of the dictator of Pellegrino, has landed with a large contingent, intending to set himself up as the ruling warlord, with the planet's population becoming workers-serfs-of the Pellegrinian overlords. And Dunbar's world has no more than their local police force to oppose him. Leary again commands the corvette Princess Cecile, but on this mission her missile tubes are empty. Only one man is in a position to aid Leary, but the rich and powerful would rather see him fail than succeed in stopping the invasion. Leary must somehow overcome a large entrenched force on an island defended by powerful plasma cannon and shipkilling missiles and backed up by a heavily armed warship in orbit, all while commanding only a small and virtually unarmed spacecraft. But Leary again has the help of Signals Officer Adele Mundy, who can make computer networks do the apparently impossible. Leary, Mundy and the crew of the Princess Cecile have gone up against impossible odds before . . . and their opponents in those victorious missions are still wondering just what hit them.
About the Author
David Drake was attending Duke University Law School when he was drafted. He served the next two years in the Army, spending 1970 as an enlisted interrogator with the 11th armored Cavalry in Viet Nam and Cambodia. Upon return he completed his law degree at Duke and was for eight years Assistant Town Attorney for Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He has been a full-time freelance writer since 1981. Besides the bestselling Hammer's Slammers series, his books for Baen include Ranks of Bronze, Starliner, All the Way to the Gallows, Redliners, and many more. His "Lord of the Isles" fantasy novels for Tor are genre best sellers. Some Golden Harbor is the fifth in the popular RCN series. The previous titles are With the Lightnings, Lt. Leary, Commanding, The Far Side of the Stars and The Way to Glory.
A daring and resourceful paleontologist uncovers something at the infamous K-T boundary marking the end of dinosaurs in the fossil record � something big, dangerous, and absolutely, categorically impossible. It's a find that will catapult her to the Martian moon Phobos, then down to the crater-pocked desert of the Red Planet itself. For this mild-mannered fossil hunter may just have become Earth's first practicing xenobiologist!
A new hard SF thriller from best-selling alternate history master Eric Flint and ace game designer Ryk E. Spoor.
"[Eric Flint is] an SF author of particular note, one who can entertain and edify in equal, and major, measure." —Publishers Weekly
Three Books by a Grand Master of Science Fiction
Complete in One Volume.
The Lovers: One of the most controversial and groundbreaking novels in science fiction. Sent by the religious tyranny of a future Earth to the planet Ozagen, Hal Yarrow met Jeanette, an apparently human fugitive, hiding in ancient ruins built by a long-vanished race. Unconsecrated contact with any female was forbidden to Yarrow—and love for an alien female was an unspeakable sin. But Yarrow's lifelong conditioning was no match for his strange attraction to Jeanette.
Flesh: The starship captain had made the mistake of landing on a forgotten planet colonized centuries ago by believers in ancient pagan rituals. Unless he could escape, he would be made part of a fertility rite which would conclude with his very unpleasant death.
Strange Relations: Five novelettes of unbounded imagination telling of strange encounters between man and alien.
Publisher's Note: Previously published as separate books, these three works are published here together for the first time.
The White Regiment had driven back the soldiers of the Karghanik
Empire, but the Kalif was certain he could succeed in bringing the true
faith of the Prophet of Kargh to the Confederation—even if he had to
bombard the infidels' planets with nuclear weapons to do it!
His plan began with the construction of a huge invasion fleet of
spaceships. But before he could invade other worlds, he would have to
thwart a conspiracy in his own ranks that was planning to replace him
with a more tractable figurehead . . .
Intrigue and adventure in the universe of The Regiment andThe White Regiment!
This is a one-of-a-kind collection of short stories by John Dalmas
that he has selected as his personal favorites. All the stories have
been previously published in Analog, Fantasy & Science Fiction,
Pulphouse, The Saint Magazine, and in several anthologies. For this
edition, Dalmas has prefaced each story with amusing tales of how they
were conceived and developed, and how they got published, giving insight
into how a prolific and respected author of science fiction approaches
the job of writing.