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Thrice Upon a Time

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More books by James P. Hogan (14)

Bug Park

Bug Park

All it takes to change the world is one visionary—and a team of people to keep him alive. Kevin Heber had it good. He had his own lab, a colleague he could trust, and an idea that could make him millions. Using his father's breakthrough technology in direct neural interfacing, he and his friend Taki have created a new entertainment media—live action adventure in micro mechanical scale. Bug Park: The ultimate out of body experience. And Taki's uncle wants to take it public. Two problems: Kevin and Taki are teenagers. Somebody wants to squash Bug Park dead, and Kevin's father along with it. When you're a teenager, even a teenager with a rich, indulgent parent, you don't have a lot of power. But when things get very small, the rules change. Physics changes. What every body knows, ain't so, the weak are mighty, and the mighty and the powerful can be brought down by those they thought they've already trodden underfoot. And even those who think they own the world can learn the hard way that innocence is not another word for "stupid,"  

Catastrophes, Chaos and Convolutions

Catastrophes, Chaos and Convolutions

A guided tour though the many worlds of a New York Times best-selling master of authentic science fact and riveting science fiction. James P. Hogan stands among the foremost writers of science fiction today, and is renowned for his ability to combine accurate science from the cutting edge of present-day research with living, breathing characters in fast-paced, suspenseful stories. Catastrophes, Chaos & Convolutions gives Hogan's thousands of avid readers both a solid-chunk of high-quality science fiction and a look behind the scenes, as Hogan describes how his work came to be written, with biographical details. Add a dash of science fact articles, often on controversial topics (suppose, for example, that Velikovsky was right and the orthodox scientists wrong), and you have a volume that is an essential purchase for Hogan fans everywhere.

Cyber Rogues

Cyber Rogues

Two classic novels from a best-selling master of SF. Skynet and The Matrix have got nothing on James Hogan in this great two novel collection. The Two Faces of Tomorrow Midway through the 21st century, a proposed major software upgrade—an artificial intelligence—will give the world communications system an unprecedented degree of independent decision making. Now to fully assess the system, a new space station habitat is deployed with an A.I. named Spartacus. The idea is that if Spartacus gets out of hand, the system can be shut down and the station destroyed—unless, that is, Spartacus decides to take matters into its own hands and take the fight to Earth. Realtime Interrupt Joe Corrigan awakens in a hospital to find that his life no longer exists. As director of the supersecret Oz Project, his job was to create a computerized environment virtually indistinguishable from reality. Oz failed. Now Joe, left alone to pick up the pieces of his shattered life, Joe finds himself in an unfamiliar world—a world where nothing is quite as it should be. Now Joe must discover a terrible truth about his new world—and figure out how to get out alive!

Echoes of an Alien Sky

Echoes of an Alien Sky

Eighteen years have passed since the first manned mission to Earth arrived from Venus. With the first colonists already establishing themselves across the bright, sunny world of clear blue skies and wonderlands of towering mountains and ice deserts, Kyal Reen arrives to join the Venusian scientific and archeological teams that are working to reconstruct the story of the mysterious and enigmatic extinct Terran race that once flourished there. Studies of Terran geology, scientific works, and ancient records show that Earth's early peoples witnessed terrifying cataclysmic cosmic events in skies very different from those seen today. In his travels among the Terran ruins, Kyal meets a biologist called Lorili, who is attempting to explain certain baffling similarities between some Terran and Venusian life forms that are irreconcilable with the established fact that Venus is a far younger planet than Earth. Formerly aligned with the "Progressive" activists back on Venus, Lorili admires the qualities of tenacity and determination written through Terran history. She constructs a theory of Venusians being descended from Terran ancestors. However, even allowing for the greatly exaggerated time scales that Terran science assigned to the processes of biological and planetary evolution, further research shows that there could have been no overlap. The Terrans were extinct long before life emerged on Venus. But there is a different, unexpected answer to the riddle. Lorili and Kyal will have to fight for their theory and their lives. About the Author James P. Hogan is a science fiction writer in the grand tradition, combining informed and accurate speculation from the cutting edge of science and technology with suspenseful story-telling and living, breathing characters. His first novel was greeted by Isaac Asimov with the rave, "Pure science fiction . . . Arthur Clarke, move over!" and his subsequent work quickly consolidated his reputation as a major SF author. He has written nearly twenty novels including Cradle of Saturn and Bug Park (both Baen), the Giants series (Del Rey), the New York Times bestsellers The Proteus Operation and Endgame Enigma, and the Prometheus Award Winner The Multiplex Man.

Kicking the Sacred Cow

Kicking the Sacred Cow

Scientists are Only Human —and Not Immune to Dogma. A New York Times Bestselling Writer Examines the Facts in the Most Profound Controversies in Modern Science. Galileo may have been forced to deny that the Earth moves around the Sun; but in the end, science triumphed. Nowadays science fearlessly pursues truth, shining the pure light of reason on the mysteries of the universe. Or does it As bestselling author James P. Hogan demonstrates in this fact-filled and thoroughly documented study, science has its own roster of hidebound pronouncements which are Not to be Questioned. Among the dogma-laden subjects he examines are Darwinism, global warming, the big bang, problems with relativity, radon and radiation, holes in the ozone layer, the cause of AIDS, and the controversy over Velikovsky. Hogan explains the basics of each controversy with his clear, informative style, in a book that will be fascinating for anyone with an interest in the frontiers of modern science. Praise for James P. Hogan's science fact and fiction: "[Mind Matters is] carefully organized to carry the reader from the earliest attempts to understand mind to current technologies designed to model logical thought . . . this book is comprehensive, timely, and accessible." —Publishers Weekly "[In Mind Matters, Hogan] looks at the real-world progress and prospects of AI. Combining strong hard-science credentials with a willingness to defy received scientific opinion, he has written one of the more interesting in the recent flurry of books on this developing field."  —Asimov's "[Bug Park is] on the cutting edge of technology. . . Hogan's talent carries the reader from peak to peak in the story, while his knowledge of science . . . constitutes a splendid backdrop for the nonstop action."  —Booklist "[In Paths to Otherwhere,] Hogan brings his cutting edge scientific approach . . . truly fascinating and hugely enjoyable." —Starlog

Martian Knightlife

Martian Knightlife

THE KNIGHT IS A SAINT (with a twist!) At least you might think so if you read his curriculum vitae. You would swear in fact that this private eye of the future is honest, paying for what he gets, getting what he's paid for, with somehow a little extra for everybody to go around. Take this case, involving a matter transmitter which the inventor tested on himself—then found his bank accounts empty and his credit cards overflowing, all done by someone whose DNA looks just like that of the rightful owner . . . But that wasn't all. There was also an archaeological expedition which had uncovered ruins that might solve the mystery of the Martian race that had vanished from the planet eons ago—except that a greedy interplanetary corporation was all set to bulldoze them over in pursuit of the bottom line unless a gallant knight—or Knight—could come galloping up on his charger. Then there were some people who were not amused at how the Knight had foiled a sure-fire scheme worth billions, and were looking for him with heavy muscle and heavier artillery . . . People in trouble and people who are trouble just seem to populate his life—and thank goodness, because they are the very thing the Knight needs to keep his life from getting boring. And the bad guys never seem to know what hits them . . .  Praise for James P. Hogan:  "Entertaining, imaginative. . . . Readers will want to sign up for this ride."—Publishers Weekly ". . . fascinating notions and nonstop plot twists in a taut, gripping narrative; a bravura performance."—Kirkus Reviews ". . . cutting edge scientific approach . . . truly fascinating and hugely enjoyable."—Starlog



The world of the past eventually died in the conflagration toward which it had been doggedly heading. A more fragmented and diversified order has emerged from the ruins and . technology has reappeared to a greater or lesser degree in some places and not at all in others.   Unique among them is the nation-state of Sofi, with an exceptional population that has rediscovered advanced science. However, as the old patterns that led to ruin before begin to reassert themselves across the rest of the world, a scientific-political movement within Sofi embarks on a years-long project to build a generation starship that will enable them to create their own world elsewhere.  The circumstances and thinking of future generations growing up in the totally unknown situation of a space environment cannot be known. Accordingly, the mission will include different groups of idealists, reformers, misfits, and dissidents who are not satisfied with the world-in-miniature that constitutes the original mother ship, to go out and build whatever they want. Hence, what arrives at the distant star generations hence will be a flotilla of variously run city states, frontier towns, religious monasteries, pleasure resorts, urban crushes, rural spreads, academic retreats, and who-knows what else.   The trouble began, of course, when all the old patterns that they thought they were getting away from started reappearing . . . 

Mission to Minerva

Mission to Minerva

TRANSPORTED ACROSS THE MUILTIVERSE. Over light-years of space and 50,000 years back in time, to create a new history.... Only to find there was no way back. Earth is adapting to a future of amicable coexistence with the advanced aliens from Thurien, descended from ancestors who once inhabited Minerva, a vanished planet of the Solar System. The plans of the distantly related humans on the rogue world Jevlen to eliminate their ancient Terran rivals and take over the Thurien system of worlds have been thwarted, but the mystery remains of how it was possible for the fleeing Jevlenese leaders to have been flung back across space and time to reappear at Minerva before the time of its destruction. Victor Hunt and a group of his colleagues travel to Thurien to conduct a joint investigation with the alien scientists into the strange physics of interconnectedness between the countless alternate universes that constitute ultimate reality. When their discoveries lead first to bizarre communication with bewildered counterparts in other universes, and thence to the possibility of physical travel, the notion is conceived of sending a mission back to the former world of Minerva with the startling objective of creating a new family of realities in which its destruction is avoided. But Imares Broghuilio, the deposed Jevlenese leader, along with several thousand dedicated followers with five heavily armed starships, are already there. And they have a score to settle.

Moon Flower

Moon Flower

There's Something About Cyrene . . . Two development teams have utterly vanished planet-side.  A third is on the way to set things back on track.  But ruthless mercenary "facilitator" Myles Callen and his crew are in for a surprise—for they about to encounter a  planet as magnificently strange as the vast alien artifacts of Arthur C. Clarke or Stanislaw Lem's sentient oceans.  And behind it all a new physical law so unexpected and fundamental that it may change the universe forever! New York Times best-seller James P. Hogan delivers another stunningly visionary tale in the grandest tradition of SF! "Readers who like their science hard will find this one a diamond." — Publishers Weekly on James P. Hogan's Mission to Minerva.

Outward Bound

Outward Bound

Fifteen-year-old Linc Marani is from the wrong side of twenty-second century L.A.'s tracks. Everyone he knows is addicted to dope, booze, and the violence that masquerades as bravado in life on the streets. When a chance at some cold hard cash is offered to him by a slick associate in a fancy Cadillac, Linc jumps at the bait—only to find himself sentenced to a juvenile labor camp when the heist goes sour. Labor camp: To Linc it means an aching, dawn-to-dusk grind—Marine bootcamp-style discipline with no hope of escape or parole. He is about to give up and accept this precisely regimented and miserable future when a mysterious psychologist offers hin the chance of a life time. Can Linc overcome one of the worst neighborhoods on Earth by proving his worth on a mission beyond the stars. Outward Bound is the sixth book in the Jupiter™ series, one of the most enjoyable series being written in the genre today. Patterned after the inspiring coming-of-age novels that Robert Heinlein and Isaac Asimov used to write, the Juptiter™ series has laid claim to the same imaginative drive and skillful storytelling tah have delighted generations of science fiction readers worldwide.

Prisoners of Tomorrow

Prisoners of Tomorrow

TWO EPIC SCIENCE FICTION NOVELS BY A NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLING AUTHOR TOGETHER IN ONE VOLUME: New York Times bestseller Endgame Enigma and Promethius Award winner Voyage from Yesteryear. Endgame Enigma: New York Times bestseller. In the near future, Russia has built Valentina Tereshkova, a space station a mile in diameter, a shining city in space. Its builders claim that the orbiting space city is a peaceful Utopian experiment, but American intelligence reports raise the ominous possibility that the space colony is actually a weapon built by the last heirs of the Soviet dictators.When scientist Paula Bryce and trained agent Lew McCain travel to the station to investigate, they become prisoners in the station's high-tech prison facilities. Escape seems impossible but if they can't escape, Armageddon is inevitable. . . . Voyage from Yesteryear: Prometheus Award-winning novel. Late in our century, as nuclear war loomed, Americans sent a colonization spaceship manned by robots to an Earthline planet in the Alpha Centauri system. On arrival, the robot crew used recorded DNA information to bring forth a generation of infants, whom they educated in accordance with the principles enunciated by the founders of the American government. Generations later, Earth has rebuilt after the war, unfortunately with authoritarian governments which now can send manned starships with more colonists to the new world. But their distant relatives are serious about all that life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the inalienable rights of the individual stuff, principles to which the reconstructed America no longer gives even lip service. Those uppity colonials have such an attitude. . . .

The Two Moons

The Two Moons

"PURE SCIENCE FICTION . . . ARTHUR CLARKE, MOVE OVER."-Isaac Asimov Inherit the Stars:When they found the corpse in a grave on the Moon, wearing a spacesuit of unfamiliar design, his identity was a complete mystery. Analysis showed that the deceased was 50,000 years old-meaning that he had somehow died on the Moon before the human race even existed. The Gentle Giants of Ganymede:On another moon, Jupiter's Ganymede, still another mystery: a wrecked spaceship, which had been there for millennia, and was obviously designed for beings larger than the humans of Earth. The mystery seemed insoluble until another ship, manned by the same humanoid giants arrived, and were very surprised to find humans inhabiting their Solar System. . . . BEGIN THE CELEBRATED "GIANTS" SERIES WITH TWO COMPLETE NOVELS BY A MASTER OF SCIENCE FICTION WITH REAL SCIENCE!

The Two Worlds

The Two Worlds

Realities Re-made! Earth is caught between a powerful alien empire and an off-shoot group of humans who hate Earth more than any alien ever could. Plus: two equal and opposite universes collide! Now demons stalk a world-controlling computer, while an even greater danger descends on Universe 2: cause is leading directly to effect. The horror! Hard SF master and New York Times best-seller James P. Hogan's Giant's Star and Entoverse together for the first time in one volume! "Readers who like their science hard will find this one a diamond." —Publishers Weekly on New York Times best-seller James P. Hogan's Mission to Minerva.

Worlds in Chaos

Worlds in Chaos

Two classic novels from a best‑selling master of SF. Cradle of Saturn Discoveries made by colonists on the moons of Saturn show that the Solar System has undergone repeated cataclysms and the last was only a few thousand years. This flies in the face of accepted scientific dogma, and is dismissed by Earth’s authorities—until the planet Jupiter suddenly emits a white‑hot Earth‑sized protoplanet that hurtles sunward on a collision course with Earth. The Legend That Was Earth The alien Hyadeans have showered high‑tech gifts on the population of Earth and are offering to make a paradise of the planet. But when wealthy socialite Roland Cade discovers the dark underbelly of the alien presence, and learns that his ex‑wife is one of the so‑called terrorists who are fighting against the alien takeover, he’s forced to choose sides. Soon, he’s caught up in a terrifying conflict that threatens the very existence of the Earth. 


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