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Other books in the Legion del Cid Series by Tom Kratman (7)

A Desert Called Peace


A Desert Called Peace

HE RAISED AN ARMY AGAINST THOSE WHO TOOK EVERYTHING FROM HIM They should have picked their enemies more carefully. Five centuries from now, on a remarkably Earthlike planet that is mankind's sole colony in space, religious fanatics called the "Salafi Ikhwan" have murdered the uncle of former colonel Patrick Hennessey. That was their first mistake, because uncle was rich and Hennessey was rather a good colonel. But they also murdered Hennessey's wife, Linda, and their three small children, and that was their worst mistake for she was the only restraint Hennessey had ever accepted. From the pile of rubble and the pillar of fire that mark the last resting place of Linda Hennessey and her children arises a new warrior—Carrera, scourge of the Salafis. He will forge an army of ruthless fanatics from the decrepit remains of failed state's military. He will wage war across half a world. He will find those who killed his family. He will destroy them, and those who support them, utterly, completely, without restraint or remorse. Only when he is finished will there be peace: the peace of an empty wind as it blows across a desert strewn with the bones of Carrera's enemies. ABOUT THE AUTHOR In 1974, at age seventeen, Tom Kratman became a political refugee and defector from the PRM (People's Republic of Massachusetts) by virtue of joining the Regular Army. He stayed a Regular Army infantryman most of his adult life, returning to Massachusetts as an unofficial dissident while attending Boston College after his first hitch. Back in the Army, he managed to do just about everything there was to do, at one time or another. After the Gulf War, and with the bottom dropping completely out of the anti-communism market, Tom decided to become a lawyer. (Big mistake, way big. Chilluns, don't do it.) Every now and again, when the frustrations of legal life and having to deal with other lawyers got to be too much, Tom would rejoin the Army (or a somewhat similar group, say) for fun and frolic in other climes. His family, muttering darkly, still puts up with this. His novels for Baen include A State of Disobedience and two collaborations with John Ringo, Watch on the Rhine and Yellow Eyes.



A Desert Called Peace, Second Edition

A Desert Called Peace, Second Edition

Now with new Content by Tom Kratman HE RAISED AN ARMY AGAINST THOSE WHO TOOK EVERYTHING FROM HIM They should have picked their enemies more carefully. Five centuries from now, on a remarkably Earthlike planet that is mankind's sole colony in space, religious fanatics called the "Salafi Ikhwan" have murdered the uncle of former colonel Patrick Hennessey. That was their first mistake, because uncle was rich and Hennessey was rather a good colonel. But they also murdered Hennessey's wife, Linda, and their three small children, and that was their worst mistake for she was the only restraint Hennessey had ever accepted. From the pile of rubble and the pillar of fire that mark the last resting place of Linda Hennessey and her children arises a new warrior—Carrera, scourge of the Salafis. He will forge an army of ruthless fanatics from the decrepit remains of failed state's military. He will wage war across half a world. He will find those who killed his family. He will destroy them, and those who support them, utterly, completely, without restraint or remorse. Only when he is finished will there be peace: the peace of an empty wind as it blows across a desert strewn with the bones of Carrera's enemies.



BE CAREFUL WHO YOU CHOOSE AS YOUR ENEMY, HE'S GOING TO BECOME JUST LIKE YOU Patricio Carrera has been waging what amounts to a private world war to bring to justice the murderers of his family; He's raised an army and air force and used them. He's raised a fleet and he's about to use that. He's suborned one republic and is about to undermine another. He's tracked his enemies across half a world, breaking, in the process, any notion of international law that stood in his way. Now he's deployed his legions to Pashtia, penultimate hideout of the Salafi Ikhwan who have made him what he has become. But with each step further from his home, revenge seems no closer. And with each step he leaves behind him a little of his dwindling humanity. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Yet the trail itself grows cold, as cold as the snow-capped, windswept mountains of Pashtia. Only Carrera's hate still burns hot, and that's a fire that is slowly consuming him. ABOUT THE AUTHOR In 1974, at age seventeen, Tom Kratman became a political refugee and defector from the PRM (People's Republic of Massachusetts) by virtue of joining the Regular Army. He stayed a Regular Army infantryman most of his adult life, returning to Massachusetts as an unofficial dissident while attending Boston College after his first hitch. Back in the Army, he managed to do just about everything there was to do, at one time or another. After the Gulf War, and with the bottom dropping completely out of the anti-communism market, Tom decided to become a lawyer. (Big mistake, way big. Chilluns, don't do it.) Every now and again, when the frustrations of legal life and having to deal with other lawyers got to be too much, Tom would rejoin the Army (or a somewhat similar group, say) for fun and frolic in other climes. His family, muttering darkly, put up with this for years. He no longer practices law, instead writing full time for Baen. His novels for Baen include A State of Disobedience, A Desert Called Peace, to which Carnifex is a sequel, and the forthcoming Caliphate, as well as two collaborations with John Ringo, Watch on the Rhine and Yellow Eyes.

Come and Take Them

Come and Take Them

Carrera. Relentless. Machiavellian. Without compunction. Victorious. Pity his enemies. Be thankful he is on the side of freedom from totalitarian domination. On the colony planet of Terra Nova, soldier turned political leader Carrera has achieved his revenge, destroying those who killed his wife and children in a terrorist strike, and helping to establish a free country. But Carrera’s fight is not over. War with the Tauran Union is inevitable. Carrera has been preparing his new country for this all-out conflict for years, intending to drive out the last vestige of foreign imperialism in Balboa, the Tauran Union Security Force. He doesn’t care that he’s outnumbered one hundred to one. He doesn’t care that the Taurans are one thousand times wealthier. A true Machiavellian, Carrera is convinced that gold cannot always find good soldiers, but that good soldiers can always find gold. After all, his good soldiers have already found quite a bit. Moreover, he’s been preparing for the war he intends to start and fight on his own terms, while the TU has been preparing for a progressive fantasy. But then his own government calls a halt even as the commander of the United Earth Peace Fleet, High Admiral Marguerite Wallenstein, injects a dose of realism and spine into the Tauran Union. Any other government, giving similar orders, Carrera would overthrow without hesitation. But this is his own creation; he must follow these orders. But the Taurans are provoking Balboa mercilessly, and Carrera knows that sooner or later, he must fight—only now the task will be more difficult and more bloody. No matter. When that time comes, Carerra knows he will do whatever it takes to win. He is, after all, Carrera. Listen to the author discuss the book on the Baen Free Radio Hour: Part 1 | Part 2.

The Amazon Legion

The Amazon Legion

On the colony planet of Terra Nova, Carrera has achieved his revenge, destroying those who had destroyed his life by killing his wife and children in a terrorist strike. And, with this help of his second wife, he has thwarted an attempted coup that would have restored the rule of the oligarchy and undone his hard-won victory. But his fight is not over yet... The problem of the Tauran Union's control of the Transitway between Terra Nova and Earth remains, as does the problem of the nuclear armed United Earth Peace Fleet, orbiting above the planet. The Taurans will not leave, and the Balboans—a proud people, with much recent success in war—will not tolerate that they should remain. And yet, with one hundred times the population and three or four hundred times the wealth, the Tauran Union outclasses little Balboa in almost every way, even without the support of Old Earth. Sadly, they have that support. Everything, everyone, will have to be used to finish the job of freeing the country and, if possible, the planet. The children must fight. The old must serve, too. And the women? This is their story, the story of Balboa's Tercio Amazona, the Amazon Regiment. About the Author Tom Kratman, in 1974 at age seventeen, became a political refugee and defector from the PRM (People's Republic of Massachusetts) by virtue of joining the Regular Army. He stayed a Regular Army infantryman most of his adult life, returning to Massachusetts as an unofficial dissident while attending Boston College after his first hitch. Before turning to writing, he practiced law in southwest Virginia. Baen has published his novels, A State of Disobedience, A Desert Called Peace and its sequels Carnifex, The Lotus Eaters and now The Amazon Legion, as well as his stand alone novel, Caliphate and three collaborations with John Ringo in the Posleen War series: Watch on the Rhine, Yellow Eyes and The Tuloriad.

The Lotus Eaters

The Lotus Eaters

Sometimes paranoia is just a heightened state of awareness. Carrera's won his war, and inflicted a horrific revenge upon his enemies. But there are wars after wars. The Tauran Union is planning an attack. The criminals of neighboring states are already attacking, and threatening to embroil him in a war with the planet's premier power. His only living son is under fire among the windswept mountains of Pashtia. An enemy fleet is hunting his submarines. His organization has been infiltrated by spies. One of the two governments of his adopted country, Balboa, is trying to destroy everything he's built and reinstitute rule by a corrupt oligarchy. Worst of all, perhaps, he, himself, bearing a crushing burden of guilt, isn't quite the man he once was. Fortunately, the man he once was, was lucky enough to marry the right woman . . . . The Lotus Eaters is the direct sequel to A Desert Called Peace and Carnifex.

The Rods and the Axe

The Rods and the Axe

Tarawa. Iwo. Normandy.  Names that shine in the military history of two worlds, places where brave men stormed ashore and fought their way to victory no matter the odds.  But then there are other names: Marathon. Malta. Gallipoli.Balboa’s Patricio Carrera has driven the Tauran Union from his adopted country, driven them out with appalling loss and worse humiliation. That’s not enough though.  To finally finish his enemies, Carrera needs to draw them back for a more telling defeat. He cannot take the battle to them because, beyond some long range bombardment capability, he cannot reach them. But when they return, they don’t plan to come alone; they insist on having someone else do most of the bleeding for them.Carrera understands this. And that’s why he’s provoked the Zhong Guo mercilessly, infuriating their ruling Empress. He needs the Zhong in the war, to buck up the Taurans to continue the war to its bitterest end.But to get to Carrera, the Zhong must take the Isla Real, the strongest island fortress on two worlds. In the process, they’ll learn why Marines never forget those other names. . . .Gallipoli... Malta... Marathon.Carrera’s enemies are about to learn why the expression "blood‑stained water" is not just a literary allusion.


More books by Tom Kratman not in this series (23)

1919: The Romanov Rising

1919: The Romanov Rising

The campaign to defeat the Bolsheviks and rescue Russia from a dark and terrible path continues, in a new alternate history series from master of military SF Tom Kratman. IS RUSSIA DOOMED? No imperial family stuck in a little out of the way town, with no road, rail or river connection for most of the year, can be counted as important. Thus, already, with the corpses left from their rescue still being collected, Tsarina Tatiana, the First of Her Name, is striking out for better position. A battle must be fought against a seemingly overwhelming force of Bolsheviks, just to hold on to their tiny Tobolsk, in Siberia. Yekaterinburg, rich in precious metals, must be taken to fund the war, with only a dozen men available to take it. The beautiful nun and imperial aunt, Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna, and her companions must be rescued from a vile fate. Also, the lines must be laid out for the various fractious anti-Bolshevik forces to unite under the Imperial Crown. Finally, the two possible successors, Maria Alexandrovna and her sister, Anastasia, must be whisked to safety in the United States and the United Kingdom, where one of them will learn love not just of a man, but of his people, his country, and their way of life. Clever spying, desperate battles, subtle diplomacy, terrorism, counterterrorism, propaganda, and romance: the campaign to defeat the Bolsheviks and rescue Holy Russia from a dark and terrible fate continues.

A Pillar of Fire by Night

A Pillar of Fire by Night

Book #7 in the popular Carrera military science fiction series. Carrera's held off his enemies coming by sea from the north, in the process dealing the naval and amphibious forces of the Zhong Empire a stinging defeat. The Zhong won't soon forget the blood-stained waters and the heaped up bodies on the shores of Balboa's Isla Real. Now, though, his adopted country of Balboa is under assault from the east, from the south, from the west, from the air, and from space. The Zhong, smarting from the butchery around the island, have bounced back and forced a lodgment east of the capital. Their lodgment is still a-building but when it is done Carrera can expect several hundred thousand brave and determined Zhong to show up on his barely defended flank. The Taurans, remembering their military roots, have assaulted Balboa from the south, taking half the area of, and cutting, the Transitway that joins Terra Nova's Mar Furioso and her Shimmering Sea. In the process, they've cut off and besieged the second city of the country, Cristobal, trapping inside the city Carrera's Fourth Corps, and overrunning and capturing a large portion of Carrera's artillery train. West of Cristobal, the Taurans have created, almost from scratch, a series of small ports and airfields to support their siege. Inside the town, a sense of desperation is growing among the men and women of the Fourth Corps: Has their leader forgotten about or abandoned them? Meanwhile another Tauran Expeditionary force secures Balboa's eastern neighbor, Santa Josefina, as a base against them. In space, the United Earth Peace Fleet, under the Command of High Admiral Marguerite Wallenstein, keeps as low a profile as possible, all the time spying and feeding intelligence to both Zhong and Tauran. It's beginning to look like the game is up for Balboa and Patricio Carrera. But Carrera's been planning this war for fifteen years. He certainly hopes his enemies think they're winning.

A State of Disobedience


A State of Disobedience

It's Time to Remember the Alamo All Over Again! In the long war against terrorism, the US Government had taken on extraordinary powers. And now that the war was won, powerful forces in the government had no intention of relinquishing those powers. As in 1860, the country was on the verge of civil war. And as in 1860, a leader arose to save the country—but it was not the President this time. Instead, the Governor of Texas was the woman of destiny. And, though the Federal Government had more guns and troops, David was about to give Goliath a run for his money. . . .   "Probably the most realistic depiction of a second American Revolution ever written." —John Ringo






"Caliphate is Mark Steyn's America Alone with body count."—John Ringo "Slavery is a part of Islam . . . Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam." —Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, author of the religious textbook At-Tawhid ("Monotheism") and senior Saudi cleric. Demography is destiny. In the 22nd century European deathbed demographics have turned the continent over to the more fertile Moslems. Atheism in Europe has been exterminated. Homosexuals are hanged, stoned or crucified. Such Christians as remain are relegated to dhimmitude, a form of second class citizenship. They are denied arms, denied civil rights, denied a voice, and specially taxed via the Koranic yizya. Their sons are taken as conscripted soldiers while their daughters are subject to the depredations of the continent's new masters. In that world, Petra, a German girl sold into prostitution as a slave at the age of nine to pay her family's yizya, dreams of escape. Unlike most girls of the day, Petra can read. And in her only real possession, her grandmother's diary, a diary detailing the fall of European civilization, Petra has learned of a magic place across the sea: America. But it will take more than magic to free Petra and Europe from their bonds; it will take guns, superior technology, and a reborn spirit of freedom. About the author In 1974, at age seventeen, Tom Kratman became a political refugee and defector from the PRM (People's Republic of Massachusetts) by virtue of joining the Regular Army. He stayed a Regular Army infantryman most of his adult life, returning to Massachusetts as an unofficial dissident while attending Boston College after his first hitch. Back in the Army, he managed to do just about everything there was to do, at one time or another. After the Gulf War, and with the bottom dropping completely out of the anti-communism market, Tom decided to become a lawyer. Every now and again, when the frustrations of legal life and having to deal with other lawyers got to be too much, Tom would rejoin the Army (or a somewhat similar group, say) for fun and frolic in other climes. His family, muttering darkly, put up with this for years. He no longer practices law, instead writing full time for Baen. His novels for Baen include A State of Disobedience, A Desert Called Peace and its sequel Carnifex, as well as two collaborations with John Ringo, Watch on the Rhine and Yellow Eyes. A NEW STAR OF MILITARY SCIENCE FICTION Praise for Carnifex: "[Kratman's] audience. . . will enjoy it for it's realistic action sequences, strong characterizations and thoughts on the philosophy of war."-Publishers Weekly Praise for A State of Disobedience: "Probably the most realistic depiction of a second American Revolution ever written."-John Ringo "Tom Kratman makes a strong case in this gripping futuristic political military thriller for when is it acceptable to go beyond civil disobedience to outright revolt against the government."-The Midwest Book Review ". . . it's easy to get sucked into the story and want to cheer for the good guys." Praise for Watch on the Rhine: "Ringo and Kratman pull no punches in this audacious and deliberately shocking effort. . . Readers. . . will be rewarded with an exciting view from 'the other side of the hill."-Publishers Weekly (starred review) Praise for Yellow Eyes: "In this breathless page-turner, the latest in the Posleen military SF series from Ringo and Kratman Latin America falls to the reptilian alien invaders without much struggle, except for Panama. There, members of the U.S. military enlist local forces and desperately resist. . . the battle tactics are worked out in satisfying detail.-Publishers Weekly "The usual many good action scenes are on hand, along with. . . intelligent lectures on military science and the expected charming superwaepon, here the old heavy cruiser Des Moines ,fitted with a number of advanced systems, including an Al named Daisy. The series already has a number of fun books in it. This is another."-Roland Green, Booklist



Countdown: H Hour

Countdown: H Hour

#3 in the Countdown modern-day military adventure series. Welcome to the Philippines outback. It's a true garden spot, if you happen to like drug running, bush-bound revolutionary movements, Balkanized tribal warfare, illegal weapons trading, and kidnapping for fun and profit. It's hostage rescue time once again for Terry Welch's special operations company. But this is turning out to be one of those missions. Starting with no clue as to the hostage's whereabouts topped off by Welch and his crew having to endure a rifle company of hated competitors supposedly sent along for reinforcement. Part of the territory for Welch. But then an attack on both companies' home bases leaves families and friends under threat of death and any available support scurrying to defend. Worse, advance team members sent to reconnoiter have been taken hostage as well. No help, no backup, team members in the soup. Welch knows there's only one solution: do whatever it takes. This is H Hour. And the fight is on.

Countdown: M Day

Countdown: M Day

War is brutal. Colonel Wes Stauer gets it. He ought to. He was once one of war's most brutal practitioners—not to mention one of its most effective and least bloody. Brutal yes; stupid no. Now, not only must Stauer command his crack outfit of former comrades and pull off yet another miracle mission, he must also harness and direct the brute within himself—a beast he will need in order to destroy an intelligent enemy who is as implacable as Stauer himself. Okay, almost as implacable. There will be war. And there will be warriors like Wes Stauer who have the know-how and, once set in motion, the unstoppable professional drive, to see the bad guys to their graves and destroy every last earthly piece of their nasty legacies.

Countdown: The Liberators

Countdown: The Liberators

BACK IN ACTION Old soldiers never die... except inside, when they lack a reason to live. Old soldier Wes Stauer is dying inside, from sheer lack of purpose. And then comes the knock on the door: "Our leader's son and heir has been kidnapped. We don't know where he is. We need you to get him back for us. The people who have him are numerous, warlike, and well armed. But money is no object." And then old soldiers-sailors and airmen, too-stop fading away and come back into sharp focus. Praise for Tom Kratman: "Kratman's [Caliphate] is a brisk page turner full of startling twists... he's a professional military man... so he's certainly up to speed on the military and geopolitical conceits of the book." -Mark Steyn, Maclean's Magazine "Kratman's written the future [in Caliphate], and it's scary." -John Ringo

Days of Burning, Days of Wrath

Days of Burning, Days of Wrath

A NEW NOVEL IN TOM KRATMAN'S HARD-HITTING MILITARY SF CARRERA SERIES When Patricio Carrera’s family was murdered by Salafist terrorists aided and abetted by the fleet of alien Earth, the only restraint on his ruthlessness and ambition was also removed. Now, after decades of war and preparation for war in his adopted homeland of Balboa, the last of the Tauran Union Expeditionary Force collapses and is herded into prison camps and ships, where their re-education commences. An Islamic rebellion explodes inside the Tauran Union, bringing the governments and the bureaucracies to their knees . . . except when they’re hauled up by their necks on lampposts. In neighboring Santa Josefina, the Taurans’ Task Force Jesuit is pinned into one small corner of the country, helplessly awaiting destruction. At sea, the Balboan classis and the remaining fleet of the Zhong Hegemony battle for the supply lines that keep the invading Zhong Army in Balboa alive, while the legions, now rid of the Taurans, redeploy against the Zhong, vengeance and massacre in their hearts and minds. And finally, Hamilcar Carrera, Patricio’s young son, stands poised on the bridge of a clandestine assault transport, ready to obliterate the last enemy base on his planet, even as a small ship is poised to remove the alien interstellar fleet overhead.

Dirty Water

Dirty Water

A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME—BACK TO BOSTON! 1462: an alien who feasts on the suffering of sentient beings dines off the agonies of Vlad the Impaler’s twenty-thousand victims near Targoviste, Romania. 1688: a woman is framed for witchcraft and hanged by the neck in Boston. 1965: a toy store that never seems to run out of special toys is suspected of being the location of a temporal portal, the same one used by the agony-feeding alien. 2022: a grandfather, showing his young grandchildren what remains of the Boston of his youth, is shown that portal by his granddaughters. And they’re off! Off through the gate that grants wishes, off to deal with time travel, off to break and enter, off to endure the pain of seeing afresh loved ones long since departed in their own time. They’re off to deal with hardened, murderous criminals and with equally murderous aliens. And all of that is set around the time of Christmas joy, in old, fine hotels, with presents, fresh loves, Handel’s Messiah, a department store’s enchanted village, old delicacies, modern weapons, lasers . . . and a very special calico cat.

Free Nonfiction 2011


Free Nonfiction 2011

In February of 2011 we started posting free nonfiction we at Baen thought might be of interest to our readers. The first article was "The Size of it All" by Les Johnson, a Baen author and space scientist. As new nonfiction is made available, it will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books. The Size of it All by Les Johnson Terraforming Ganymede with Robert A. Heinlein - Part 1 by Gregory Benford The Amazon's Right Breast by Tom Kratman Brains Aflame: Out on the Frontier of Neuroscience with a World-Class Researcher by Tony Daniel Terraforming Ganymede with Robert A. Heinlein - Part 2 by Gregory Benford The Aliens are Not Among Us by Les Johnson Gravity's Punch by Tony Daniel Science and Society in the Citizen Series by John Lambshead Beating Decline: Miltech and the Survival of the U.S. by J.R. Dunn BEATING DECLINE: Miltech and the Survival of the U.S. by J.R. Dunn It's Lonely Out There – The Evolutionary Explanation for the Fermi Paradox John Lambshead



Free Nonfiction 2012


Free Nonfiction 2012

The Drugs of War by J.R. Dunn Putting the Science in Science Fiction by Tedd Roberts The Roads to the RCN Series by David Drake The Menace from Lydia: The Social Spider as Alien Invader by Robert E. Furey Rediscovering the Solar System by Les Johnson The Conquest of Planet Baen by Bob Kruger Indirectly Mistaken Decision Cycles by Tom Kratman Do Tanks Have a Future? by J.R. Dunn Getting Guns Right by Michael Z. Williamson Rediscovering the Universe by Les Johnson The Neuroscience of Darkships by Tedd Roberts Stars That Wander, Are You Bright: Are Stars Conscious? by Dr. Greg Matloff



Free Nonfiction 2014


Free Nonfiction 2014

Listen to Bob Kruger discuss his essay, "Dungeons and Dragons: The 40 Year Quest for a Game that Breaks All the Rules," on the Baen Free Radio Hour: Part 1 | Part 2. From Smart Flesh to Custom Organs: The Growing Science of Tissue Engineering by Tedd Roberts Training for War, Part IV by Tom Kratman Dungeons and Dragons: The 40 Year Quest for a Game that Breaks All the Rules by Bob Kruger Training for War, Part V by Tom Kratman Rendezvous and Docking: A User's Guide for Non Rocket Scientists (Part 1) by Terry Burlison Rendezvous and Docking: A User's Guide for Non Rocket Scientists (Part 2) by Terry Burlison Training for War, Part VI by Tom Kratman Bloodied by Starlight by Jonathan LaForce Why Science is Never Settled - Part One by Tedd Roberts Why Science is Never Settled - Part Two by Tedd Roberts Even Fantasy Needs a Little Science (Even Magic Needs Rules)by Tedd Roberts Living without Satellites by Les Johnson Behind the Scenes at Mission Control by Terry Burlison Using Outer Space to Improve Life on Earth by Les Johnson A Medieval Artist In The 21st Century by Randy Asplund



Free Nonfiction 2018


Free Nonfiction 2018

In February of 2011 we started posting free nonfiction we at Baen thought might be of interest to our readers. The first article was "The Size of it All" by Les Johnson, a Baen author and space scientist. As new nonfiction is made available, it will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of nonfiction for 2018. As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books. Catching the Gravitational Lens Expressby Les Johnson Every Seven Minutesby Dr. Robert E. Hampson Magic Systems Aren't Magicby D.J. Butler Fixing Broken Memoryby Dr. Robert E. Hampson Character of the Female Warrior: an FAQby Kacey Ezell and Jennifer Whetstone Life Beyond Earth? Look to Small Stars by Kerry Hensley Conflict in the South China Seaby J.R. Dunn Why FTL Will End the Universe—and Six Ways to Avoid It in an SF Storyby John Lambshead Atomic Folliesby Jim Beall Principles of Organization for War and Organizing for War in the Carreraverse, Part Oneby Thomas P. Kratman Principles of Organization for War and Organizing for War in the Carreraverse, Part Twoby Tom Kratman Principles of Organization for War and Organizing for War in the Carreraverse, Part Three: The Rest of the Organization Principles Explainedby Tom Kratman



Free Nonfiction 2019


Free Nonfiction 2019

In February of 2011 we started posting free nonfiction we at Baen thought might be of interest to our readers. The first article was "The Size of it All" by Les Johnson, a Baen author and space scientist. As new nonfiction is made available, it will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of nonfiction for 2019. As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books. Swords of Lok: A Historical Approach to the Edged Weapons of Larry Correia's High Fantasy World by Whit Williams Principles of Organization for War and Organizing for War in the Carreraverse: Part Four: Military Organization of Carrera's Legions by Tom Kratman Genetics Advice for Generation Starships by Dan Koboldt The Evolution of Body Armor by Michael Z. Williamson Warships of Sea and Space: Form Follows Function Follows Technology by Jim Beall Warships of Sea and Space: Form Follows Function Follows Technology, Part II by Jim Beall Do You Believe in the Singularity? by Dr. Robert E. Hampson As Big as Space Itself: Building Our Own Space Megastructures—and Searching for Them as Galactic Signatures of Alien Civilizations by Les Johnson The Universe Beyond the Plasma Frequency by Kerry Hensley Man Caves: Humanity's Next Home by Ken Roy



Free Nonfiction 2020


Free Nonfiction 2020

In February of 2011 we started posting free nonfiction we at Baen thought might be of interest to our readers. The first article was "The Size of it All" by Les Johnson, a Baen author and space scientist. As new nonfiction is made available, it will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves). This is our compilation of nonfiction for 2020. As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books. Beamed Energy for Space Exploration: Giant Leap or Incremental Steps? by Les Johnson The Bridge of Sighs: Are We What Might Have Been? by Robert E. Furey Notes on the Carreraverse (A Concordance, More or Less), Part 1 by Tom Kratman Space Pirates! by Mark Lardas Notes on the Carreraverse (A Concordance, More or Less), Part 2 by Tom Kratman



Notes on the Carreraverse

Notes on the Carreraverse

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Carreraverse in one handy volume! Tom Kratman’s Carrera series has cut a swath through the military science fiction genre. Now Kratman outlines the history and worldbuilding of his popular creation.“[Kratman is] a professional military man . . . up to speed on military and geopolitical conceits.”—Mark Steyn, best-selling author of America Alone“Kratman raises disquieting questions on what it might take to win the war on terror . . . [with] realistic action sequences, strong characterizations, and thoughts on the philosophy of war.”—Publishers Weekly

Principles of Organization for War and Organizing for War in the Carreraverse

Principles of Organization for War and Organizing for War in the Carreraverse

Tom Kratman’s science fiction novels are distinguished by his attention to detail in all matters military. Now, Kratman details his philosophy behind the organization of the Carreraverse, in a series of essays. These are a distillation of Kratman’s years of military service and deep reading in military history, philosophy, as well as the thoughts of someone who has “been there” and “done that” on timeless principles of military operations and organization that will likely still be required when humanity takes to the stars.

Terra Nova: The Wars of Liberation

Terra Nova: The Wars of Liberation

New stories set in Tom Kratman's hard-hitting Carrera military SF series "Send us your tired, your poor," says the inscription at the base of the great statue, "your huddled masses yearning to be free." But the future of the colony planet, Terra Nova, and its relations with Old Earth is far more a case of "boot out your tired, your poor, your dissidents and troublemakers. Use us for a dumping ground for all your problems. Go ahead and abandon these here." This may have been fine, too, but for the UN and its corrupt bureaucracy insisting on maintaining control and milking the new world and its settlers, willing and unwilling both, bone dry. Contained herein are tales of the history of Mankind's future first colony, from the first failed attempt at colonization, to the rise in crime, to the rise in terrorism, to its descent into widespread civil war and rebellion . . . and ultimately liberation. As with most of human history, this history is messy, with good men and women turning bad, bad men and women inadvertently doing good, and blood flowing in the streets. Stories set in Tom Kratman’s Carrera series by Kacey Ezell Mike Massa Rob Hampson Chris Smith Peter Grant Chris Nutall Justin Watson Monalisa Foster Alex Macris Lawrence Railey and Tom Kratman

The Romanov Rescue

The Romanov Rescue

A NEW NOVEL OF ALTERNATE HISTORY FROM MASTER OF MILITARY SF TOM KRATMAN, JUSTIN WATSON, AND KACEY EZELL. As WWI comes to a close a German general, an escaped prisoner of war, and the crew of an airship converge to effect THE ROMANOV RESCUE. Can there be a world without communism? Mankind's history is bound up in the fabric of fate, a strong cloth, tough and closely woven. It is the beginning of 1918, the last year of the greatest war in human history, to date. All the belligerents stagger on their feet. Starvation is an ever present reality, while disease waits in the wings. In Russia, no longer a belligerent but, instead, rapidly descending into civil war and chaos, a lone family—Father, Mother, four beautiful young girls, and a brave but sickly boy—await their own fate, shivering and hungry in the dark, hoping and praying for salvation. Their relatives in England have turned their backs. The guards set over them do little but torment them. They look Heavenward, but God doesn't answer. They know they're a threat to the new regime, a threat that will, in time, be eliminated. But even the strongest fabric has flaws. An escaped prisoner of war, caught, injured, and punished, but still highly capable, might be one. An airship, returned and at loose ends after a failed mission to Africa might be another. A German general, taking a wrong turn on his nightly walk and suddenly coming face to face with the reality of the monster rising in the east, would be a third. Follow, then, as the general gives the orders, the prisoner of war raises the men from among his fellows, and the airship launches itself forward, to contest fate, to tear the fabric of time, and to effect The Romanov Rescue.

The Tuloriad

The Tuloriad

The Enemy of My Enemy . . . Of the once innumerable battle clans of the Posleen only a handful survive. And that on the sufferance of a group of despised Indowy and Himmit. Plucked from the maelstrom on Earth they are cast out into the eternal blackness of the stars with only a slighltly insane Indowy and a computer virus to guide them. What follows is a trail of tears and remembrance as the Posleen retrace the footsteps of their ancestors in a search for their homeworld. A search to determine if the Posleen posess the one thing no Human would give them credit for: A soul. Returned to their beginnings, the question remains: Is there a new path for the Tular Posleen? About the Authors:John Ringo is author of New York Times best-selling Posleen War series which so far includes A Hymn Before Battle, Gust Front, When the Devil Dances, and Hell's Faire, as well as the connected novels Cally's War, Sister Time and Honor of the Clan (with Julie Cochrane), The Hero (with Michael Z Williamson), and Watch on the Rhine and Yellow Eyes (with Tom Kratman), and is the hottest new science fiction writer since David Weber. A veteran of the 82nd Airborne, Ringo brings first-hand knowledge of military operations to his novels of high-tech future war. Tom Kratman, in 1974 at age seventeen, became a political refugee and defector from the PRM (People's Republic of Massachusetts) by virtue of joining the Regular Army. He stayed a Regular Army infantryman most of his adult life, returning to Massachusetts as an unofficial dissident while attending Boston College after his first hitch. Tom is currently an attorney practicing in southwest Virginia. Baen published his first novel, A State of Disobedience and his previous collaborations with John Ringo, Watch on the Rhine and Yellow Eyes.


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