Contains all four novels in New York Times bestselling author Jody Lynn Nye’s hilarious modern fantasy series.
Mythology 101 - The adventure begins in Mythology 101. Keith Doyle, believer in myths and goodhearted nerd, discovers a secret village of magical elves occupying a vacant level of the library building. But the library is in danger of being torn down, destroying the elves’ home. The only thing that can save the elves is the magic of… free enterprise.
Mythology Abroad - The adventure moves across the ocean in Mythology Abroad. Keith Doyle and Holl, one of the Little Folk, set off to find their roots. On their tour, south of Ireland, Keith falls prey to magical beings. Holl, with magical and mundane help, must rescue Keith from his own folly and solve the mystery of the disappearance of the Little Folk….
Higher Mythology - The adventure continues in Higher Mythology. Holl has finally tied the knot with his beloved, Maura. When Holl’s cousin stumbles across a business dumping toxic waste on the Little Folks’ land, Holl, Maura, and their new baby are kidnapped. Can Keith Doyle, with the help of the Little Folk and Air Spites, rescue them before it’s too late?
AdvanceD Mythology - In AdvanceD Mythology Keith Doyle has his biggest adventure with the Little Folk yet! Malevolent spirits haunt the elves and, just as bad, a Big Person has discovered them. Keith tries to help his magical friends while evading an industrial spy. Can he do all this while planning a party to end all parties?
SKU: WFP1201802
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