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Baen Books Announces Plans for Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire Series

Novels overseen by Flint before his death as well as reprints of the best of the Ring of Fire Press ebooks will carry the legacy of the best-selling alternate history series into the future.

Riverdale, New York, April 9, 2024 — Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire is the best-selling alternate history series of all time. When the small, 20th Century town of Grantville, West Virginia, is hurled through time and space to Europe during the 17th Century, the course of history is forever altered. And with the publication of Eric Flint’s groundbreaking first novel in the series, 1632, the course of the alternate history genre was forever changed. Flint and Baen Books opened the series to coauthors and fan writers, who wove a tapestry of novels, novellas, ebooks, and short stories that created a densely populated world. With Flint’s death in 2022, the future of the series was left uncertain.

Now, Baen Books announces plans for the future of Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire. Flint was working on the series up until the time of his passing. Baen will release these final novels, which will be completed by the authors Flint was developing the books with. Beginning with 1635: The Weaver’s Code, cowritten by Flint and nationally best-selling author Jody Lynn Nye, Baen will release:

      1635: The Weaver’s Code by Eric Flint and Jody Lynn Nye (October 2024)

      1637: The Pacific Initiative by Iver Cooper

      Title TBD by Eric Flint and Walter Hunt

      1637: Pilgrim’s Passage by Eric Flint & Griffin Barber

      Title TBD by Eric Flint & Charles E. Gannon

In addition to the print novels, Baen Books will be rereleasing select books originally published by Ring of Fire Press. These include former Ring of Fire Press titles by Vrginia DeMarce, Bjorn Hasseler, David Carrico, Paula Goodlett & Gorg Huff, Garret Vance, Bethann Kim, and Mike Watson.

And while the Grantville Gazette, the online magazine edited by Flint that featured stories set in the Ring of Fire series, will no longer be published, the Flint estate has granted permission for a new online and ebook magazine to continue the tradition, begun by Flint, of welcoming new authors into the series. More information about Eric Flint’s 1632 and Beyond can be found at (Note: Baen Books is not affiliated with Eric Flint’s 1632 and Beyond.)

With new novels, reprints of Ring of Fire Press books, and more, Baen Books is thrilled to continue Eric Flint’s legacy into the future.

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