This is the commemorative coin for the Battle of Rabun Gap, to be found in John Ringo's Legacy of the Aldenata series. (“Bun Bun” likeness used by permission of his creator, Pete Abrams, from the webcomic Sluggy Freelance)
Special Warfare Combat Leopard Division Challenge Coin
All profits from this coin will go to support two charities founded, supported, and run by Baen readers: Operation Baen Bulk, which provides care packages for deployed service members, and Read Assist, a 501c3 company that serves our disabled readers. Each coin is $15. Buy all 13 author coins, and the “I Read Baen’d Books”
coin comes free. “I read Baened Books” was first used by Chris French. “Joe Buckley” used courtesy of Joe Buckley. Don’t forget to duck. See also The Many Deaths of Joe Buckley
Ripple Creek Security Coin
Front: Ripple Creek Security: Executive Protection Division
Reverse: Nothing Personal, It’s Just Business.
The coin of a mercenary company in Michael Z. Williamson’s Freehold universe, the sequence that begins with Better to Beg Forgiveness…
USS Des Moines Challenge Coin
Front: USS Des Moines, "Daisy Mae"
Reverse: Nail to the mast her holy flag, Set every threadbare sail, And give her to the god of storms, The lightning and the gale! — Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Ship’s coin from the Posleen Wars sequence of John Ringo’s Legacy of the Aldenata, from Yellow Eyes and The Tuloriad, by John Ringo & Tom Kratman.
Inauguration of President Moore Challenge Coin
Front: Inauguration of President Alexander Moore
Reverse: A.I. For Peace Now
The president’s personal event coin on his inauguration, from Travis S. Taylor's One Day on Mars series
A Desert Called Peace Challenge Coin
Front: Profile from a statue in Patricio and Linda Carrera's home garden, caption: Vindicta Somnum Malum Tranquilia
Reverse: I loved you, so I drew these tides of Men into my hands/And wrote my will across the Sky in stars. — T.E. Lawrence