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Slipshod they came on solar winds

and ancient flame

Windjamming columbus from earth to moon

and back again

with sticky sweet words and photofeet

A kangaroo leap, it landed them shyly

on the maiden

whose gray and orange cherry they sought

for their hungering bookminds

and catkiller

What, they?

Yes, they, the Apollonauts

swept to the other half of their home

on a dead man's dream

and a German's thundering memory:

V-twoing to fame they went

like Spaniards after gold

they searched the cold and native rock

Backstepping and pocketminding

satisfied by narcissus,

they waited awhile then,

until fed by catholic desire

to fill the universe but

finity pleading the

pushed progeny and prodigy

upon the starry road,

chancing again the blackness

Woebegone were those first mars marring,

warring betwixt and between

still slipsliding up the downwell

gravity being the wish shining

at the bottom;

to fall redly to the surface;

blushing and cussing the almost air

they swept away to be ashes to ashes,

dust to dust, but not here:

they died on lonely Mars

Kangarooing again their dust to reclaim,

and display, and praise the desire

rescue came five circled Earth's

too late

and explored Deimos

the highpoint of the mission

Satan's home was in the north, and

magnetically and gravitationally

they found that cool

by lightbending and other tricks of stones

they did it

they were gone upon some other place

than the nine brothers and some


unnamed except by vague Vespuccis

whose compasses found no known

lattitude or longitude

Around they went, magellanically,

touching cloud and cloud,

bound somehow to return

to the distant poor earth,

to the dirt of home

! symetrically crying

that sunloosed escape meant galactic freedom

they looked for the key that was lost

burning in the heart cluster

ofthe heart cluster ...

Oh did they flame their way to the middle missing


for heaven is found motionless like

Gods they searched the void full

to find the truth

Oh Apollo, they found it!

Footsteps on the photo,

they found it!

not peace and quiet they found to be the way

but pushing and shoving ...

Leaving Sidhartha behind, they left,

our future fathers,

blowing out of this untimely place

to another, where they still seek the other side

of another wall,

attempting to find that final truth:

somewhere there being truth,

and elsewhere,



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