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Turning to my comrades, I hold up my hand in an order for them to stay where they are. I’m not sure where my steps will lead me, but I see no reason to endanger them. If we become separated, I’ll worry about it then. If the circular door reveals nothing, then everything is fine.

The moment I set foot onto the pattern, a shiver of energy pulses through my shoes and into my flesh. Startled, I pull my foot back, but after the surprise wears down, I begin the walk once more. This time the pulse seems stronger and, with each step, it grows stronger still. In a short while, I find the pulses jolting my leg muscles, turning them spongy and difficult to control. Soon I am barely able to take a step, as my legs seem almost glued in place.

My steps are short now, and with each one I feel more of my strength drain from me. Maybe it’s the pattern; maybe if I tried to figure out where the lines went, they would lead me to the center without any difficulty. Still, no matter how often I study the lines, I cannot determine anything specific. If there is truly a meaningful pattern, its meaning is lost on me.

Only a few yards away now, the center beckons with a faint blue glow. But yards are yards, and I don’t know if I have the strength to walk them. On I go, each step taking longer than the last, my hands shaking and my throat gasping with the sheer effort of movement. Then suddenly, I reach an impasse, a place where I realize that the next step removes my power of choice. If I take it, I will not be able to leave the pattern. If I turn back, I can still return to the others. Like most of life’s important decisions, the choices are incredibly clear. What is not clear, as always, is which way I should choose.

If Derek goes on towards the center, turn to Section 7.

If Derek chooses to return to the others, turn to Section 9.

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