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Character List for
The Shadow of Saganami:


Adolfsson, George
—Planetary President of Pontifex.
Agnelli, Joanna
Captain Aivars Terekhov's personal steward.
Alexander, Hamish
—Earl White Haven; Admiral, Royal Manticoran Navy (ret.). First Lord of Admiralty, Star Kingdom of Manticore.
Alexander, William
—Baron Grantville and Lord Alexander. Prime Minister of Manticore
Alquezar, Joachim
—Senior delegate to the Talbott Constitutional Convention from San Miguel, major stockholder Rembrandt Trade Union, leader of the Constitutional Union Party in the Convention.
Anders, Ito
Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. Commanding officer acronym, HMS Warlock.
Anhier, Franz
Engineer, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne.
Anisimovna, Aldona
—Board member, Manpower, Inc.
Antrim, George
—Platoon Sergeant, Royal Manticoran Marines. Senior NCO, 1st Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma.
Atkinson, Annemarie
—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Audacious.
Badmachin, Mira
—Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS -Volcano.
Bagwell, Guthrie
Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Electronics Warfare Officer, HMS Hexapuma.
Bannister, Trevor
—Chief Marshal, CO, Montana Marshals -Service.
Bardasano, Isabel
—Cadet board member and chief of covert operations, Jessyk Combine.
Basaricek, Brigita
—Colonel, CO, Kornatian National Police Force.
Binyan, Duan
—CO, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne.
Bjornstad, Alvin
—Vice-President, Union of Monica.
Bourmont, Gregoire
—Admiral, Monican Navy. Chief of Naval Operations.
Budak, Aranka
—Lieutenant, Kornatian National Police.
Burke, Kathleen
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Aria.
Caparelli, Sir Thomas
—Admiral, Royal Manticoran Navy. First Space Lord, Manticoran Admiralty.
Chandler, Ambrose
—Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Rear Admiral Augustus Khumalo's staff intelligence officer.
Clary, Jeanette
Senior Chief Petty Officer, Royal Manticoran Navy. Senior helmswoman, HMS Hexapuma.
Corvisart, Amandine
—Special representative from the Manticoran Foreign Office assigned to negotiate settlement with Republic of Monica.
Crites, David
—Platoon Sergeant, Royal Manticoran Marines. Senior NCO, 3rd Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma.
D'Arezzo, Paulo
—Midshipman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma.
Debevic, Judita
—Leader, Kornatian Social Moderate Party.
De Chabrol, Annette
—XO, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne.
Dekker, Hieronymus
—Chief factor, Rembrandt Trade Union, Montana System.
Divkovic, Drazen
Cell leader, Freedom Alliance of Kornati.
Divkovic, Juras
—Cell leader, Freedom Alliance of Kornati.
Djerdja, Darinka
—Vuk Rajkovic's personal assistant.
Diamond, Osborne
—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Vigilant.
Dunblane, Arnold
—Rembrandt Trade Union employee on -Montana.
Duncan, Andrea
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Logistics Officer, HMS Hexapuma.
Egervary, Zeno
—Security Officer/Tactical Officer, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne.
Eichbauer, Ulrike
—Major, Solarian Gendarmerie. Brigadier Yucel's chief intelligence officer.
Einarsson, Magnus
—Captain, Nuncio Space Force. CO, NSS Wolverine.
FitzGerald, Ansten
—Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Hexapuma.
Gaunt, Richard
—Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Hercules.
Gazi, Andrija
—Chairman, Kornatian parliamentary Special Committee on Annexation.
Grabovac, Vesna
—Kornatian Secretary of the Treasury.
Grantville, Baron of
—see William Alexander, above.
Gray, Oliver
—Colonel, Royal Manticoran Marines. CO, Marine battalion assigned to Dame Estelle Matsuko.
Groenhuijen, Arjan
—Captain, Rembrandt System Navy.
Gutierrez, Mateo
—Lieutenant, Owens Steadholder's Guard. Abigail Hearns personal armsman.
Harahap, Damien
—Captain, Solarian Gendarmerie. Ulrike Eichbauer's assistant and contact point for Talbott Cluster terrorist organizations.
Harrington, Lady Dame Honor Stephanie
—Duchess Harrington; Steadholder Harrington; Admiral, Royal Manticoran Navy; Fleet Admiral, Grayson Space Navy; CO Protector's Own; CO Eighth Fleet; CO HMS Unconquered.
Hearns, Abigail
—Lieutenant, Grayson Space Navy. Assistant Tactical Officer (acting), HMS Hexapuma. Daughter of Steadholder Owens.
Hedges, William
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Marines. CO, 2nd Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma.
Hegedusic, Isidor
—Admiral, Monican Navy. CO Eroica Station and designated CO battlecruiser strike force.
Hennessy, Frank
—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Rondeau.
Hewlett, Josepha
—Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Resolute.
Hibachi, George
—Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Warlock.
Higgins, Alfonzo
—Director, Monican Intelligence.
Hollister, Jeff
—Member, Montana Independence Movement.
Hongbo, Junyan
Vice-Commissioner, Office of Frontier Security, Solarian League. Lorcan Verrochio's senior subordinate.
Hope, Eleanor
Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Vigilant.
Jeffers, Bruce
—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Javelin.
Jezic, Barto
—Captain, Kornatian National Police Force. SWAT specialist.
Johnson, Liam
—Sensor Technician 1/c, Royal Manticoran Navy, HMS Hexapuma.
Kaczmarczyk, Tadislaw
—Captain, Royal Manticoran Marines. CO, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma.
Kagiyama, Aikawa
—Midshipman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma.
Kalokainos, Volkhart
—Senior vice-president, Kalokainos Shipping. Son of Heinrich Kalokainos, CEO and Board Chairman.
Kanjer, Mavro
—Kornatian Secretary of Justice.
Karlberg, Emil
Commodore, Nuncio Space Force. CO, NSF.
Kaplan, Naomi
—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Tactical Officer, HMS Hexapuma.
Kelso, Angelique
Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Marines. CO, 1st Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma.
Khumalo, Augustus
—Rear Admiral, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, Talbott Station.
Kienholtz, Gunda
Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Tactical Officer, HMS Vigilant.
Kobe, Jefferson
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Assistant Communications Officer, HMS Hexapuma.
Krietzmann, Henri
President, Talbott Constitutional Convention.
Krizanic, Cuiejeta
—Chairwoman, Kornatian parliamentary Standing Committee on Constitutional Law.
Kubota, Joshua
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Rondeau.
Kulinac, Amelia
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Javelin.
Lababibi, Samiha
—President of the Spindle System and its senior delegate to the Talbott Constitutional Convention.
Langtry, Sir Anthony
—Foreign Secretary, Star Kingdom of Manticore.
Lewis, Ginger
—Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Chief Engineer, HMS Hexapuma.
Levakonic, Izrok
—Technodyne Industries of Yildun's representative to the Republic of Monica.
Lignos, Herawati
—Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Aegis.
MacIntyre, Freda
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Astrogation department, HMS Hexapuma.
Maguire, Alberta
—Platoon Sergeant, Royal Manticoran Marines. Senior NCO, 2nd Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma.
Majoli, Goran
—Kornatian Secretary of Commerce.
Maksimovac, Slavko
—damage Sargent, Kornatian National Police Force.
Mann, Bill
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Marines. CO, 3rd Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma.
Matsuko, Dame Estelle
—Baroness Medusa, Provisional Governor of the Talbott Cluster for the Star Kingdom of Manticore.
Mavundia, Benjamin
—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Commanding officer acronym, HMS Audacious.
McCollum, Wendell
—Lance Corporal, Royal Manticoran Marines. Squad leader, 3rd Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma.
McDermott, Dame Beatrice
—Baroness Alb, Vice Admiral Royal Manticoran Navy, CO Saganami Island Naval Academy.
McDermott, Stephen
—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Resolute.
McGraw, Hansen
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Communications Department, HMS Hexapuma.
Medusa, Baroness
—see Dame Estelle Matsuko, above.
Melville, Janet
Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Janissary.
Mestrovic, Alenka
—Kornatian Secretary of Education.
Mrsic, Eldijana
—Member Kornatian parliamentary Standing Committee on Constitutional Law.
Nagchaudhuri, Amal
—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Communications Officer, HMS Hexapuma.
Naysmith, Maitland
—Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Janissary.
Nemesanyi, Istvan
—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Aegis.
—Honor Harrington's treecat companion.
Nordbrandt, Agnes
—Leader of the Kornati National Redemption Party; organizer and leader of the Freedom Alliance of Kornati.
Olivetti, Frances
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Assistant Engineer, HMS Hexapuma.
O'Malley, Quentin
—Vice Admiral, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO of RMN task force dispatched to Monica to support Terekhov.
Orban, Lajos
Surgeon Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Ship's doctor, HMS Hexapuma.
O'Shaughnessy, Gregor
—Baroness Medusa's civilian senior intelligence analyst.
Ottweiler, Valery
Diplomatic representative, Mesa System.
Palacios, Luis
—Stephen Westman's ranch foreman and second-in-command, Montana Independence Movement.
Pavletic, Ragnhild
—Midshipwoman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma.
Rajkovic, Vuk
—Planetary Vice-President of Kornati.
Ranjina, Tamara
—Senior Reconciliation Party member, Kornatian Special Committee on Annexation.
Rossi, Bianca
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Aria.
Saunders, Victoria
—Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO Hercules. Rear Admiral Augustus Khumalo's flag captain.
Sedgwick, Lewis
—Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Ericsson.
Sheets, Jensen
—Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Assistant Astrogator, HMS Hexapuma.
Shirafkin, Azadeh
—Purser, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne.
Shoupe, Loretta
—Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. Chief of staff for Rear Admiral Augustus Khumalo.
Stiles, Jasper
—Treasury Secretary, Montana System.
Stottmeister, Leopold
Midshipman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma.
Suka, Vlacic
—General, CO, Kornatian Defense Forces.
Suttles, Warren
System President of Montana.
Terekhov, Aivars Aleksovitch
—Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Hexapuma.
Terekhov, Sinead Patricia O'Daley
—wife of Captain Aivars -Terekhov.
Tinkhof, Jacomina
—System President, Rembrandt System.
Toboc, Adrian
Major, Kornatian Defense Forces.
Tonkovic, Aleksandra
—Planetary President of Kornati, Split System. Split System's senior delegate to the Talbott Constitutional Convention. Leader of the Liberal Constitutional Party in the Convention.
Tyler, Roberto
President, Union of Monica.
Urizar, Hermelinda
Sergeant-Major, Royal Manticoran Marines. Company sergeant-major, HMS Hexapuma.
Vaandrager, Ineka
Chairwoman, Rembrandt Trade Union.
Van Der Wildt, Bernadette
Admiral and commander-in-chief, Rembrandt System Navy.
Van Dort, Bernardus
Founder and ex-chairman of the Rembrandt Trade Union.
Verrochio, Lorcan
—Commissioner, Office of Frontier Security, Solarian League. OFS administrator for the Madras Sector which borders on the Talbott Cluster.
Wanderman, Aubrey
—Senior Chief Petty Officer, Royal Manticoran Navy. Engineering department, HMS Hexapuma.
Westman, Stephen
—organizer and leader of the Montana Independence Movement.
Wexler, Alberto
—Personal assistant to Planetary President George Adolfsson.
White Haven, Earl of
—see Hamish Alexander, above.
Wright, Tobias
—Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Astrogator, HMS Hexapuma.
Yucel, Francisca
Brigadier General, Solarian Gendarmerie. Senior Gendarmerie officer, Madras Sector.
Yvernau, Andrieaux
—Chairman, New Tuscany delegation, Talbott Constitutional Convention.
Zilwicki, Helen
Midshipwoman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma.
Zovan, Tomaz
—Kornatian parliamentary deputy.


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