
Stalking the Nightmare

CoverPure, 100-proof distillation of Ellison. A righteous verbal high! Here you'll find twenty of his very best stories and essays (including the four-part "Scenes from the Real World"), an anecdotal history of the doomed TV series, The Starlost, he created for NBC; Tales from the Mountains of Madness; and his hilariously brutal reportage on the three most important things in life: sex, violence, and labor relations.

With a knockout, an absolutely killer, Foreword by Stephen King.

Cover Art by Leo & Diane Dillon

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

First E-Reads publication:2009
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No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical—including photocopy, recording, Internet posting, electronic bulletin board or any other information storage and retrieval system, or by any other method, means or process of embodying and/or transmitting information, text or the spoken word now known or hereafter devised without permission in writing from The Kilimanjaro Corporation, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a critical article or review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper, or electronically transmitted on radio, television or in a recognized on-line journal. For information address Author's agent: Richard Curtis Associates, Inc., 171 East 74th Street, New York, New York 10021, USA.

All persons, places and organizations in this book-except those clearly in the public domain-are fictitious and any resemblance that may seem to exist to actual persons, places or organizations living, dead or defunct is purely coincidental. These are works of fiction.


Copyright © 1982 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

STALKING THE NIGHTMARE is an Edgeworks Abbey® Offering in association with
Published by arrangement with the Author and The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

Harlan Ellison and Edgeworks Abbey are registered trademarks of The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

This edition is copyright © 2008 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation. All rights reserved.

Front Cover Illustration by Leo & Diane Dillon. Copyright © 1966 by Leo & Diane Dillon. Renewed, © 1994 by Leo & Diane Dillon.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

E-Reads, Ltd.
171 East 74th St.
Second Floor
New York, NY 10021

Electronic version by Baen Books

Foreword by Stephen King, copyright © 1982 by Stephen King.

Introduction: "Quiet Lies the Locust Tells," copyright © 1982 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Grail," copyright © 1981 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"The Outpost Undiscovered by Tourists," copyright © 1981 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Blank. . .," copyright © 1957 by Harlan Ellison. Renewed, 1985 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"The 3 Most Important Things in Life," copyright © 1978 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Visionary" (written with Joe L. Hensley), copyright © 1957 by Harlan Ellison and Joe. L. Hensley. Renewed, 1985 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation and (The Estate of) Joe L. Hensley.

"Djinn, No Chaser," copyright © 1982 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Invasion Footnote" (by "Cordwainer Bird"), copyright © 1957 by Harlan Ellison. Renewed, 1985 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Saturn, November 11th," copyright © 1981 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.
"Night of Black Glass," copyright © 1981 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Final Trophy," copyright © 1957 by Harlan Ellison. Revised version, copyright © 1982 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation. Renewed, 1985 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.
"! !!The! !Teddy!Crazy! !Show! !!," copyright © 1968 by Harlan Ellison. Renewed, 1996 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"The Cheese Stands Alone," copyright © 1981 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.
"Somehow, I Don't Think We're in Kansas, Toto," copyright ©1974 by
Harlan Ellison. Revised and expanded version, copyright © 1982 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation. Renewed, 2002 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Transcending Destiny" (under the title "School for Assassins" and the pseudonym "Ellis Hart"), copyright © 1957 by Harlan Ellison. Renewed, 1985 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"The Hour That Stretches," copyright © 1982 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.
"The Day I Died," copyright © 1973 by Harlan Ellison. Renewed, 2001 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Tracking Level," copyright © 1956 by Harlan Ellison. Renewed, 1984 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Tiny Ally," copyright © 1957 by Harlan Ellison. Renewed, 1985 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"The Goddess in the Ice" (by "Ellis Hart"), copyright © 1967 by Harlan Ellison. Revised version, copyright © 1982 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation. Renewed, 1995 by the Kilimanjaro Corporation.

"Gopher in the Gilly," copyright © 1982 by The Kilimanjaro Corporation.


I don't have much patience with the facts, and any writer is a congenital liar to begin with or he wouldn't take up writing . . . I write to say No to death . . . an artist is a creature driven by demons. He don't usually know why they chose him and he's usually too busy to wonder why . . .



The Author, besotted with humility, would like to take this opportunity to thank all the little people whose support and assistance made his climb to the top possible: Lemuel Gulliver; the girl in the Golden Atom; Billy Barty; General Tom Thumb; the Ty-D-Bol man; Barbie &Ken; Manners the Butler; Dr. Miguelito Loveless; Poppin' Fresh, the Pillsbury Dough Boy; the representatives of the Lollipop Guild; Speedy Alka-Seltzer; Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec; Snap, Crackle & Pop; Scott Carey, the Incredible Shrinking Man; Chip'n'Dale; Tattoo; and all the gang over at Dr. Cyclops's.

But seriously, folks.

I couldn't'a done it widdout'cha, friends:

Diana Adkins, Sid Altus, Isaac Asimov; Richard Fontaine, Dale Hardman, Bobbie J. Kroman and Willie Wilson of B. Dalton Bookstores; Greg Bear, Alex Berman, Arthur Bernhard, Ben Bova, Mayer Alan Brenner, Jeff Bridges, Edward W. Bryant, Jr.; Sharon Buck, Mark Carlton, Alan Chudnow, (Ms.) Marty Clark, Jon Clarke, Ed Coffey, Catherine Crowell; Arthur Byron Cover, Lydia Marano and Linda Mayfield of the Dangerous Visions Bookstore in Sherman Oaks, California; Buzz Dixon, Clint Eastwood, Audrey and Edward L. Ferman, Charles Garcia, Mel Gilden, Joanne Gutreimen, Burt Handelsman, C.E.; James Haralson, Joe L. Hensley, Walter Hill, Richard Hoagland, Michael Hodel, Nancy Hodel, Terry Hodel, Stephen King, Steve Kirk, T.E.D. Klein, Cele Goldsmith Lalli, Gil Lamont, Shelley Levinson, Barry R. Levin, Tim Lewis; Jane Mackenzie in a class by herself; Elinor Mavor, Jon R. McKenzie, Larry McMurtry, Joyce Muskat, Sharon O'Hara, Frank Olynyk, Jerry Pournelle, Eric Protter, John Ratner, Mary Riordon, Jeff Rubenstein, Bonnie Sue Russell, Jared Rutter; John Sack, W.W. Scott, Larry T. Shaw, Robert Silverberg, Judith Sims, Tad Stones, William Stout, Genadie Sverlow, Leslie Kay Swigart, the impossible-to-locate Mike Taylor; Emily Boxer and Tom Brokaw and the late Jessica Savitch of the NBC Today Show; Dan Turner, (Ms.) Randall Warner, and my former editor at Future Life, the long suffering Bob Woods.

For each and all of you, a blessing of the 18th Egyptian dynasty: "God be between you and harm in all the empty places you walk."
