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Every text I complete goes off to Dan Breen and to my webmaster, Karen Zimmerman. They are my back-up and support system, and they’re necessary to my comfort in writing quite aside from the practical help which they provide me.

My son Jonathan has been a godsend with nagging software glitches. It’s beyond me how people get along nowadays without a geek in the family.

All the members of my Army language school class were smart and well educated. There was a test to get in, and you had to have a college degree to even take the test. The only couple my wife and I socialized with, however, were the Bagnells. (We were both recently married, which is part of it.)

While Gil and I were In Country in different elite units (173d Airborne and 11th ACR respectively) our wives lived together in Durham. I knew Jo had support near at hand, so that was one fewer thing for me to worry about. Goodness knows there were enough other options.

And Jo continues to support and feed me. This is the core of what makes it possible for me to write stories—this one included.

Dave Drake

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