As with most novels, various people played a part at various stages in the development of Rhymer. The author would like to thank a few who played significant roles in its gestation. First, Jonathan Maberry, with whom the original “T. Rhymer” tale was concocted. Although this version has journeyed a long way from there, none of it would exist at all had it not been for an initial idea discussed over beers, lo, many years ago. Second, my thanks to author/translator Craig Williamson for all the Anglo-Saxon riddles in his A Feast of Creatures. Neither Thomas nor Taliesin would exist as they do without you. A special thank-you to Oz Whiston, proof- and beta-reader nonpareil. I cannot imagine getting feedback from anyone else as reliable and helpful as yours. You are the “True Thomas” of this text. Finally, to my agent, Marie Lamba, for doggedly representing the project through its various permutations.