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♦ DramatiS pErSOnaE ♦

EARTHBORN (1st Generation)

Zack Moskowitz—Former mayor; last surviving Geographic Society trustee

Rachel Moskowitz—Former first lady

“Big” Shaka—Colony’s head biologist

Carlos Martinez—Artist

Twyla—Psychologist, Carlos’ girlfriend

Sylvia—Biologist, Cadmann Weyland’s surviving widow

Cassandra—Main AI computer on Avalon; in orbit aboard Geographic

Mason Stolzi—Last living trained astronaut among the Earthborn

STARBORN (2nd and 3rd Generation)

“Little” Shaka—Foster son of “Big” Shaka

Cadmann Sikes (“Cadzie”)—Grandson of Cadmann Weyland, and heir apparent; technically third generation, and former Grendel Scout

Aaron Tragon—First of the “bottle babies” (creche children) and thus first Starborn; titular Leader of the Starborn

Trevanian—Comm shack

Hal and Towner—Mappers who discover Cthulhu corpse

Marvin Kyle “Toad” Stolzi—Minerva pilot; “the last astronaut”

Tracy Martinez—Carlos’s daughter

Scott Martinez—Carlos’s son

Stanfield “Piccolo” Corning—second born on Avalon; surfing instructor, former miner

Nnedi Okan

Joanie Tragon—Daughter of Aaron; raised by Cadmann’s widows

Jaxxon Tuinukuafe—Artist, Jason’s older brother

Jason Tuinukuafe—Engineer, Jaxxon’s younger brother

Evie Queen—Artist

Thor—Joanie’s boyfriend

Mei Ling—Joanie’s rival for Thor; geologist

Collie Baxter—Engineer


Narrator Marco Shantel—Former tri-d star

Major Gloria Stype—Security officer

First Speaker Augustus Glass

Channing Newsome “The Prophet”

Gertrude Hendricksen—Generally called Trudy

Captain Sven Meadows—Senior military line officer awakened before arrival in orbit around Tau Ceti; 32 years old and only awake a few weeks before rendezvous; Golden Viking; lover of Gloria Stype

Chief Engineer Jorge Daytona

Sargent Greg Lindsey

Corporal Carvey

Ship’s Captain Arnold Tolliver—Originally captain of Messenger

Dr. Mandel—First Speaker’s private physician

Dr. Charlotte Martine—Biologist and medical officer

Sargent Kanazawa

Colonel Anton Tsiolkovskii

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