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The Legacy of Heorot

Table of Contents



The Legacy of Heorot
Chapter 1 Camelot
Chapter 2 on the beach
Chapter 3 frozen sleep
Chapter 4 rainy night
Chapter 5 autopsy i
Chapter 6 at thE wire
Chapter 7 the blind
Chapter 8 grendel’s arm
Chapter 9 contact
Chapter 10 nightmare
Chapter 11 eulogy
Chapter 12 dinosaur killer
Chapter 13 homestead
Chapter 14 reunion
Chapter 15 year day
Chapter 16 on the cliff
Chapter 17 rescue
Chapter 18 descent into hell
Chapter 19 grendel’s mother
Chapter 20 autopsy ii
Chapter 21 killing ground
Chapter 22 the last grendel
Chapter 23 mending walls
Chapter 24 remittance man
Chapter 25 life cycle
Chapter 26 gone fishing
Chapter 27 salvage
Chapter 28 marabunta
Chapter 29 holding
Chapter 30 challenge
Chapter 31 grendels in the mist
Chapter 32 the keep
Chapter 33 the last stand
Chapter 34 hunting party

Camelot Island Map
Avalon Colony Map
First Camp Map
Cadmann's Bluff Map

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