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With the recent abundance of superhero movies, an interesting trend has emerged: in almost all instances where multiple movies about a superhero exist, people seem most drawn to the first movie in the series. Despite the sequels boasting more action, bigger budgets, and more stunning visuals, it is still the humble (by comparison) first movie—the origin story—that we find most compelling and most engaging.

The reason I think we love an origin story is that it lets us get to know heroes when they are ordinary people, before they become larger than life. They suggest that we can become more than what we are. That each of us can transcend our limits to become something greater. That despite seemingly impossible trials or challenges, we can not only overcome them, but in doing so change from ordinary to extraordinary.

It is this tradition that Rites of Passage follows. Within the pages of this anthology are the origins of six characters who, though they don’t know it, are about to become great heroes (or villains, depending on your point of view). They are destined to shape the futures of their nations, and in so doing, the future of the Iron Kingdoms itself. These stories set the stage for the journey these characters are about to take and provide a candid, personal insight into the very real fears and trepidations each feels as they struggle to discover their place in the war-torn world of the Iron Kingdoms. It is our hope that subsequent stories involving these characters will be all the richer for getting to know them first and seeing how each was set upon the path to greatness.

In addition to serving as a beginning for these new characters, Rites of Passage itself represents an even greater origin story for Privateer Press and WARMACHINE—Privateer Press’ hugely successful WARMACHINE: Tactics video game Kickstarter project begun with game developer partner WhiteMoon Dreams. For the first time the adrenaline-fueled action of the WARMACHINE tabletop game will come to life on the screen. Players around the world will have the chance to see the world through the eyes of these young warcasters as they continue the story in glorious high resolution on their own desktops.

It is with great enthusiasm that we invite you to take part in Rites of Passage. We hope that once you finish these tales you are as excited as we are by these characters and look forward to the stories that are yet to come!

William Shick

Privateer Press Director of Business Development

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