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The shuttle hovered right next to the landing pad. Its pilot positioned it so that the rear platform was above the plasteel grille, which had the shape of a circle with a diameter of one hundred and fifty feet. This large military vessel was too heavy to be supported by the structure crowning the top of the twenty-one-hundred-foot-tall tower of the colony’s administration building, housing the Board offices.

Henryan disembarked first, followed by the rest of the crew. Everyone, Hondo included, was wearing a fully equipped space suit, even though not one person from the delegation awaiting them on the other side of the landing pad used any visible breathing aids. The same was true for the service staff. They bustled around the pad without breathing apparatus. Feeling a sudden blast of air behind his back, Henryan glanced over his shoulder. The shuttle had disappeared behind the edge of the landing pad, right after the last soldier set foot on the grille, in order to join the rest of the squadron in a nearby spaceport.

Darski strode toward the jetbridge leading to a glazed air lock from which a modest welcoming committee emerged, consisting of three men and a very attractive brunette.

Dressed in a simple but very tight burgundy dress, the woman was the head of the delegation. The clinging fabric, apparently non-synthetic, emphasized her curves in a way rarely seen on orbital stations and spaceships. Her tanned arms were completely bared, as were her legs, exposed up to above her knees. As for the face, Darski switched his focus to it when he was halfway there. She seemed very young, couldn’t have been more than forty, and her looks … She must have been a local beauty, especially with that thick makeup. Obligatory shadows on her cheeks and a wide strip of black from one temple to the other, bringing out her eyes. The bald spot on top of her head, in keeping with the latest fashion trends, was masked by a thick hairy material reminiscent of fur.

The men who accompanied her weren’t so impressive. One was ruddy and fat, the other two could have been brothers if they had not—

Henryan froze in mid-stride. Something was trickling down the visor of his helmet. When he looked at his space suit, he noticed many glittering, fast vaporizing droplets. He lifted his head and simultaneously reached for the computer on his wrist, but stopped his finger just above the key that activated the personal force field. Something big and gray seemed to be drifting across the Delta’s blue skies. Was it … dripping? Darski smeared one of the droplets on his visor and put his fingertip to the scanner.

“It’s just the rain,” he heard, a second before the computer had finished analyzing the liquid.

H2O with small quantities of other, fortunately harmless elements. Henryan glowered at the smiling hosts, super embarrassed. Even before he introduced himself, he’d made a spatial goof of himself, who didn’t know that on oxygen-rich planets atmospheric moisture condensation is a normal process.

He straightened up hastily, glancing at the soldiers standing behind him; most of them also stared at the sky or tried to catch the droplets. At least they didn’t notice his blunder.

“Welcome to Delta, Captain,” the brunette said, genuinely amused. “My name’s Ninadine Truffaut. I’m an Etoile Blanc third-level manager. The gentlemen who accompany me are … Jeantoine Lescaud, our chief of police.” She pointed to one of the square-shouldered, bald as a coot, big guys who seemed to be twins from a distance. “Xavieric Dupree, acting director of the mine.” Henryan bowed his head, responding to a similar gesture. “And this is our invaluable Dr. Jerryan Pallance—”

“I’ve got to see the colony’s CEO. At once!” Darski interrupted her unceremoniously because he’d already understood that none of them represented the actual Board. Faced with some petty officials, he was truly indignant. Every minute of delay meant leaving more colonists on Delta.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Mountavon is not available.” The brunette still had a smile on her face, though she must have felt offended by his rude reaction.

“Then please take me immediately to the person in charge.”

“I’m trying to explain that—”

“Don’t bother. I think it would be best if you just showed me the way to the Board offices. There’s no time for idle chatter.”

Hondo cleared his throat meaningfully.

“What’s going on?” Darski glanced at the lieutenant over his shoulder.

“You’re looking at the colony’s management.” Toranosukenjiro smiled apologetically, tapping his finger on the holopad.

Darski bit his lip. Another blooper, he thought. This mission is far too important to screw it up like this. The colonists have to obey me implicitly if I’m to make the plan work.

And the worst was still ahead of him.

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