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She breathed gently upon

the woman's sleeping face . . .

The woman opened her eyes and looked into the mare's blue gaze. She seemed confused but not frightened, and after a moment she sat up slowly, moving cautiously as if for fear of alarming the horse. The horse was not alarmed. She suffered the woman to stroke her nose and pat her face before she backed away. . . . She had timed it perfectly. The woman came after her as if drawn on a rope, making soft, affectionate noises. The mare moved as if uneasy, still backing, and then, abruptly flirtatious, offered her back, an invitation to the woman to mount. . . .

Feeling her rider in place, legs clasped firmly on her sides, the mare leaped skyward with more speed than grace. She felt the woman gasp. . . .

—from "Riding the Nightmare" by Lisa Tuttle

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