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“It is said of the British Empire's acquisition of the Indian subcontinent that they did not so much conquer India as win the prize in a fit of absentmindedness. Although exaggeration, there is a modicum of reality in the statement. For the truth is that the greatest jewel in Victoria's crown was won in large part through a streak of luck—bad luck for the indigenous peoples and good luck for the inhabitants of what otherwise might have been just another sleepy island nation.

“Nor can we modern humans make any great claims for our own recent acquisitions. Oh, we speak loudly of our own prowess, and celebrate the memories of the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to our cause. Still, we should not lose sight of the undeniable fact that we were lucky, perhaps far luckier than we deserved. I therefore ask you, my fellow citizens of Sol, to join me in an exercise in humility. Consider for a moment all the things that might have gone wrong—”

From a Victory Speech by the

Right Honorable Jonathan Ambrose

To the World Parliament

12 October 2356

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