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WE ARE ALL haunted.

That’s not to say we’ve all got ghosts chasing us around. That would be easy.

But we all are haunted by one thing or another. A deed we have done, or not done. An event in the past that changed us forever. A missed opportunity. A loved one’s death. Our unhealthy desires and habits.

Or by our phobias. We all have them. Heights, spiders, snakes, food: you name it, we’ve got it.

And what we do about what haunts us makes us human. For better or for worse. Do we address these dark spots in our lives head-on? Or do we avoid them, or ignore them?

In any case, we’re all haunted. Which is why this Dark Delicacies volume is appropriately titled Haunted.

Welcome to our third collection. And thanks for picking us up. This time around, our stellar group of contributors has cooked up a stewpot full of stories of people who are haunted. And yes, even by ghosts. But that’s just for starters, as you will soon see.

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