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The seven cantons of Ar-Khendye have been ruled for centuries by the House of Memizhon which claims direct descent from the god Mithiel.

The Court of the House of Memizhon

The Arkhan Melmeth Ruler of the Seven Cantons known collectively as Ar-Khendye, and head of the House of Memizhon The Arkhys Clodolë His consort The Haute Zhudiciar Jhafir Prime Minister with responsibility for justice in Ar-Khendye The Torella Sarilla Noblewoman Torella/Torellan Noblewoman/man owning estates in the Seven Cantons NB – the Arkhan is given the honorary title of Haute Torellan of the palace of Myn-Dhiel.

The Tarkhas Memizhon (The Blues)

The Arkhan’s bodyguard – also known as his ‘Clan’ – are a select band of chosen men.

The Tarkhas Zhudiciar (The Reds)

The bodyguard of the Haute Zhudiciar, with special responsibility for law-enforcement throughout Ar-Khendye.

Tarkhas Officers

Razhirrakh Champion bladesman Tarrakh Officer in charge of the training of tarkhastars and fighting slaves

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