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Clockwork Angels is a project that spans so much imagination and so many forms of media that I can only express thanks for those who had a part of my part of the endeavor.

Starting at the top, none of this would have happened without Rush and their album Clockwork Angels, so thanks to Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and of course Neil Peart (I am so glad you brought me along on a journey that was as exciting and amazing as Owen Hardy’s). Pegi Cecconi and Bob Farmer at Core Music helped with the complexity of licensing and paperwork to make the project happen. And Hugh Syme, who provided such inspiration with his incredible artwork for the album and the novel.

At ECW Press, publishers of the novel, David Caron, Jack David, Jennifer Knoch, Erin Creasey, Sarah Dunn, Tania Craan, Troy Cunningham, Alexis van Straten, Michelle Melski and many others turned this storuy into a wonderful hardcover book to be proud of, and a fine launching point for the comics.

BOOM! Studios deserves a big round of thanks for “getting” it—Ross Richie, Matt Gagnon, and Filip Sablik, who got on board with the project right away, and our intrepid editors Ian Brill and Jasmine Amiri made the six issues a pleasure to work on, Andy Liegl and Mel Caylo helped spread the word with their tireless crusading.

And of course Nick Robles, for bringing it all to life with his artwork.

For this book of the collected scripts: what can I say? We have an awesome team at WordFire Press. Special thanks to Peter J. Wacks, Vivian Trask, Quincy J. Allen, James S. Sams, Keith Olexa, and David Boop. Special applause to Janet McDonald for her outstanding cover design.

And, as always, my co-publisher, collaborator, and lifelong companion, Rebecca Moesta.

Don’t stop thinking big!

—Kevin J. Anderson


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