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I almost refused to let these tales see the light of day. In fact, I stopped writing Skeleton & Dust in order to write Mercy, and was very surprised when I felt the need to return to it and finish it. These stories are very epic, bits and pieces outside of the main storyline that add character and depth. All of my BETA readers agreed however that Skeleton & Dust was a story that needed to be told, even if that story was short.

I’d like to thank Natasha Heck as always for standing by me, along with Melanie Chartier, Nichole Patraw and Robyn Leanne Smith for being amazing Beta Readers. I never know whether or not I have done a good job until you ladies are squeeing your faces off.

I’d also like to thank my Michael, Sapphyre and Jade for being the best family any author could ask for.


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