Many people offered their support and enthusiasm for the Star Challengers project. In particular, we would like to thank Pam Peterson, Dan Barstow, and Bill Readdy of the Challenger Centers for Space Science Education; Loren Coleman at Catalyst Game Labs; John Silbersack at Trident Media Group; Diane Jones and Louis Moesta at WordFire, Inc.; John Olson and Doug Craig from NASA; astronaut Scott Parazynski (what better expert than someone who’s actually been there!); Mary Thomson for transcribing the chapters; Rose & Bill Narva; Don Rodgers for cheering us on; June’s grandchildren who encouraged and offered their suggestions; space artist Bob McCall (deceased) and astronaut entrepreneur Richard Garriott, who helped create the Challenger Center design; Tracy Knauss for allowing us to reproduce his “moonwalker” autograph collection; Allen Steele a for getting us together in the first place; Barbara Eustis and our CLC flight directors and teachers everywhere who believe in reaching for the stars.
And special thanks to Susan Weikel Morrison.