
The Daedalus Incident

Mars is supposed to be dead…

Bizarre quakes are rumbling over the long-dormant tectonic plates of the planet, disrupting its trillion-dollar mining operations and driving scientists past the edges of theory and reason. However, when rocks shake off their ancient dust and begin to roll—seemingly of their own volition—carving canals as they converge to form a towering structure amid the ruddy terrain, Lt. Jain and her JSC team realize that their routine geological survey of a Martian cave system is anything but. The only clues they have stem from the emissions of a mysterious blue radiation, and a 300-year-old journal that is writing itself.

Lt. Thomas Weatherby of His Majesty’s Royal Navy is an honest 18th-century man of modest beginnings, doing his part for King and Country aboard the HMS Daedalus, a frigate sailing the high seas between continents…and the immense Void between the Known Worlds.

With the aid of his fierce captain, a drug-addled alchemist, and a servant girl witha remarkable past, Weatherby must track a great and powerful mystic, who has embarked upon a sinister quest to upset the balance of the planets—the consequences of which may reach far beyond the Solar System, threatening the veryfabric of space itself.

Cover Art and Design by Victoria Maderna and Federico Piatti
Interior Layout and Design by Amy Popovich

ORDER Paperback

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

First printing, May 2013

Distributed by Night Shade Books
An Imprint of Start Publishing LLC
New York, New York

eISBN: 978-1-59780-473-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-59780-472-1

Copyright 2013 by Michael J. Martinez

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

Night Shade Books
An Imprint of Start Publishing LLC
New York, New York

Electronic version by Baen Books
