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in no particular order:

Yoli and Toni who, in their different ways, put up with me, Steve Saintonge, TBR (the Kriegsmarine contingent of the bar), Ori Pomerantz, James Lane, Jack Withrow, Tom Wallis, Thomas Mandell, Jasper Paulsen, Matt Pethybridge, Conrad Chu, John Becker, Patrick Horne, Sam Swindell, ARRSE (even if they don’t know it), Bill Crenshaw, Andy and Fehrenbach at old Cambrai-Fritsch Kaserne, Dan Neely, T2M, Henrik Kiertzner, Greg Dougherty, Keith Glass, Leonid Panfil, Ernest Paxton, Chris Bagnall, Jeremy Levitt, Bruce Cook, Sheinkin, Keith Wilds, Krenn, Charles Krin, MD, Mark Bjertnes, Alex Shishkin, Robert Hofrichter, Ned Brickley, John Biltz, Seamus Curran, Emeye, DanielRH, Tom Lindell, Arun Prabhu, Jacob Tito, Nigel the Kiwi, Joseph Turner, Dan Kemp, Robespierre, Jon LaForce, John Prigent, Phillip “Doc” Wohlrab, Chris Nuttall, Brian Carbin, Joseph Capdepon II, Mike Watson, Michal Swierczek, Harry Russell, James Gemind, Mike May, Guy Wheelock, Paul Arnold, Andrew Stocker, Nomad the Turk, Paul 11, Geoff Withnell, Joe Bond, Rod Graves, Mike Sayer, Jeff Wilkes, Bob Allaband, John Jordan, Wade Harlow,

If I’ve forgotten anyone, chalk it up to premature senility.

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