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30 miles west-northwest of Delta

Colonel Del Buhrman waved his hand downward and the sixty men within view around him sank out of sight into the brush and trees. He pulled himself down behind a rock wreathed with bushes and peered ahead. A Russian soldier, his rifle carelessly resting across his shoulder, briefly ambled toward them.

Buhrman rested his elbows on the rock and eased the rifle barrel through the bushes, centered his sights on the man’s chest and waited. His index finger caressed the trigger.

The soldier stopped, peered back down the trail, and shrugged. He turned around and disappeared.

Colonel Buhrman pushed on the safety and moved the weapon to his side. Captain Coffey slid up next to him.

“What’s the good word?”

“They have no idea we’re back here. Pass the word that the guys have done an excellent job of being invisible and Colonel Buhrman is pleased.”

“If I knew where they were, I’d tell Benny’s guys that too.”

“Joe,” Buhrman’s glance held a smile, “they might not even be out here. Wherever they’re at, we’re all on the same side.”

“Sometimes it’s hard to tell. You know that Benny will be where the action is, and that’s out here. Maybe I should have joined the Rangers. At least I’d get my name in the paper on a regular basis.”

“Notoriety is a double-edged sword, Captain Coffey. If they don’t know who you are, they can’t blame you for not living up to their expectations.”

“How do you do it? No matter what I say, you point out how good I got it—and I always believe you!”

Colonel Buhrman laughed. “That’s one of the things I like about you, Joe, you’re gullible.”

They laughed quietly together.

“Tell Major Smolst I’d like to see him,” Colonel Buhrman said.

“Right away.” Captain Coffey vanished silently into the brush.

Colonel Buhrman leaned against a tree a few feet from the large rock and slid down to a sitting position. He appreciated the respite but his eyes constantly moved over the terrain ahead of him.

Major Smolst suddenly squatted next to him. “You wanted to see me, Colonel?”

“You’re good, Heinrich. I didn’t hear you coming.”

“I didn’t want you to, sir.”

“You’re ex-Troika Guard, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir. Over twenty years.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re on our side and not theirs.” Buhrman nodded toward the rock in front of him. “How many Dená are with you?”

“A hundred and ninety-five, not counting me.”

“Any of your guys know this country?”

“Two are from Delta, and have hunted this area all their lives.”

“Perfect. I’d like to speak with them at their earliest convenience.”

Smolst nodded. “I’ll go get them now. You going to be in this spot?”


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