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Three Flags and Two Brothers

Table of Contents

The Three Flags
The Brothers
Shock Trooper
Part One: Pre-Military Life
1: Family
2: Pre-Induction
Part Two: Military Service
3: Induction & Basic Training
4: Leave & Route to Okinawa
5: Infantry Weapons & Equipment
6: Combat on Okinawa
7: Wounded, Hospital, and Rehab
8: 7th Infantry on Okinawa: Combat Observations
9: Post-Hospital Military
10: U.S. Navy Aircraft Carriers & Aircraft
11: Gilbert Rees, Navy 1942-1949
Color Album
Part Three: Post-Military Life
12: Gilbert Rees - Post Navy
13: Holly Rees - Post Infantry
14: Marriage and Family
15: Employment to Retirement
16: Church, Faith, and Religion
17: Avocations and Public Service
18: Health Care and Giving
Part Four: Conflicts & Resolutions
19: Return to Okinawa
20: Honoring Death: The Rising Sun Flag
21: On Combat, Killing, and Forgiveness

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