
Hour of the Gremlins


Hour of the Horde by Gordon R. Dickson: The Horde roved the galaxies, stripping whole star systems of life. As they advance on our galaxy, the Milky Way, a galaxy-wide force hastily arrayed to stop them. But Miles Vander, the warrior sent by Earth to join the defense, must first convince his alien crew/members that he is just as good a soldier as they.

Wolfling by Gordon R. Dickson: Earth was a primitive outpost, its people dubbed "wolflings" by the rulers of the galactic empire. Jim Kell was sent to the High-Born ruler's Throne World, with orders only to observeuntil he cast away his orders from Earth and proved himself a Wolflinq indeed.

Gremlins Go Home by Gordon R. Dickson and Ben Bova: Suppose that elves, gremlins, and leprechauns are really tiny aliens marooned on Earth for hundreds of years. They want to go home, and human technology finally can make it possibleif they_can get aboard NASA's Mars rocket and hijack it! Pity the poor human who has to help them. . . .

Publisher's Note:
The three novels comprising this volume, Hour of the Horde, Wolfling, and Gremlins Go Home, are unconnected, except perhaps by the theme of aliens vs. humans on the close-encounter level. Each has been published separately, but Hour of the Gremlins is their first combined publication. The publisher is solely responsible for the title, Hour of the Gremlins.

"Dickson is among the best storytellers we have ever had."
Poul Anderson

"I believe that by far the author that will have the greatest effect on the scientific world and the world as a whole is Ben Bova."
Ray Bradbury

"[Bova's] excellence at combining hard science with believable characters and an attention grabbing plot makes him one of the genre's most entertaining storytellers.
Library Journal

Cover art by Csanad Novak


This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

First printing, December 2002

Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Printed in the United States of America

ISBN: 0-7434-3569-9

Gremlins Go Home © 1974 by St. Martin's Press, 1983 by Ben Bova & Gordon R. Dickson;
Hour of the Horde © 1970 by Gordon R. Dickson;
© 1968 by Gordon R. Dickson.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471

Production by Windhaven Press
Auburn, NH

Electronic version by WebWrights

Baen Books by Gordon R. Dickson

The Magnificent Wilf

Hoka! Hoka! Hoka!

(with Poul Anderson)

Hokas Pokas
(with Poul Anderson)

Baen Books by Ben Bova

The Exiles Trilogy
The Watchmen
