Dear Author:
We publish only science fiction and fantasy. Writers familiar with what we have published in the past will know what sort of material we are most likely to publish in the future: powerful plots with solid scientific and philosophical underpinnings are the sine qua non for consideration for science fiction submissions. As for fantasy, any magical system must be both rigorously coherent and integral to the plot, and overall the work must at least strive for originality.
Those manuscripts which survive the "first cut" as outlined above are then judged primarily on plot and characterization.
Style: Simple is generally better; in our opinion good style, like good breeding, never calls attention to itself.
Payment rates: very competitive.
Preferred length: 100,000 - 130,000 words Generally we are uncomfortable with manuscripts under 100,000 words, but if your novel is really wonderful send it along regardless of length.
Submission procedures:
Query letters are not necessary. We prefer to see complete manuscripts accompanied by a synopsis. We prefer not to see simultaneous submissions.
Electronic Submissions:
Electronic submissions are strongly preferred.
We no longer accept submissions by email. Too much spam.
Send your manuscript by using the submission form at:
No disks unless requested.
Attach the manuscript as a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. Any other format will not be considered.
Send the manuscript as a single file (do not break it into separate chapter files). The form only accepts a single file so any synopsis and contact info needs to be in the file with your manuscript.
Your submission must include your name, email address*, postal mailing address, and telephone number on both your cover letter and the first page of the manuscript. *[If you have an alternate permanent email address, please include it, in case your primary account goes out of service.] Include a plot outline if possible.
Spelling and grammar checkers are tools, nothing more. Do not trust them to proofread your manuscript for you.
Minimal formatting, please. Do not format text boxes or sidebars into the manuscript; use block quotes. Indent paragraphs; center chapter headers and scene break indicators (###, ***, etc.); use page breaks only at the end of chapters. For emphasis, choose either underline or italics and use it consistently throughout. Try to avoid bold face, as it tends not to show up.
Do not use "smart quotes"/curly quotes or single character elipses, mdashes, etc. Use straight quotes and apostrophes, . . ., --, etc.
Avoid non-standard fonts, and unnecessary changes in font face, size, etc. Publisher likes CG Omega and Lucida Bright. Typesetter likes any standard bookface, Time Roman or Courier. Make it readable, or we won't read it. If something needs special formattingóe.g., small caps for a certain entity's dialogóexplain it in a cover letter.
Include, if you like, your ideal cover treatment, including cover copy, a teaser page, and whatever else you would like. (But don't try to "sell" the story in a cover letter. It will stand or fall on its own merits.)
NOTE: Any viruses attached to your submission will send your manuscript straight into the bit-bucket.
Hardcopy Submissions: (for those who cannot submit electronically)
Standard manuscript format only: double-spaced, one side of the page only, 1 1/2" margins on all four sides of the page. We will consider photocopies if they are dark and clear.
Font must be readable, or we won't read it. This means seriphed or at least semi-seriphed, 12-point or greater. Publisher likes CG Omega and Lucida Bright. Typesetter likes any standard bookface, Times Roman or Courier.
Title, author (last name only is okay), and page number at the top of each page are mandatory. Include your name, mailing address, and telephone number on the first page.
All submissions should be accompanied by a stamped return envelope. Submissions from outside the U.S. should be accompanied by sufficient International Reply Coupons.
Please send manuscripts toBaen Books
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471
Reporting time: usually within 9 to 12 Months. (Sorry, we get lots of manuscripts.)
Thank you for thinking of Baen Books.
The Editors