
Bolo Strike


And this Victor is fully capable of raking them in, a Bolo Mark XXXIII of the 4th Regiment, Second Brigade, First Confederation Mobile Army Corps, in the vanguard of an all-out Bolo strike against the planet Caern. The enemy is the Aetryx, shadowy, unknown beings who enslave other species with nothing less than the promise of immortality. As a savage, interstellar war begins, Colonel Jon Streicher prepares to lead Victor and the rest of his regiment in that most difficult of tactical evolutions�planetary invasion.

But D-Day turns into a disaster, and Caern is a deadly trap. Colonel Streicher and his command team find themselves stranded on the target planet, desperately attempting to survive the hellfire chaos of modern warfare, as Bolo faces Bolohuman hybrid in a cataclysmic showdown that will uncover unexpected truths, reveal hidden secrets, and even call into question the loyalty of the Dinochrome Brigade itself.

For just what will happen if the Aetryx aren't slavers after all, but literal gods who can make good on their promise of eternal life?

The Dinochromes are about to find out.


William H. Keith, Jr. has published over 50 novels, both science fiction and military techno-thrillers. Among his popular series are the "Warstrider" and "Seals: The Warrior Breed" series for Avon Books. His Tactics of Duty for the "Battle Tech" series (Roc) won the 1995 Award for Best Game Related Fiction. His Baen novels include the genre bestsellers Bolo Brigade and Bolo Rising, and, in collaboration with Babylon 5 star Peter Jurasik, the science fiction comedy adventure Diplomatic Act.

Keith Laumer was renowned as a master of exciting fast-paced action stories and novels. A former Air Force officer and also at one time a Foreign Service Officer, Laumer's experience led to his two most popular series: the hilarious adventures of Retief, the galaxy's only two-fisted diplomat, and the Bolos.

Illustration by Dru Blair
Cover design by Carol Russo Design

ORDER Hardcover

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

First printing, September 2001

Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Printed in the United States of America

ISBN: 0-671-31835-7

Copyright © 2001 by Bill Fawcett and Associates

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.

A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471

Production by Windhaven Press
Auburn, NH

Electronic version by WebWrights


The Compleat Bolo by Keith Laumer

Created by Keith Laumer:
The Honor of the Regiment
The Unconquerable
The Triumphant by David Weber & Linda Evans
Last Stand
Old Guard
Bolo Brigade by William H. Keith, Jr.
Bolo Rising by William H. Keith, Jr.


Diplomatic Act (with Peter Jurasik)
